「水仙花」專案 台北市立教育大學 英語教學系 蔡素薰©


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Presentation transcript:

「水仙花」專案 台北市立教育大學 英語教學系 蔡素薰© 94. 10.20 Last updated: 94.10.19 ©Su-hsun Tsai

誰要和我們一起種水仙花?(1) http://go.hrw.com/atlas/norm_htm/world.htm#Facts Last updated: 94.10.19 ©Su-hsun Tsai

誰要和我們一起種水仙花?(2) Kranj, Slovenia (斯洛維尼亞), Ms. Simona Bizjak Mrak, 4th Graders, 10-11 years old 2. Arad, Romania (羅馬尼亞), Ms. Olivia Halic, 3rd Graders, 8-9 years old Last updated: 94.10.19 ©Su-hsun Tsai

誰要和我們一起種水仙花?(3) 3. Armenia (亞美尼亞), Ms. Knarik 4. Tehran, Iran (伊朗), Ms. Mandana Noroozi, 15-17 years old, special education 5. Iran (伊朗), Ms. Zahra Ansari, 11-12 years old 6. Iran (伊朗), Ms. Minoo Shamsnia, 11-12 years old Last updated: 94.10.19 ©Su-hsun Tsai

誰要和我們一起種水仙花?(4) 7. Israel (以色列), Ms. Ruty Hotzen, an experiment in her garden 8. Herzliya, Israel (以色列), Ms. Tzipy Hefeta, 13-15 years old 9. Lod, Israel (以色列), Ms. Shmuel Percy, 6th & 7th Graders Last updated: 94.10.19 ©Su-hsun Tsai

誰要和我們一起種水仙花?(5) 10. Israel (以色列), 20 more schools, special education .. Wisam Chaleila, 15 years old students of special education (want to be our partner) .. Ms. Liora Cohen, 13-14 years old students, (want to learn life in Taiwan, sending us their pictures) Last updated: 94.10.19 ©Su-hsun Tsai

誰要和我們一起種水仙花?(6) 11. Seattle, USA (美國), Ms. Laura Grow, 6 years old (2 letters) 12. Bellevue, Washington D.C., USA (美國), Ms. Nancy Burt, 4 classes: 1st Graders from Bosnia, China, Mexico, Guatemala, Australia, India 13. Wilmington, Delaware, (美國), Ms. Amy Dwyer, 3 classes: 3-6, 6-9, 9-12 years old, studying Asia and Europe 14. Tiffin, Ohio, USA (美國), Mr. Robin Frederick, 7th Graders, 11-13 years old, special education 15. San Diego, Californa, USA (美國), Ms. Anne Lambert, K-12 graders Last updated: 94.10.19 ©Su-hsun Tsai

誰要和我們一起種水仙花?(7) 16. Taiwan (台灣), Ms. Ruth Yeh 17. Paraguay (巴拉圭), Ms. Rosi Rivarola & Marta Last updated: 94.10.19 ©Su-hsun Tsai

誰要和我們一起種水仙花?(8) 參考網址 1. 中華民國(台灣)外交部 國家與地區 http://www.mofa.gov.tw/webapp/lp.asp?ctNode=272&CtUnit=30&BaseDSD=30 2. 主要城市經、緯度、溫度、日光照射時間、地球的白天與黑夜 http://www.bcca.org/misc/qiblih/latlong_oc.html http://www.astro.com/atlas http://www.wunderground.com/global/Region/A2/Temperature.html http://aa.usno.navy.mil/data/docs/RS_OneYear.html http://www.fourmilab.to/cgi-bin/uncgi/Earth/action?opt=-m (Thank you for Ruty’s support for some of the above sites) Last updated: 94.10.19 ©Su-hsun Tsai

寫封信 讓其他國家的小朋友知道: 我們是誰? 我們在哪裡? 我們喜歡什麼? 在活動進行中我們希望怎麼樣? Last updated: 94.10.19 ©Su-hsun Tsai

信怎麼寫、寄出? 信文的寫法 信封的寫法 貼郵票、貼航空信標籤 投郵筒 Last updated: 94.10.19 ©Su-hsun Tsai

如何寫一封英文信 Last updated: 94.10.19 ©Su-hsun Tsai

英文信的寫法 自己的英文地址 對方的英文地址 日期 稱呼對方 介紹自己(寫第一封信時) 一個主題 一句或一段將信文結束 信尾 簽名 名字 Last updated: 94.10.19 ©Su-hsun Tsai

October 20, 2005 Dear friends, We are Alice and Jane. We are both 11 years old, and studying in the same class. Within a month, we are going to plant our daffodils and tulips. We are excited to see what will happen to them and also to us. Surely we will have fun time during the planting process. Sincerely yours, Alice and Jane Last updated: 94.10.19 ©Su-hsun Tsai

Do you like to play dodge ball? Do you play any ball games? October 20, 2005 Dear friends, We are Peter and Steve. We are waiting for the time to plant our bulbs, and we believe that our flowers would be one of the most beautiful ones. Peter and I all like to play dodge ball. Our team just beat the Grade 5 team and won the cup-final. Do you like to play dodge ball? Do you play any ball games? Sincerely yours, Peter and Steve Last updated: 94.10.19 ©Su-hsun Tsai

Our names are Anita and Mary. We are very close to each other. October 20, 2005 Dear friends, Our names are Anita and Mary. We are very close to each other. Anita likes writing and I like painting. Sometimes we make picture books together. It is fun. Do you also write and paint? We hope that your enjoy your school time like we do. Sincerely yours, Anita and Mary Last updated: 94.10.19 ©Su-hsun Tsai

This is Thomas and his best friend, John. October 20, 2005 Dear friends, This is Thomas and his best friend, John. We have fun time in our school every day. We read, write, paint, and play. How is your school life in your area? We will grow two kinds of plants soon. They are called “Daffodils” and “Tulips.” We have seen some pictures of them, and we are really amazed by their beauty. Sincerely yours, Thomas and John Last updated: 94.10.19 ©Su-hsun Tsai

寫在前面的信是什麼意思呢? Last updated: 94.10.19 ©Su-hsun Tsai

We are studying in the same class. 我們在同一班上課 Within a month, … 就在一個月內 … We are Alice and Jane. 我是愛麗絲和珍 We are both 11 years old. 我們倆位都是11歲大 We are studying in the same class. 我們在同一班上課 Within a month, … 就在一個月內 … Last updated: 94.10.19 ©Su-hsun Tsai

信封的寫法 Last updated: 94.10.19 ©Su-hsun Tsai

Ms. Ruty Hotzen老師的地址 Herzeliya Hayated 7 46583 Israel Last updated: 94.10.19 ©Su-hsun Tsai

信封上地址的寫法: Ms. Ruty Hotzen Herzeliya Hayated 7 46583 Israel Last updated: 94.10.19 ©Su-hsun Tsai

加上 Ms. Ruty 班級小朋友的寫法: The Class Children c/o Ms. Ruty Hotzen Herzeliya Hayated 7 46583 Israel Last updated: 94.10.19 ©Su-hsun Tsai

c/o Ms. Ruty Hotzen Herzeliya Hayated 7 46583 Israel Class 605 Affiliated Experimental Elementary School of Taipei Municipal University of Education 29 Gongyuan Rd. Zhongzheng District Taipei City 100 Taiwan (R.O.C.) The Class Children c/o Ms. Ruty Hotzen Herzeliya Hayated 7 46583 Israel Last updated: 94.10.19 ©Su-hsun Tsai

Looking forward to hearing from your class, Sincerely yours, October 20, 2005 Dear Ruty, I am glad that my class starts to write to every class today. After we complete this letter we will mail all letters to different classes respectively. Please read it loud to your class after you receive it. We are carrying on the project every Thursday now. Next week, we hope that we can complete this letter. Then we will begin to prepare all the planting stuff. We will post regularly in our Yahoo! Group Forum to tell what happens at our end. Please do join us for further discussions there. Looking forward to hearing from your class, Sincerely yours, Su-hsun Last updated: 94.10.19 ©Su-hsun Tsai

活動心得 Last updated: 94.10.19 ©Su-hsun Tsai

94年10月19日 蔡老師 這星期,世界上又有幾個班級,加入我們的行列,一起要種水仙花,數一數,現在好像已經有四十個班級了,其中有一半在以色列,心裡真好奇那是怎樣的一個國家。另外,心裡又有點忍不住,真想現在就把球莖買來,種到花缽裡。 (102字) Last updated: 94.10.19 ©Su-hsun Tsai

94年10月20日 六年五班 20號 王小明 蔡老師說到目前已經有四十多個別的國家班級,要和我們一起種水仙花. 哇 94年10月20日   六年五班 20號 王小明 蔡老師說到目前已經有四十多個別的國家班級,要和我們一起種水仙花! 哇!真想不到有這麼多人,四十多個班級,那不就快和我們學校一樣多的小朋友了麻嗎?要是一人種一棵,那整個操場就開滿水仙花了!。(93字) Last updated: 94.10.19 ©Su-hsun Tsai