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Good afternoon

Audrey Hepburn

Hepburn passed away on 10th January 1993 Introduction Lineage : Belgium、Netherlands 、England and Ireland Nationality : England Birthday : 1929.5.4 Birthplace : Belgium Constellation : Taurus Blood type : AB Hepburn passed away on 10th January 1993

Charity Audrey Hepburn was a great humanitarian,she developed much of her time to charity.She spent the last few years of her life working closely with UNICEF to help poor children in different parts of the world.She was honoured with a number of awards because of her efforts in this area.In 1992,the President of the United States presented her with the Presidential Medal of Freedom for her charity work.

Famous movies Monte Carlo Baby 1951 Roman Holiday 1953 Ondine 1954 Funny Face Breakfast at Tiffany's My Fair Lady Always 1951 1953 1954 1957 1961 1964 1989

Roman Holiday Plot of the film Princess Anne embarks on a highly publicized tour of Europian capitals. When she and her royal entourage arrive in Rome, she begins to rebel against her restricted, regimented schedule. One night Anne sneaks out of her room, hops into the back of a delivery truck and escapes her luxurious confinement. However, a sedative she was forced to take earlier starts to take effect, and the princess is soon fast asleep on a public bench. She is found by Joe Bradley, an American newspaper reporter stationed in Rome. He takes her back to his apartment. The next morning Joe dashes off to cover the Princess Anne press conference, unaware that she is sleeping on his couch! Once he realizes his good fortune, Joe promises his editor an exclusive interview with the princess. Written by filmfactsman

Roman Holiday 为什么 席慕容 ——谨以此诗献给《罗马假日》 我可以锁住我的笔 为什么 却锁不住爱和忧伤 在长长的一生里 为什么 席慕容    ——谨以此诗献给《罗马假日》   我可以锁住我的笔   为什么   却锁不住爱和忧伤   在长长的一生里   欢乐总是乍现就凋落   走得最急的都是   最美的时光

Roman Holiday 黑白胶片的经典 在威廉·惠勒导演的坚持下,派拉蒙同意开赴罗马实地拍摄,但条件是预算控制在一百万以内。为了节约经费,惠勒不得不作出改拍黑白片的决定。具有讽刺意义的是最初他坚持要去罗马实地拍摄的主要原因就是想用彩色胶片表现罗马的美丽风光,却在无意中成就了黑白片的经典。20世纪末期,有人建议把《罗马假日》彩化,遭到多数人的反对,至今我们看到的仍是黑白背景的,有些东西是不需要被改变的。

Roman Holiday
