Unit 2 He dicided to be an actor


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Presentation transcript:

Unit 2 He dicided to be an actor Module 10 Life History Unit 2 He dicided to be an actor

Match the month with the seasons. Spring Summer Autumn Winter September Sept. December Dec. March Mar. June Jun. April Apr. January Jan. July Jul. October Oct. May August Aug. February Feb. November Nov.

Great writer of British literary realm William Shakespeare Great writer of British literary realm

Background knowledge 莎士比亚四大悲剧包括《哈姆雷特》、《奥赛罗》、《李尔王》、《麦克白》, 是其悲剧作品中最著名的四部。故事均取自欧洲的历史传说。《哈》剧写的是丹麦王子哈姆雷特回国奔丧,父王鬼魂诉冤,嘱其报仇。王子装疯,安排“戏中戏”,证实了新王杀兄的罪行。错杀大臣后,王子被打发出国,他洞察新王阴谋,中途折回。新王备下毒酒毒剑,挑唆大臣之子与王子决斗,欲置之于死地,最后三人同归于尽,母后也误饮毒酒而死。《奥》剧写的是威尼斯大将、摩尔人奥赛罗与元老之女苔丝狄蒙娜倾心相爱,冲破家庭阻力结为夫妻并一同出征。旗官伊阿古,因个人私怨而设计诬陷台丝狄蒙娜有私情。奥赛罗轻信中计,亲手将妻子掐死,最后真相大白,奥赛罗悔恨交加,拔剑自刎。《李》剧叙述不列颠王李尔将国土全分给了花言巧语的两个大女儿,而将秉性耿直的小女儿远嫁法国。最终遭到长女次女百般虐待,流落荒野,疯癫而死。《麦》剧写苏格兰大将麦克白受女巫诱惑,在野心和夫人的驱使下,杀君自立,后终日被噩梦纠缠,神思恍惚。其妻也发狂自杀而死。最后王子率兵讨伐,麦克白兵败而死。

He wrote many famous book for example: Hamlet, Romeo and Juliet, Venice’s businessman. Today we will learn a famous playwright——William Shakespeare .He was born in 1564 in England. After he finished school. He decided(决定) to be an actor. By 1612 he was England’s most popular playwright. He was die in 1616

His other works 《Macbeth》 《king Lear》 《 Othello 》

His other works Romeo and Juliet

Pre–listening questions: Shakespeare Globe Theatre 莎士比亚环球剧场 Pre–listening questions: Who was Shakespeare? Where was he born? When was he born? How old is he when he died?

First time reading He was a writer of plays and poems. 1. Who was William Shakespeare? 2. When was he born? 3. Where was he born? He was a writer of plays and poems. He was born in 1564. In England.

Second time reading Before reading, guess the order of these words and phrases: be born, die, finish school, have children, marry, move to, start school, be born, start school, finish school, marry, have children, move to, die,

Third time reading Year Events Sentence 1564 be born He was born in 1564. 1578 1582 1592 1599 1616 finish school In 1578, he finished school. He married in 1582. marry move to He moved to London in 1592. open In 1599, the company opened the globe theatre. die He died in 1616.

Reading for verbs 1. He liked … so.decided …at the age of 14. 2. married in 1582…and had 3 3. At the age of 28, moved to… and joined …then became… and started writing… 4. In 1599, the company opened… 5. At the age of 52, died 6. He was… and … Now he is….

Phrases in unit 2 decide to do finish school at the age of have children move to start doing one of… 注意:one of后面一定 跟名词复数 决定做... 毕业 在...岁时 有孩子 搬到... 开始做... ...之一

Write sentences about events in your life 1. At the age of three, _____________________. 2. At six, ________________________________. 3. At nine, _______________________________. 4. At twelve, _____________________________. Possible answers: Our family moved to Beijing. I started school. I helped my mother with housework. I finished primary school.

Ask and report ---What did you do at the age of 2? --- I moved to Gucheng from Haidian. ---What did you do at 5? --- I went to kindergarten. ---… At the age of 2, Bob moved to Gucheng from Haidian. At 5, he went to kindergarden.

Thank You Bye-bye