Dprinhk 2010.


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Presentation transcript:

dprinhk 2010

Wisdom of Emotions & Dzogchen Meditation 情緒與大圓滿禪修 3 – 26 - 28, 2010 3 – 26 - 28, 2010 Friday to Sunday 星 期 五 至 曰   地 點 : 嘉道理研究所 - 新界元朗石崗林錦路 Venue : The Kadoorie Institute Lam Kam Rd., Shek Kong, N. T.

for participating in the retreat, Thank you all for participating in the retreat, just want to share this with all of you ………. you are welcome to share this presentation with your friends ….. Reminder : The Voice Recordings of the teachings and Lujong are just for participants ONLY

message from rinpoche May we have the courage and wisdom to embark on the path of genuine dharma wholeheartedly. May you all have good health, success in your virtuous works, and happiness. May we all meet together in the true mandala of rigpa beyond time.

shifting watermoon by the dzogchen ponlop rinpoche Who Are You ? You are so familiar Yet no one knows who you really are Are you not called “thoughts” by some ? Are you really there – or simply my delusion ? Are you not taught to be the true wisdom mind ? What a beautiful world this could be If only I could see through this mind Well, it doesn’t matter Because I don’t exist without you ! “Who am I” – is perhaps the right question After all, I’m just one of your many manifestations ! You are so creative And your tricks are so original Look at your magic So deceptive, real and endless. You are a great storyteller So dramatic, colorful, and emotional I love your stories But do you realize that you’re telling them over and over and over ? You are such a dreamer And you’re tirelessly so passionate For your dream characters and the world But do you see that you’re just dreaming ? dpr Denny’s Tokyo February 7, 2006

Selected Songs of Realization 開 悟 之 歌 選 集 五種圓滿了義見 (歌上P174) 諸法所依之三寶,本來圓成光明中,無整明體自然住,何需祈禱外三寶? 遠離唸誦及言詮,如是瑜伽甚樂哉! 二種成就之寶藏,本尊諸佛全俱足,不必作意本尊觀,一切光明中圓滿, 何需起分之修觀?自身佛陀常顯現,如是瑜伽甚樂哉! 除遣障礙空行眾,圓成本來自性中,朵馬供食我不需,六識鬆緩坦然住, 如是瑜伽甚樂哉! 魔障根本是妄念,法性光中罩諸魔,打鼓驅魔我不需,妄念遊戲皆法身, 言銓詞句聖理量 光明覺受自圓滿,學法看經我不需 一切心顯皆經教 如是瑜伽甚樂栽!

Selected Songs of Realization 開 悟 之 歌 選 集 Five Perfections of the Definitive Meaning (Songbook P.76) The support is the three precious jewels They’re present primordially Perfect in natural awareness I don’t need to supplicate them I am the blissful yogi Ain’t doing no recitation!   The yidams, bestowers of siddhis Both common and supreme Are not something you can create They’re perfect within clear light mind So I do not need to practice The deity’s creation stage My own body is the diety! The host of sky flying dakinis Who clear bad conditions away Are perfect in natural being No need to offer them dorma This blissful yogi is resting In six consciousnesses so relaxed! This demon who causes such problems This demon is just my own thoughts Are appearances of ghosts and goblins Are perfect within Dharamta I don’t need to do wrathful pujas I don’t need to make all that noise I am the blissful yogi My thoughts shine as Dharmakaya! All conventions in scriptures and logic Are perfect when I taste clear light And so I do not need to study In a conventional way My texts are whatever appears!   Composed by Milarepa Under the guidance of Khenpo Tsultrim Gyamtso Rinpoche, translated by the Dzogchen Ponlop, Rinpoche, and Ari Goldfield, December 26, 1999

Selected Songs of Realization 開 悟 之 歌 選 集 For those who want to order, welcome to email dprinhk@gmail.com .

message from gloria Dear brothers and sisters,   Mind and body are inseparable. Work on the mind through your body; and work on the body through your mind. These two are the abundant treasuries that were born with you; you cannot find such great joy of re-discovering these two jewels from worldly fame and gain, not even from someone you thought who loves you. There's no need to seek for the true nature of life from outer world. I'm working on it together with you all. With lots of prayers, Gloria Sherabdrolma Chiang 身心不可分。要以身體領悟你的心,以心瞭解你的身體。它們是你與生俱來的寶藏,而重新發 掘此二珍寶的大歡喜,是世間名利無法比擬的,甚至連你以為很愛你的人,都無法帶來如此 的大喜樂;我們根本不需要在外界追尋生命的真義!菩提道上同行,共勉之! 祝以祈願, 江翰雯

Nitartha Summer Institute Students from Hong Kong are invited to participate in A Summer Immersion Program In Buddhist Studies, in the United States with Dzogchen Ponlop Rinpoche Two weeks or one month On the Campus of Western Washington University Near the cities of Seattle and Vancouver, BC. July 17– August 14, 2010 Session I : July 17 – July 31 Session II : August 1 – August 14 Under the direction of The Dzogchen Ponlop Rinpoche For detail information, please refer to following pages or email dprinhk@gmail.com for PDF version Register by May31, 2010 www.nitarthainstitute.org Telephone: 206-947-6018 Email: info@nitarthainstitute.org

……..messages from participants Dear Organizers, I had a long trip and finally get home last night. Would like to address my thankfulness to all of you who prepared such a great retreat for us. I enjoyed my stay in the retreat and have learnt a lot from Rinpoche. This is an auspicious connection and I hope you will have annual retreat like this to benefit more people in the future. best regards, Szu-yin Dear Friends,   Thanks so much for organizing the wonderful retreats for us, you provide us a unforgotten time with Rincpoche and all of you. Thanks again and hope to join your activities again. Smile Carina

……..messages from participants 敬愛的學會法友們:  感恩您們的辛勞,讓我們有機會接受本樂仁波切如此甚深完美的教導!  至心隨喜您們的付出,我們噶瑪噶舉有這麼一群像您們這麼發心的弟子,真的 很棒!!  無限感恩!但願明年有機會在香港的法會見到您們。非常謝謝大家!!  Lily合十 Dear friends, Thank you for such a wonderful retreat! We all loved Rinpoche's brilliant teachings and playful presence, andare so grateful for your efforts in bringing him to us We will keep requesting him to return with metta Elizabeth

messages from dpr’s lucky students Wandering mind... Monkey mind.... Never mind!   Fresh mind.... Clarity mind... Master's mind! Devotional mind... Full of blessings, Celebrating minds in Union and Bliss!

messages from dpr’s lucky students May our Guru be with us always!! May his teaching and blessing reaches us all! May his compassion heart lifts our mind and changes our action! May his wisdom and insight spread out to this needy world!

messages from dpr’s lucky students With the inspiring teaching from DPR, serene surroundings and wonderful participants , we have all experienced an " Enlightened" weekend that enriches our body and soul. The whole retreat floated so smoothly and effortlessly. The weather condition was so perfect that echoed profoundly with our brightened mind. Our minds meet together through the direction of our most beloved teacher and Guru, DPR. Our hearts filled with joy and enriched with the Dharma music. Our bodies and minds became "One" and "Inseparable" through the practice of Lujong. It is just wonderful.

……..messages from nalandabodhi asia 親愛的法友﹐ 很感謝各位支持和參加那瀾陀菩提亞洲為竹慶本樂仁波切在今年三至四月份所舉辦的弘法活動。 所有的 活動都得以圓滿確實有賴你們的參與。   願我們將所有功德迴向一切眾生, 亦期望仁波切能儘 快再來,讓我們再次感受正法正道的喜悅!   迴向絲微善行,願眾生離苦得樂,成就菩提。    感恩合十 那瀾陀菩提亞洲   Dear Dharma Friends,  Thank you very much for participating in Dzogchen Ponlop Rinpoche's March to April programs in Hong Kong. They couldn't have been successfully completed without  your glorious support & participation.   May we dedicate all the generated merits toward the cause of letting wisdom, joy, and loving kindness flourish without limit.   May Ponlop Rinpoche swiftly return to Hong Kong & we can once again experience the great joy of receiving the genuine dharma with in his presence.   With Metta …… Nalandabodhi Asia 

Dedication by Khenpo Tsultrim Gyamtso Rinpoche All you sentient beings I have a good or bad connection with As soon as you have left this confused dimension May you be born in the west in Sukhavati And once you’re born there, Complete the bhumis and the paths.

Longevity Supplication for The Dzogchen Ponlop Rinpoche The vital essence of the ocean of scriptures in Samantabhadra’s vehicle Is the heart of luminous definitive meaning. You fly the victory banner of this great Tradition’s teachings throughout the Reaches of space. Glorious, supreme guru, may you always remain. In response to the request for a longevity supplication for The Dzogchen Ponlop Rinpoche made by his faithful students, The Karmapa, Orgyen Trinley Dorje, composed this in Sarnath. May it be virtuous. (January 16, 2008)

Thank You ………