禱告聚會 Prayer Meeting 週三 Wed 7:00 pm


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禱告聚會 Prayer Meeting 週三 Wed 7:00 pm
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Presentation transcript:

禱告聚會 Prayer Meeting 週三 Wed 7:00 pm 青年聚會 Youth Meeting 週五 Fri 6:30 pm 週六小組 Saturday Group 週六 Sat 7:00 pm 主日崇拜 Sunday Worship 主日 Sun 10:00 am

Please turn off your cell phones, thank you! 請將您的手機關閉,謝謝! Please turn off your cell phones, thank you!

我的盼望 就在耶稣基督里 在你里面 满有平安 生命泉源 就在耶稣基督里 有主在我里面活着 在你里面 满有平安 生命泉源 就在耶稣基督里 有主在我里面活着 All of my hope lies in Jesus Christ alone For I know that He is my peace All of my joy lies in Jesus Christ alone He lives in me forever more

我宣告 在我里面的 比世上一切更有能力 我不属这世界 我高举耶稣的名 Declare “the One who’s within me Is greater than the one in the world” I’m not of this world I belong to Jesus, the King

我宣告 在我里面有 活水涌流 满有能力 有耶稣在我里面活着 我勇敢站立 Declare “the one who’s within me Is greater than the one in the world” I know that the King lives in me I am strengthened in Him

Conquers all of my enemies Is my portion, my victory 有主 在我里面 没有惧怕 能战胜仇敌 没有惧怕 还得胜有余 My Lord, who lives in me Conquers all of my enemies Is my portion, my victory

耶和華已經為 我們行了大事 祂鋪張雲彩當遮蓋 夜間使火光照 Come rejoice for the Lord has done great things for us He gave us clouds as covering And fire to give us light 耶和華已經為 我們行了大事 祂鋪張雲彩當遮蓋 夜間使火光照 耶和華行了大事 1/7 The Lord Has Done Great Things For Us

Come rejoice for the Lord has done great things for us In the desert He has made a river flow 耶和華已經為 我們行了大事 祂在乾旱之處 使水流成河 耶和華行了大事 2/7 The Lord Has Done Great Things For Us

and declare of His works We will celebrate and declare of His works For He is our help we can do mighty things 我們要歡呼 述說祂的作為 我們依靠神 就能施展大能 耶和華行了大事 3/7 The Lord Has Done Great Things For Us

We will sing and praise, shout with joy To tell of His great works For He is my help we can do mighty things 我們要歌頌 要歡呼 述說祂的作為 我們依靠神 就能施展大能 耶和華行了大事 4/7 The Lord Has Done Great Things For Us

耶和華已經為 我們行了大事 祂命令狂風止息 那波浪就平靜 Come rejoice for the Lord has done great things for us He calmed the storm to whisper And stilled the raging sea 耶和華已經為 我們行了大事 祂命令狂風止息 那波浪就平靜 耶和華行了大事 5/7 The Lord Has Done Great Things For Us

耶和華已經為 我們行了大事 祂張開雙手 我們就得飽足 Come rejoice for the Lord has done great things for us He has satisfied our hearts with His good things 耶和華已經為 我們行了大事 祂張開雙手 我們就得飽足 耶和華行了大事 6/7 The Lord Has Done Great Things For Us

祂必帶領選民歡呼向前 祂將列國的地賜給我們 He brings out His people with songs of joy He will take us into His promise lands 祂必帶領選民歡呼向前 祂將列國的地賜給我們 耶和華行了大事 7/7 The Lord Has Done Great Things For Us

耶穌 萬國的盼望 耶穌 憂傷者的安慰 你是我們 屬天永遠盼望 Jesus, hope of all nations Jesus, comfort for all whom mourn You are the source of heaven’s hope on earth 耶穌 萬國的盼望 耶穌 憂傷者的安慰 你是我們 屬天永遠盼望

耶穌 黑暗中光芒 耶穌 凡事中的真理 你是我們 屬天永遠亮光 Jesus, light in the darkness Jesus, truth in each circumstance You are the source of heaven’s light on earth 耶穌 黑暗中光芒 耶穌 凡事中的真理 你是我們 屬天永遠亮光

In history You lived and died You broke the chain, You rose to life 你曾降生 被釘十架 斷開鎖鏈 死裡復活

你是我們 生命盼望 你是我們 磐石倚靠 你是晨星 發光照亮 整個世界 You are the hope living in us You are the rock in whom we trust You are the light Shining for all the world to see 你是我們 生命盼望 你是我們 磐石倚靠 你是晨星 發光照亮 整個世界

你死裡復活 勝過恐懼 平安之王 吸引我們 You rose from the dead conquering fear Our prince of peace drawing us near 你死裡復活 勝過恐懼 平安之王 吸引我們

Living for all who will receive Jesus our hope Living for all who will receive Lord, we believe 耶穌你是 我們唯一生命盼望 主 我相信

我听见主的天军战鼓声 这是天使前进脚步声 耶和华如同烈焰向前行 火焰轮子展开宝座奥秘 I hear the sound of Heaven's battle drums God's thundering Angels marching on Jehovah advances like a roaring fire Wheels of fire unleash God's mysteries

我看见神的约柜向前行 荣耀烟云充满着能力 祭司威武如展开的旌旗 向着迦南同心踏进 I see God's presence move forth as the Ark God’s power fills the glory cloud Your priests are majestic as banners Enter Canaan in unity

约旦河水波涛汹涌涨四溢 这条路向来没人走过 但我信心的眼睛已看见 神在那地竖立旌旗 Jordan River's waters surge and overflow This forged path no one has ever tread Yet through the eyes of Faith I already see God's raised banners claim the new land

约旦河水波涛汹涌涨四溢 这条路向来没人走过 当敬畏自洁在神的面前 耶和华要创作更新 Waves of Jordan crash and billow! Overflow A new path of faith journeyed by none I cleanse my garments in reverence of You LORD Jehovah Creates and Renews

Be Bold and Do not fear 刚强壮胆不要惧怕 将信心坚持到底 刚强壮胆大步前进 Faith persists unto the end Be Courageous! Take great Strides May your faith fight to the end

将起初信心坚持到底 将信心坚持到底 May my faith be as it was at first Faith endures unto the end

The glory of the risen Lord With the beauty of the Lord 諸天宣揚 復活之主的榮耀 誰能相比 我主聖潔美麗 All heaven declares The glory of the risen Lord Who can compare With the beauty of the Lord

The Lamb upon the throne 永遠到永遠 羔羊已掌權 今我歡喜前來 向你屈膝敬拜 Forever You will be The Lamb upon the throne I gladly bow the knee And worship You alone

引我亲近你 永不离开你 今我全然交托给你 听你说我是你朋友 求你引导我 回转归向你 Draw me close to You, never let me go I lay it all down again To hear You say that I’m Your friend Help me find the way, bring me back to You

你是我所爱 无人能相比 世上无一能取代你 我感受你温暖拥抱 求你引导我 回转归向你 You are my desire, no one else will do ‘Cause nothing else could take Your place To feel the warmth of Your embrace Help me find the way, bring me back to You

你是一切 我心所爱心所求 我知你已临近 You’re all I want You’re all I’ve ever needed Help me know You are here

I Believe Your promises I believe Your truthfulness 我相信你的應許 我相信你的愛 我相信你的真實 我相信你 I Believe Your promises I believe Your love I believe Your truthfulness I believe in You

I believe Your loving grace 我相信你的恩典 我相信你能力 我相信你智慧完全 我相信你 I believe Your loving grace I believe Your power I believe Your wisdom I believe in You

我相信你的救贖 我相信你犧牲 我相信你流出寶血 我相信你復活 I believe Your redemption I believe your sacrifice I believe You shed the blood I believe Your resurrection

So here I come to love You 所以我來 為要愛你 所以我來 為要敬拜你 你在我身 作為可畏 我一生敬畏你 So here I come to love You So here I come to worship You You make me whole, my Master I worship You alone

超 自 然 的 信 心

希伯來書十一章1節 現在 信就是所望之事的實底, 是未見之事的確據。

你們得救是本乎恩, 也因著信; 這並不是出於自己, 乃是神所賜的。 以弗所書二章8節 你們得救是本乎恩, 也因著信; 這並不是出於自己, 乃是神所賜的。 37

又有一人蒙這位聖靈 賜他信心, 還有一人蒙這位聖靈 賜他醫病的恩賜, 哥林多前書12:9 又有一人蒙這位聖靈 賜他信心, 還有一人蒙這位聖靈 賜他醫病的恩賜, 38

願平安、仁愛、信心, 從父 神和主耶穌基督 歸與弟兄們 以弗所書6:23 願平安、仁愛、信心, 從父 神和主耶穌基督 歸與弟兄們 39

如今常存的 有信,有望,有愛 這三樣,其中最大的是愛 路加福音13:13 如今常存的 有信,有望,有愛 這三樣,其中最大的是愛 40

17:6主說:你們若有信心像一粒芥菜種,就是對這棵桑樹說:你要拔起根來,栽在海裡,它也必聽從你們。 路加福音17:6;13:2 17:6主說:你們若有信心像一粒芥菜種,就是對這棵桑樹說:你要拔起根來,栽在海裡,它也必聽從你們。 13:2 我若有先知講道之能,也明白各樣的奧祕,各樣的知識,而且有全備的信,叫我能夠移山,卻沒有愛,我就算不得甚麼。 41

蝗蟲、蝻子、螞蚱、剪蟲 那些年所吃的, 我要補還你們。 約珥 書二章25節 蝗蟲、蝻子、螞蚱、剪蟲 那些年所吃的, 我要補還你們。 42

因為錫安一劬勞便生下兒女,這樣的事誰曾聽見?誰曾看見呢? 以賽亞書六十六章8節 國豈能一日而生? 民豈能一時而產? 因為錫安一劬勞便生下兒女,這樣的事誰曾聽見?誰曾看見呢? 43

立下信心 信心將永恆帶入時間之上期待將有事要發生 所以你事先讚美神 行動要跟上一起來跳舞;揚聲歡呼 得著神蹟