海底总动员 FINDING NEMO 影片简介 导演及主角 主题曲 经典对白 海报剧照 电影片段 成员 观后感


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Presentation transcript:

海底总动员 FINDING NEMO 影片简介 导演及主角 主题曲 经典对白 海报剧照 电影片段 成员 观后感 制作小组: gaoyi16g5

about helping with the fish Dory temporary amnesia, In the beautiful underwater world, there lived a strange one pair of his brothers, because the sea hidden crises, love son anxious father Marin always carefully nurtured by the people who fish with his son Nemo. Nemo was the father of excessive protection,but would like to break away from restrictions. One day, driven by curiosity Nemo was caught diving husband, was brought to Sydney for a dental clinic in the baby. To find great sense of urgency Marin son, a brave start Qianlixin trip in the way he has encountered enthusiastic about helping with the fish Dory temporary amnesia, although verbose and always do not remember the name of Nemo, Dory have literacy skills, along with two colleagues of the dangers, including a group would like to quit eating habits are often realized shark buildings, There was always a seagull chase in hunger! Marin and Dory must turtle crossing with the help of the East like a vortex Australia ocean currents,we need to think of ways across the sea on land, can save their own son to the streets of Sydney. 电影简介 小资料: 本片荣获第76届奥斯卡电影: 最佳动画片: 《海底总动员》Finding Nemo 最佳电影配乐: 最佳音效剪辑: 最佳原创剧本: 故事描述在美丽的澳洲大堡礁海域中,活泼好动的小丑鱼尼莫,不幸被专门收藏观赏用鱼的潜水人士捉到,被卖入悉尼一间牙科诊所中,成为鱼缸中众多观赏鱼的一分子。尼莫开始必须面对一群陌生又怪异的新朋友,还得担心如何能与父亲老爸团聚;而另一方面,心急如焚的老爸决心要远度重洋试图找到尼莫,沿路上还遇见了热心助人,但只有短暂记忆的帝王鱼多莉。他们不畏艰险踏上了营救尼莫的惊险旅程;而老爸是否能顺利的营救尼莫,父子重新团圆呢… … 首页 年 代:2003 导 演:安德鲁·史坦顿 (Andrew Stanton) / Lee Unkrich 编 剧:安德鲁·史坦顿 (Andrew Stanton) / Bob Peterson 类 型:冒险 / 动画 / 家庭 / 喜剧 别 名:海底总动员(中)/海底总动员(台)/海底奇兵(港) 主要配 奥斯汀·彭德尔顿 艾伯特·布鲁克斯 威利姆·达福 音演员: 杰弗里·拉什 安德鲁·史坦顿 慧琪·李维士 艾伦·狄珍妮丝 比尔·亨特 阿利森·詹尼 主题曲 经典对白 海报剧照 电影片段 成员 观后感

Robbie Williams 罗比·威廉姆斯 Beyond the Sea Robbie Williams 罗比·威廉姆斯 Somewhere beyond the sea Somewhere waiting for me My lover stands on golden sands And watches the ships that go sailing Somewhere beyond the sea She's there watching for me If I could fly like birds on high Then straight to her arms I'd go sailing It's far beyond the stars, it's near beyond the moon I know beyond a doubt My heart will lead me there soon We'll meet beyond the shore We'll kiss just like before Happy we'll be beyond the sea And never again I'll go sailing I know beyond a doubt My heart will lead me there soon We'll meet, I know we'll meet beyond the shore We'll kiss just as before Happy we'll be beyond the sea And never again I'll go sailing No more sailing ,so long sailing Bye-bye ,sailing… … 首页 影片简介 导演及主角 海报剧照 电影片段 成员 观后感 经典对白: 1.莫林:其实你是不行的!不行!尼莫! 尼莫:我恨你! 黑鱼:有人会找你的,会的。 尼莫:他不会再找我,我伤透了他的心。 2.大海龟:让他们出去,经历事情,他们会找到回家的路的 莫林:都是由着他们?当他们遇到困难时你怎么知道? 大海龟:你不是真的知道,当他们知道,你知道就太晚了! 小海龟:给我们讲讲吧! 莫林:我住在很远的地方,离这里非常远。我的儿子,尼莫。他生了我的气, 如果我不对他那么凶,他就不会跑了,我不知道他会离开我,他说要走 自己的路,所以甚至阻止他,可是他游得太快了,是的,非常快。 小海龟:你阻止他了吗?他会死吗?离开了海他会怎样? 3.莫林:我答应过她的(尼莫的妈妈),不让他发生任何事的。 多莉:那他就什么事都看不到了!这样有什么意思呢? 大鸟:你爸爸整个海洋地找你呢!他游了不得100多公里,他经历了鲨鱼, 加利鱼。。。他游啊,游啊。。。受了很多苦,就是为了找你。 尼莫:不可能是我爸爸。 大鸟:是吗?他叫什么来着?叫莫林! 尼莫:是我爸爸! 4.莫林:我不想再失去你了! 尼莫:老爸,这是唯一救多莉的方法,没有时间了,只要所有的鱼都用力游动, 我一定会成功的! 莫林:我相信你一定会成功的。听见我儿子的话了吗?用力游动。 5.莫林:噢,宝贝,你会没事的,已经没事了,爸爸在这。 尼莫:咳。。。爸爸我没有恨你。 尼莫:对不起,我忘了点事(游会去)我爱你,爸爸。 莫林:我也爱你,孩子。

首页 影片简介 导演及主角 主题曲 经典对白 成员 观后感

                                                                                                                                                                                         成 员 观 后 感 When I first appreciate < <Finding Nemo > > , I was attracted by it. His father Marlin to son Nemo touches by the love, let me very moving. Nemo efforts to overcome shortcoming will let me admiration. This film reminds me of my past, that love animation, I love fantasy. Yes, although I grown up now, but I can find the document contents again. I like Nemo! ——16. 43 翁晓琼 Finding Nemo movie is about a great father in order to save his children, his overcame shortcomings, and overcame many difficults,he finally rescued his son. The film built a great father image, and tried his best to save his son ,even paid his life. We must cherish thove of father, and also told of we can try our best to overcome the difficulty thought hard work in our lives. ——16. 42 姚洁 After seabed Finding Nemo, I understand our own shortcomings can rely on our own strong to overcome, although Nemo was born with a side of the fins shrinking, but this is still not the courage to risk his hope to draw ordinary. I have also seen the great father of the film, the father Marin try his best to search his son, they encountered many difficulties but can not hinder the search for finding his son. During this process Nemo has grown upang learned strong. This profound film attracts me very much. ——16. 41 刘妍 首页 Finding Nemo is a moving film. On the seabed Clownfish Nemo because he didn‘t listen his father’s word, swim deep alone. It were caught by the hostage people, and got well with the fish in the fish tank. Nemo‘s father in order to find his son,. He over combed many difficulty and find the Nemo.Film shown deep the great father, let me feel the father is great. And let me knowhow to protect ourselves struggling in need growth. ——16. 03 章晓环 影片简介 导演及主角                   Disney/Pixar Finding Nemo. © Disney/Pixar. Licensed by THQ Inc. PC -- Certain technology © 2001- 2003 Amaze Entertainment, Inc. Amaze Entertainment and the Amaze Entertainment/Fizz Factor logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of Amaze Entertainment in the United States and/or other countries. Uses Bink Video Technology. Copyright © 1997-2003 by RAD Game Tools, Inc. Game Boy Advance-- Developed by Vicarious Visions. Vicarious Visions and its logo are trademarks of Vicarious Visions. PlayStation®2, Microsoft Xbox, Nintendo GameCube -- Developed by Traveller's Tales. Traveller's Tales and its logo are trademarks of Traveller's Tales. THQ and the THQ logo are registered trademarks of THQ Inc. All rights reserved. All other trademarks, logos and copyrights are property of their respective owners. FINDING NEMO IS A WALT DISNEY PICTURES PRESENTATION OF A PIXAR ANIMATION STUDIOS FILM. Microsoft, Xbox, and the Xbox logos are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and/or other countries and are used under license from Microsoft. "PlayStation" and the "PS" Family logo are registered trademarks of Sony Computer Entertainment, Inc. TM, ®, Game Boy Advance and the Nintendo GameCube logo are trademarks of Nintendo. © 2001 Nintendo.   主题曲 经典对白 海报剧照 电影片段