漂亮的台灣水雉What Beautiful Jacanas in Taiwan !


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Presentation transcript:

漂亮的台灣水雉What Beautiful Jacanas in Taiwan ! 承蒙原作者Stuart老師的同意,我把他的台灣水雉攝影編成圖片播放檔,供諸位好友觀賞,希望大家來努力維護寶島台灣的生態、文化,讓我們的子子孫孫永遠能有福氣觀賞,謝謝!背景音樂是生態保護老師徐仁修先生和他的音樂伙伴所作的曲,同樣也感謝他們! With Mr. 薛光雄’s permission, the materials of this power point file are all from his photo album of jacanas in Taiwan. I present this to you, my friends, with a wish that our coming generations will have a beautiful Taiwan through our effort. The background music is composed by Mr. 徐仁修and his partners in musical field. Thanks to them as well. 編輯:Merlinkuo 英文:CYKuo E.Mail:merlinkuo01234@gmail.com

菱角鳥的社會採行一妻多夫制,公鳥負責養育雛鳥,母鳥只生蛋Female is a polygamist,it’s a matriarchy.

台南要拍水雉,地點不是很好找,繞了幾圈才找到明顯的牌子寫水雉復育區, 南部太陽很可怕,不到9點臉都晒紅了,還好漂亮凌波仙子賞臉。 It took us several rounds to find out this spot. Our skin got sunburned in the torrid sun of the south of Taiwan by 9 AM .In spite of those suffers ,we’re so lucky to meet the beautiful surface-dancing angels dancing on the surface. 台南拍拍水雉,那點不是很好找,繞

大部份水雉距離我們有段距離,但也有好幾隻就在我們附近覓食 Most of them kept a distance from us, but some of them did not, even enjoying their meals right before us

常會二隻在一起,但都沒見到交配畫面,應已經過了時間吧 We often saw two birds stood closely but didn’t couple with each other. Maybe it wasn’t the right time, I guessed.

天氣熱也洗澎澎,仙子入浴 It’s so hot that she would like to take a bath, just as if an angel’s bathing.

覓食中 Hunting

  牠們二隻在打架啦 There was a fighting!

牠們之間好像發生很大的糾紛 There seemed to be a serious problem between each other.

可能是爭風吃醋吧 Maybe for some girl….

就好像一個蓮花仙子 Just like a lotus angel!

不知為了什麼,有6~7隻水雉打群架打了十分鐘, Somehow, in ten minutes there was a crowd fighting among 6 or 7.

再打一場 Fighting again!

打架的時候難免傷及無辜, There was always an accident in a fight.

她正要振翼高飛 (終於讓我拍到啦 ) She was taking off. (Finally, I got this photo.)

再來一張 Once more

相見歡 Meeting each other

三隻水雉打群架 A fight among three

你可以再靠近一點! Taking a close look at them

 找到東西吃啦 A successful hunting

女性至上,所以母的打公的! Woman Rules!

掉到水裡啦! Falling into water

  很高興能拍到這些漂亮仙子的身影 So glad to take photos of these angels.