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Presentation transcript:

Producer: Zhang Shaolin A Fast Memorization of New Words And Expressions Producer: Zhang Shaolin

to die of a coronary thrombosis an obituary notice New words and expressions in phrase contexts U5A.1, B3 to die of a coronary thrombosis an obituary notice a lifelong workaholic It is hardly conceivable that… by every conceivable means the executive of the company 死于冠状动脉血栓症 讣告 终生醉心于工作的人 简直难以想象... 千方百计 公司经理

to board at a friend's house a boarding school war widows New words and expressions in phrase contexts U5A.2, B3 an executive branch to board at a friend's house a boarding school war widows the deceased father to pick sb. out from a lineup 行政部门 在一个朋友家搭伙 寄宿学校 战争造成的寡妇 先父 在一群人中认出某人

to work oneself to death to move to the top spot New words and expressions in phrase contexts U5A.3, B3 工作到死 升为总裁 行政部门 业余爱好 休闲装 准确地把死者家属列出来 生孩子前 干零活 吸大麻 to work oneself to death to move to the top spot outside “extracurricular interest” a sports jacket to list one’s survivors accurately before mothering to do odd jobs to stay in grass

to read one’s bitterness to straight out the finances New words and expressions in phrase contexts U5A.4, B3 看出某人的辛酸 清理财务问题 职工优先认股权 先天易得心脏病者 询问关于替代某人的事 to read one’s bitterness to straight out the finances the stock options a heart-attack natural to make inquiries about one’s replacement

external causes for melancholy to make people somber New words and expressions in phrase contexts U5B.1, B3 忧郁的外部原因 让人消沉/忧郁 根本性的萎靡不振 给……提出问题 消除贫困 经济不安全(感) 豪华汽车 容光焕发的喜悦 前面提到的改革家 external causes for melancholy to make people somber fundamental malaise to pose problems for sb. to abolish poverty economic insecurity opulent cars radiant happiness the aforesaid reformers

a look of boredom and discontent a frantic longing for New words and expressions in phrase contexts U5B.2, B3 厌倦和不满的面孔 疯狂的渴望 刺激疲惫的味觉 有绝望的挫败感 为公共目标做事 在某一方面投入全部希望 更加显要的朋友 出于礼节需要做…。 a look of boredom and discontent a frantic longing for to tickle the jaded palate to feel hopelessly thwarted to work for public object to indulge one’s wish to a respect grander friends It is de rigueur to do…

the necessary demeanor to lapse into lachrymose melancholy New words and expressions in phrase contexts U5B.3, B3 the necessary demeanor to lapse into lachrymose melancholy as gay as a lark to swindled money from to drink with a gusto to decree a punishment to cease forthwith the necessity of subservience to be weary and cynical 必要的举止 陷入悲痛的忧郁 像云雀一样快乐 诈取……的钱财 兴高采烈地喝酒 判刑 立刻停止 服从的必要性 令人厌烦还吹毛求疵

to be condemned to gastric ulcers premature old age New words and expressions in phrase contexts U5B.4, B3 to put a stopper on … to moan to sb. to become a yes-man to be condemned to gastric ulcers premature old age to compile a dictionary wild oats a contributor to an encyclopedia 对…喊停 向某人抱怨 成为应声虫 被宣告有胃溃疡 早衰 编纂词典 野燕麦 百科全书的撰稿人 编辑原则

to be solemn and prudent tolerance for idiosyncrasies New words and expressions in phrase contexts U5B.5, B3 an editorial policy to be solemn and prudent tolerance for idiosyncrasies to flatten out sth. to act on impulse to take felicity to do sth. innumerable things a wine merchant to cold-shoulder one’s friends 编辑原则 严肃而谨慎 容许特异性 抹平某事 一时冲动做事 乐于做某事 无数的事情 酒商 轻视老朋友

the stick-in-the-mud Mr. Such-and-such to give free rein to whim New words and expressions in phrase contexts U5B.6, B3 the stick-in-the-mud Mr. Such-and-such to give free rein to whim the doctrine of evolution the legal doctrine to endure the abominable beings to tweak noses to dry up to boot to run riot 保守的某某先生 对任性不加约束 进化论 法律原则 忍受讨厌的人 拧鼻子 耗尽 并且 肆意放纵