Lessons from the Upper Room - calls or invitations


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Presentation transcript:

Lessons from the Upper Room - calls or invitations 從樓房而來的教導 - 呼召或邀請 To serve one another (13) To deeply love one another (13 & 15) To persevere under trial (13 & 15) To have a heart of thanksgiving – way, with, works (14) To be open to the incredible work of the indwelling Holy Spirit (14, 15 & 16) To stay connected – abiding in Christ (15) 1. 要彼此服侍 (13) 2. 要深切的彼此相愛 (13, 15) 3. 在試煉中能持守 (13, 15) 4. 要有一個感恩的心 – 道, 與,作工 (14) 5. 對內住聖靈的奇妙工作 持開放態度 (14-16) 6. 保持聯繫 – 常在基督裡 面 (15)

被邀請進入寶座室內 Invitation into the Throne Room John 14:13-14: And I will do whatever you ask in my name, so that the Son may bring glory to the Father. You may ask me for anything in my name, and I will do it. John 15:16: You did not choose me, but I chose you and appointed you to go and bear fruit—fruit that will last. Then the Father will give you whatever you ask in my name. John 16:23-24: In that day you will no longer ask me anything. I tell you the truth, my Father will give you whatever you ask in my name. Until now you have not asked for anything in my name. Ask and you will receive, and your joy will be complete. 約 14:13-14 你們奉我的名無論求甚麼,我必成就,叫父因兒子得榮耀。你們若奉我的名求甚麼,我必成就。 約 15:16 不是你們揀選了我,是 我揀選了你們;並且分派你們 去結果子,叫你們的果子常存, 使你們奉我的名,無論向父求 甚麼,他就賜給你們。 約 16:23-24 到那日,你們甚麼 也就不問我了。我實實在在地 告訴你們:你們若向父求甚麼, 他必因我的名賜給你們。向來 你們沒有奉我的名求甚麼,如 今你們求就必得著,叫你們的 喜樂可以滿足。

Jesus invites us to pray I. Why do we pray? I. 為何我們要祈禱? Jesus invites us to pray Prayer is an invitation into intimacy with God how God is addressed: 17:1, 5, 11, 21, 24, 25 relationship described: 17:11, 21-23 耶穌邀請我們祈禱 祈禱是與神進入親密關係的邀請 神是如何被稱呼的:17:1, 5, 11, 21,24,25 被描述的關係:17:11, 21-23

God will reveal more of Himself to you, “As you grow in prayer, God will reveal more of Himself to you, breathing more of His life into your spirit.... Fellowship with God, trust, confidence, peace, relief – these are wonderful feelings that will be yours as you learn how to pray.” Bill Hybels, Too Busy Not To Pray, pp 9-10 “當你在祈禱中成長時,神會向你更多展示祂自己,把祂的生命更多吹進你的靈魂...。 當你學習如何去禱告時,與神相交,信任,信心,平安,釋放等的奇妙感覺是屬於你的。” 比爾·海波斯牧師,忙到不能不祈禱,第 9-10頁

Jesus invites us to pray I. Why do we pray? I. 為何我們要祈禱? Jesus invites us to pray Prayer is an invitation into intimacy with God how God is addressed: 17:1, 5, 11, 21, 24, 25 relationship described: 17:11, 21-23 Independence versus in dependence Prayer is our continuous expression of our dependency upon God and leads us into greater intimacy with Him. 耶穌邀請我們祈禱 祈禱是與神進入親密關係的邀請 神是如何被稱呼的:17:1, 5, 11, 21,24,25 被描述的關係:17:11, 21-23 獨立與依靠的對比 祈禱是我們對神依靠的表達,也是引領我們與祂進入更親密的關係。

3. 祈禱是一個與基督一同為天國國度目標祈求的邀請 I. Why do we pray? I. 為何我們要祈禱? Prayer is an invitation to join with Christ to pray for the advancement of Kingdom purposes Romans 8:34: …Christ Jesus, who died—more than that, who was raised to life—is at the right hand of God and is also interceding for us. (see also 8:26-27) Hebrews 7:24-25: but because Jesus lives forever, He has a permanent priesthood. Therefore He is able to save completely those who come to God through Him, because He always lives to intercede for them. 3. 祈禱是一個與基督一同為天國國度目標祈求的邀請 羅 8:34 ……有基督耶穌已 經死了,而且從死裡復活, 現今在神的右邊,也替我 們祈求。(參8:26-27) 來 7:24-25 這位既是永遠常 存的,他祭司的職任就長 久不更換。凡靠著他進到 神面前的人,他都能拯救 到底,因為他是長遠活著, 替他們祈求。

“In the mystery of God’s purpose, He has chosen to conquer Satan by the cross of Christ and the prayer of God’s children.” Wesley Duewel, Mighty Prevailing Prayer, pp 65 “在神旨意的奧秘中,祂選擇透過基督的十字架和神兒女的禱告來征服撒旦。” Wesley Duewel,大能有奏效的禱告,第65頁

Wesley Duewel, Mighty Prevailing Prayer, pp 65-66 "But that eternal victory must now be applied and enforced by the Holy Spirit working through the prayers and obedience of God’s children.... Prayer victories are your challenge and heritage as a believer. Arise to your holy privilege, your Christ-purchased, God-ordained role! Onward to victory after victory for Christ through prevailing prayer …." Wesley Duewel, Mighty Prevailing Prayer, pp 65-66 “但那永恆的勝利必須透過神兒女的祈禱和順服而被聖靈去運用推行…。 作為一個信徒,祈禱得勝是你的挑戰和基業。要為你神聖的特權,你那被基督所買贖的,神所按立的身份站起來,透過有奏效的祈禱,不斷的為基督得勝…。” Wesley Duewel,大能有奏效的禱告,第65-66頁

“When we work, we work; but when we pray, God works.” Hudson Taylor “當我們工作時 我們就工作; 但當我們祈禱時,神就在工作。” 戴德生

“It’s amazing how many coincidences occur when one begins to pray.” “當一個人開始 祈禱時,你會為 有多少個巧合出現而感到驚訝。”

I. Why do we pray? I. 為何我們要祈禱? Jesus invites us to pray Prayer is an invitation into intimacy with God Prayer is an invitation to join with Christ to pray for the advancement of Kingdom purposes 耶穌邀請我們祈禱 祈禱是與神進入親密關係的邀請 3. 祈禱是一個與基督一同為天國國度目標祈求的邀請

II. What do we pray for? II. 我們要為什麼事物祈禱? Prayer for ourselves(1-5) Our lives would bring glory to God (17:1) We would know clearly the work God has for us to do (17:4; cf Eph 2:10) We would be resolute to do God’s will (17:4) 為我們自己祈禱 (1-5) 我們的生活能榮耀神 (17:1) 我們能清楚知道神所 要我們去做的事工 (17:4;參弗2:10) 我們要決心遵行神的 旨意 (17:4)

II. What do we pray for? II. 我們要為什麼事物祈禱? Prayer for those close to you (6-19) – family, church Protection (17:11, 15) Unity (17:11; 21-23) Joy (17:13) Spiritual growth (17:17) 為與你有親密關係的祈禱 (6-19) – 家庭,教會 保守 (17:11, 15) 合一 (17:11;21-23) 喜樂 (17:13) 靈裡成長 (17:17)

II. What do we pray for? II. 我們要為什麼事物祈禱? Prayer for all believers (20-26) Unity (17:20-23) Aware of His presence and glory (17:24, 26) Filled with love (17:25-26) 為所有信徒祈禱 (20-26) 合一 (17:20-23) 意識到祂的同在和榮 耀 (17:24, 26) 充滿愛 (17:25-26)

"Arise to your holy privilege, your Christ-purchased, God-ordained role! Onward [to intimacy and] to victory after victory for Christ through prevailing prayer …." Wesley Duewel, Mighty Prevailing Prayer, p 66 “要為你神聖的特權,你那被基督所買贖的,神所按立的身份站起來,透過有奏效的祈禱,不斷的為基督得勝(和親近神)…。” Wesley Duewel,大能有奏效的禱告,第65-66頁