蔡老師 http://edu.ocac.gov.tw/biweekly/classics/index.htm 弟子規 蔡老師 http://edu.ocac.gov.tw/biweekly/classics/index.htm.


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蔡老師 http://edu.ocac.gov.tw/biweekly/classics/index.htm 弟子規 蔡老師 http://edu.ocac.gov.tw/biweekly/classics/index.htm

弟子規1 弟子規 聖人訓 首孝弟 次謹信 汎愛眾 而親仁 有餘力 則學文 dì zǐ guī shèng rén xùn 弟子規 聖人訓 dì zǐ guī shèng rén xùn 首孝弟 次謹信 shǒu xiào tì cì jǐn xìn 汎愛眾 而親仁 fàn ài zhòng ér qīn rén 有餘力 則學文 yǒu yú lì zé xué wén

Di Zi Gui - 1 Rules for Children talks about the advices given by wise men from ancient times. First, you must obey your parents, respect your older siblings, love your younger siblings, be careful in your speech, and keep your promise to others. You should have a generous love towards others, and try to befriend people with good manners. If you can do the above and still have energy left, you can proceed to study literature and other knowledge.

弟子規 聖人訓 首孝弟 次謹信 汎愛眾 而親仁 有餘力 則學文 弟子規1 弟子規 聖人訓 首孝弟 次謹信 汎愛眾 而親仁 有餘力 則學文

弟子規2 父母呼 應勿緩 父母命 行勿懶 父母教 須敬聽 父母責 須順承 fù mŭ hū yìng wù huăn 父母呼 應勿緩 fù mŭ hū yìng wù huăn 父母命 行勿懶 fù mŭ mìng xíng wù lăn 父母教  須敬聽 fù mŭ jiào xūjìng tīng 父母責 須順承 fù mŭ zé xū shùn chéng

Di Zi Gui - 2 When our parents call on us, we should answer without delay. When our parents ask us to do something, we should not be lazy but do it immediately. When our parents lecture us, we must take their words to heart. When our parents reproach us, we must follow their wishes.

父母呼 應勿緩 父母命 行勿懶 父母教 須敬聽 父母責 須順承 弟子規2 父母呼 應勿緩 父母命 行勿懶 父母教 須敬聽 父母責 須順承

弟子規3 冬則溫 夏則凊 晨則省 昏則定 出必告 反必面 居有常 業無變 dōng zé wēn xià zé jìng 冬則溫  夏則凊 dōng zé wēn xià zé jìng 晨則省  昏則定 chén zé xǐng hūn zé dìng 出必告  反必面 chū bì gào făn bì miàn 居有常  業無變 jū yǒu cháng yè wú biàn

Di Zi Gui - 3 In the winter you should make sure your parents stay warm, while in the summer you should make sure your parents stay cool. You should say good morning to your parents after you wake up, and after you return home, you should tell your parents what happened while you were out, so as not to let them worry. When you go out, you should let your parents know where you are going. When you come home, you should let them know you're back, so as not to let them worry. Don't change the place where you live or the job you have often, so as not to let your parents worry.

冬則溫 夏則凊 晨則省 昏則定 出必告 反必面 居有常 業無變 弟子規3 冬則溫 夏則凊 晨則省 昏則定 出必告 反必面 居有常 業無變

弟子規4 事雖小 勿擅為 苟擅為 子道虧 物雖小 勿私藏 苟私藏 親心傷 shì suī xiăo wù shàn wéi 事雖小 勿擅為 shì suī xiăo wù shàn wéi 苟擅為 子道虧 gǒu shàn wéi zǐ dào kuī 物雖小 勿私藏 wù suī xiăo wù sī cáng 苟私藏 親心傷 gǒu sī cáng qīn xīn shāng

Di Zi Gui - 4 You should tell your parents everything, even little things and not do as you wish without consulting them. If you do what you like and make them worry, you will have violated your duty as a son or daughter. Even though public object might be small, I will not keep it myself. Hiding things is the same as stealing, and this will make your parents feel sad and shameful.

弟子規4 事雖小 勿擅為  苟擅為 子道虧 物雖小 勿私藏  苟私藏 親心傷

親所好 力為具 親所惡 謹為去 身有傷 貽親憂 德有傷 貽親羞 弟子規5 親所好 力為具 親所惡 謹為去 身有傷 貽親憂 德有傷 貽親羞 qīn suǒ hào lì wèi jù qīn suǒ wù jǐn wèi qù shēn yǒu shāng yí qīn yōu dé yǒu shāng yí qīn xiū

Di Zi Gui - 5 You should always try to do what your parents like. Likewise, you should always avoid doing what your parents don't like. You should take care of your health, avoid sickness or harm, so as not to let your parents worry. You should accept your role and your place in society. Don't do anything that is unethical, causes harm to society or bring shame to your parents.

親所好 力為具 親所惡 謹為去 身有傷 貽親憂 德有傷 貽親羞 弟子規5 親所好 力為具 親所惡 謹為去 身有傷 貽親憂 德有傷 貽親羞

兄道友 弟道恭 兄弟睦 孝在中 財物輕 怨何生 言語忍 忿自泯 弟子規6 xiōng dào yǒu dì dào gōng Xiōng dì mù xiào zài zhōng cái wù qīng yuàn hé shēng yán yŭ rěn fèn zì mǐn 兄道友 弟道恭 兄弟睦 孝在中 財物輕 怨何生 言語忍 忿自泯

Di Zi Gui - 6 You should love your younger siblings and respect your older siblings. Parents like to see their children live happily together and the family in harmony. Therefore, harmony among siblings is also an expression of filial piety. Money is a material thing. Do not fight with your family members over every penny, since doing this tends to breed anger and jealousy. Your speech and attitude should be friendly, patient, and forgiving. If you do this, the anger and the grudge in your heart will disappear naturally, and parents will not have to worry.

兄道友 弟道恭 兄弟睦 孝在中 財物輕 怨何生 言語忍 忿自泯 弟子規6 兄道友 弟道恭 兄弟睦 孝在中 財物輕 怨何生 言語忍 忿自泯

或飲食 或坐走 長者先 幼者後 長呼人 即代叫 人不在 己即到 弟子規7 huò yǐn shí huò zuò zǒu Zhăng zhě xiān yòu zhě hòu cháng hū rén jí dài jiào rén bú zài jǐ jí dào 或飲食 或坐走 長者先 幼者後 長呼人 即代叫 人不在 己即到

Di Zi Gui - 7 Whether it is eating or sitting down or just walking on the streets, You should follow the principle of elders first. If an elder person is asking for someone, we should help find this person. If we cannot find this person, we should ask the elder person if help is required.

或飲食 或坐走 長者先 幼者後 長呼人 即代叫 人不在 己即到 弟子規7 或飲食 或坐走 長者先 幼者後 長呼人 即代叫 人不在 己即到

弟子規8 稱尊長 勿呼名 對尊長 勿見能 路遇長 疾趨揖 長無言 退恭立 ī chēng zūn zhăng wù hū míng 稱尊長  勿呼名 對尊長  勿見能 路遇長  疾趨揖 ī 長無言  退恭立   chēng zūn zhăng wù hū míng duì zūn zhăng wù jiàn néng lù yù zhăng jí qū yī zhăng wú yán tuì gōng lì

Di Zi Gui - 8 When you meet an elder, you should not call the elder directly by name. When in front of an elder, do not flaunt or show off your ability. When you see an elder at a distance, you should approach and greet him or her. When an elder has nothing else to tell you, you should step aside and stand in wait.

稱尊長 勿呼名 對尊長 勿見能 路遇長 疾趨揖 長無言 退恭立 弟子規8 稱尊長 勿呼名 對尊長 勿見能 路遇長 疾趨揖 長無言 退恭立