the Five-finger Mountains


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Presentation transcript:

the Five-finger Mountains


the Summer Palace

the White House

the Mountain Tai


Do you want to visit these places? Yes,we do./ No,we don’t.

the Great Wall What place is this? It’s a great building in China. It’s very long. It’s very old. the Great Wall

Big Ben What building is this? It’s in London. It has got an old clock on it. Big Ben

the UN building 联合国大厦 What building is this? It’s in New York. It’s very big and very tall. There are many countries in it. the UN building 联合国大厦 UN= 联合国 United Nations building 建筑物、大楼

M9U1 Do you want to visit the UN building?

一、教学目标 : 1.通过听音、看图、提问题、小组合作 交流等形式,能理解课文大意,并能熟 读课文。 2.会用want to 谈论自己的意愿。


Flags from all around the world

a flag from China

中国政府赠送给联合国的一件精美礼品是成昆铁路象牙雕刻艺术品,它艺术地浓缩了中国在险峻山区修建一条铁路干线的伟大创举。 许多国家都向联合国赠送了礼物。

It’s in New York. (New York.) 带着以下问题,听录音。(小组合作) 1.Where is the UN building? 2.IS the UN building big or small? 3.Where are the flags from? 4. How many member states are there in the UN? 5.What’s the present from China? It’s in New York. (New York.) The UN building is big. (Big.) They are from all around the world. There are 193 . (193.) It’s a train.(Train.)


读课文,找出文中有want to的句子. Do you want to visit the UN building? Do you want to go inside? I want to show Daming one of the presents from China. I want to take a photo.

want to 的用法: 1、want to意思为“——” 2、want to do的意思为“————” 想要 For example, I want to ____ (take) a photo. I want to____ (bring) peace to the world. 想要 想要做… V原 take bring

I want to ……. 扩展延伸: play computer games sing songs sleep watch TV ride a bike play basketball

Homework: 1. Listen and read the text.听读课文 Ask where do your parents want to do. 询问父母他们想做什么。

反馈练习: A B A B ( )1.Simon and Daming want to____. A. Visit the UN building B. Visited the UN building ( )2.______want to bring peace to ghe world. A. A country B.191 countries ( )3. Simon wants to_______. A. Show Daming the present from China B. Showing a present ( )4.______ wants to take a photo. A. Simon B. Daming A B A B

take a photo go inside all round the world 遍及全世界 去里面 参观联合国大厦 Visit the UN building 他们想带给全世界和平 They want to bring peace to the world all round the world 遍及全世界 拍照 take a photo 去里面 go inside What a fantastic present 真是一个很棒的礼物

Thank you!