高二人教新课标版必修五 Unit 3 Life in the future Language points.


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Presentation transcript:

高二人教新课标版必修五 Unit 3 Life in the future Language points

2. I still cannot believe that I am taking up this prize that I won last year. 我还是无法相信我是在接受去年获得的这个奖励。

take up When does the new manager take up his job? Sorry , I have taken up you too much time. He wants to take up art in college. He decided to take up photography as his career. Do you intend to take up his offer of a job? 开始某项工作 占用(时间或空间) 选修 从事 接受

take拓展 吸收,留宿 office apart 别着急 in it easy 取下,记下 take back down 就职 notes away aim 别着急 取下,记下 就职 拆开 收回 瞄准 拿走 作笔记

take out 抓住 notice of it for granted 想当然的认为 hold of steps to do sth 拿出  sb as..,  advantage of…  a deep breath 抓住 想当然的认为 拿出 注意 take 利用 采取措施做某事 深呼吸 把某人当作

总结:take up 举起, 拿起, 抬起; 对…有兴趣;从属于;占据时间、空间 John took up writing at school. The work took up a whole day. Please take the piano out, it ____too much room. A. picks up B. makes up C. takes up D. takes on C

3. I have to remind myself constantly that I am really in AD 3008

1)remind sb. of/about sth. 使某人想起某事 remind her of high school days. 使她回想起了中学里的日子 remind sb. to do sth 提醒某人做某事 You must remind him to call Tom. 你必须让他记着打电话给汤姆。

2) constantly adv. 不断地 Fashion is constantly changing. 时尚总是日新月异。 Heat the sauce, stirring constantly. 加热调味汁并不停地搅动。

4. Worried about the journey, I was unsettled for the first few days

例如: 1. Well known for his expert advice, he received many invitations to give lectures. 2. Frightened by the loud noise, I went to see what was happening. 3. Broadcasted in all the media, Phelps has become a hero for the people all over the world as well as the USA.

5. As a result, I suffered from “time lag”. 结果我得了时间滞后症。 as a result (of): because of something that has happened 作为……的结果,由于 It snowed, as a result, she was late. 天下雪, 因此她迟到了。

as a result of为短语介词,后跟名词、代词等,意为“由于…的原因”相当于because of;as a result为副词用法,意为“结果是”,后面指事情的结果。 The train was delayed as the (a) result of the heavy rain. 由于大雨的缘故,火车晚点了。 He got up very late today. As a result, he missed the first bus. 他今天起晚了,结果没赶上头班车。

result from 起因于…… result in 导致某事,造成某事(=lead to) suffer from: to experience (something unpleasant, such as an illness), especially over a long period of time or habitually 患有(疾病等);为……所苦,因……而吃苦头。 She suffers from headache. 她患头痛病。

suffer from the war / the flood/ a headache… 遭受战争,洪水之苦/患头病; suffer (from) cold and hunger 遭受寒冷和饥饿 (派) suffering n. 痛苦,苦恼;劳苦,困难

6. This is similar to the “jet lag” you get from flying, but it seems you keep getting flashbacks from your previous time period.这种病有些像乘喷气式飞机高速飞行时所引起的时差反应那样,所不同的是,它意味着你的脑海里不停地从以前的时间段一直往回闪去。

1) keep doing sth. 继续做某事 It kept raining for a week. 接连下了一星期雨。 辨析:keep doing sth. 与keep on doing sth. 这两个短语都表示每隔一段时间就发生的动作,这时可互换;keep doing sth. 强调动作的连续性和客观性,而keep on doing sth.强调动作的重复性或动作执行者 的决心,常含有一定的感情色彩;

keep doing sth. 还可以表示持续不间断的状态和动作; He kept on smoking after the doctor told him to stop. 医生已经劝他戒烟, 可他仍继续抽烟。

2) flashback 倒叙 The events in his happy family life were shown in flashback. 他幸福的家庭生活是用倒叙法来表现的。

7. At first my new surroundings were difficult to tolerate 1)surrounding adj. surroundings n. 只用复数

surroundings –影响生活质素的,某地\人身边的一切事物 The house is situated in very pleasant surroundings. environment —人们所在的影响其感觉及发展的物质、社会环境;自然环境 new laws to prevent the pollution of the environment

2)tolerate 容忍;忍受 We simply cannot tolerate cheating in exams. 我们就是不能容许考试作弊行为。 I cannot tolerate her rudeness. 我不能容忍她的粗鲁无礼。

8. Hit by a lack of fresh air, my head ached. 由于缺乏新鲜空气,我感到头痛。 1)过去分词hit在句中作状语,表示与主句中动作伴随发生的状况 hit: to have a bad effect on… 对……有不良的影响 How will the new law hit the unemployed?  新颁布的法令将使失业者 遭受什么样的打击?

辨析: beat, hit与strike beat指连续地打;hit侧重指“击中”,有时也指“打一下”;strike常指“猛地一击”。“敲锣”要用strike;“打鼓”要用beat;“敲门”要用knock;“钟敲几点”要用strike;比喻意思的“打击”要用give (deal) a blow to sb.

2) lack 缺乏;不足。可作名词或动词用 He did not enter university because of lack of money. 由于缺钱,他没有上大学。 He is good at his job but sometimes he seems to lack confidence. 他擅长自己的工作,但有时似乎缺乏信 心。

[联想] lacking adj. 缺少的;不足的 be lacking in ... 在……不足 Money was lacking for the plan. 此项计划缺钱。 Robin is not usually lacking in confidence. 罗宾平时并不缺乏自信心。

10. I felt better in no time. 我立刻感到舒服多了。 in on time: very quickly 立刻;马上 They will be back in no time. 他们马上就会回来。 all the time 一直, 始终 at a time 依次, 逐一, 每次

11. I lost sight of Wang Ping when we reached …. 1)看不见 It was so dark he lost sight of him at once. I’ve lost sight of Smith. 2)忘记, 忽略 No matter how rich and famous he became, he never lost sight of the fact that he had been born in the slums.

拓展: catch sight of 望见,看到 in sight 在视线内 out of sight 看不见了 set one’s sight 目标,想达到 take sight 瞄准 within sight of 已能看到,在…在望

12. Then Wang Ping flashed a switch on a computer screen, and a table and some chairs rose from under the floor as if by magic. [点拨] 此句是由and连接的两个并列分句。前一个分句的谓语是appeared和flashed,后一个分句的谓语是rose。这里要注意的是flash这个动词在此句中是及物动词,表示“(使)闪现”。from under是两个介词重叠使用,表示“从下面”。

[仿写] ______________________________ ____________ 我从练习册下面找到了我的钢笔。 如:“Now it’s OK,” said the mechanic as he crawled out from under the car. “修好了,”那修理工从车底下爬出来说道。 [仿写] ______________________________ ____________ 我从练习册下面找到了我的钢笔。 I found my pen from under the exercise book.

13. Have a class discussion and decide whether you think the writer has an optimistic or a pessimistic view of the future. 全班同学讨论一下, 断定作者对未来持有乐观还是悲观的态度。

optimistic 乐观的,乐观主义的 1. She was always optimistic, even when things were at their worst. 2. We are still optimistic, whatever the result (may be).

pessimistic 悲观的 1. Do you subscribe to her pessimistic view of the state of the economy?你是否 同意她对经济状况所持的悲观看法? 2. I have to say I'm rather pessimistic. 我得说我相当悲观。

Homework Finish exercise 1- 3 on page 56 in your workbooks.