功能食品 食品工程 席慕瑶 2014874006.


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Presentation transcript:

功能食品 食品工程 席慕瑶 2014874006

植物性功能食品的分类 中草药 油料作物 鼠尾草、草药等 各种香辛料 黄豆、花生、南瓜种子等 植物功能性研究进展 番茄、大蒜、葱等 果蔬 茶叶及香辛料 黄豆、花生、南瓜种子等 油料作物 植物功能性研究进展

中草药 Herbs can contain expressive amounts of bioactive compounds which can decrease ageing and prolong life span of human and living organisms 中草药包含一定数量的生物活性物质,这样能够减少老化,延长人本身和生物体的寿命 Salvia sclareoides is an aromatic herb native to Portuga。A variety of Salvia species were reported to have promising radical scavenging activities。The present study establishes S. sclareoides as a viable source of functional food ingredients, due to its high antioxidant and radical scavenging activities。 鼠尾草是芳香草本植物,产于葡萄牙,报道了各种不同的鼠尾草品种具有清除自由基的功能。现在的研究表明,鼠尾草最为一种可行的功能食品原料资源,由于它具有抗氧化性,自由基清除能力。 ginkgo seed turned out to be a good source of FAAs with high levels of several essential FAAs and to have a good nutritional value. Hence, the characterization of theFAAs in ginkgo seeds would be very helpful for their potential value improvements as food and the better quality control 银杏种子是游离氨基酸很好的来源,并且必须氨基酸含量很高,具有很好的营养价值。因此,银杏种子中游离氨基酸的特征对于它们作为食物的潜在价值提升和更好地质量控制具有很大的帮助 题目 Non-toxicSalvia sclareoidesBrot. extracts as a source of functional food ingredients: Phenolic profile, antioxidant activity and prion binding properties 杂志 Food Chemistry 题目 Hydrophilic interaction ultra-performance liquid chromatography coupled with triple-quadrupole tandem mass spectrometry for highly rapid and sensitive analysis of underivatized amino acids in functional foods 杂志 Amimo acid

果蔬 Sorbitol was detected in 18 fruits, xylitol in 15, while mannitol was found only in watermelon, On the other hand, sorbitol was found in 12, xylitol in 16, and mannitol in 14 vegetables. The highest content of fructooligosaccharides was found in nectarine (0.89 ± 0.031 g/100 g fresh weight). The vegetable with the highest quantity of fructooligosaccharides was scallion (3.32 ± 0.108 g/100 g fresh weight) 在18种水果和12种蔬菜中都含有山梨醇,15种水果和16种蔬菜中含有木糖醇,然而只有西瓜和14种蔬菜中含有甘露醇。油桃中低聚果糖的含量是最高的(每100g新重含有0.89 ± 0.031 g),蔬菜中葱的低聚果糖含量是最高的(每100g鲜中含有3.32 ± 0.108 g/100 g) 题目 Oligosaccharide Profile in Fruits and Vegetables as Sources of Prebiotics and Functional Foods 杂志 International Journal of Food Properties In fruits, the most visible functional ingredients are the color components anthocyanins and carotenoids. A common feature of several functional ingredients is their antioxidant function. fruits provide basic nutrition, including carbohydrates, vitamins, and minerals. pectin, anthocyanins, and soluble and insoluble fiber polyphenols etc。 在水果中最明显的功能性成分就是带颜色的成分,花青素和类胡萝卜素。几个功能成分共同的特点就是抗氧化功能。水果提供基本的营养,包括糖类,维生素,矿物质。有的还提供果胶、花青素、可溶和不可溶的纤维多酚等。这些化合物 题目 Biochemical Basis forFunctional Ingredient Designfrom Fruits 杂志 Annual reviews 题目 plant-based paste Fermented by Lactic Acid Bacteria and Yeast: Functional Analysis and possibility of Application to Functional Foods.

西红柿副产物具有很多不同种类的生物活性成分,主要是番茄红素,体内外研究表明,其具有抗氧化,降脂血,抗癌。 Tomato byproducts contain a great variety of biologically active substances, principally lycopene, which have been demonstrated by in vitro and in vivo studies to possess antioxidant, hypolipidemic, and anticarcinogenic activities 西红柿副产物具有很多不同种类的生物活性成分,主要是番茄红素,体内外研究表明,其具有抗氧化,降脂血,抗癌。 题目 Tomato and Tomato Byproducts. Human Health Benefits of Lycopene and Its Application to Meat Products: A Review 杂志 Food science and nutrition Evidence has accrued that lycopene may play a significant role in the prevention of sex hormone–dependent cancers. such as estrogen-dependent breast and endometrial cancers in women carotenoids effectively impede the unrestrained growth of breast. There is convincing evidence that neither synthetic lycopene nor natural tomato lycopene can act alone to prevent cancer. 证据表明,番茄红素在性激素依赖性癌症的保护方面扮演着重要的角色,比如乳腺癌和宫颈癌。类胡萝卜素高效的阻碍了乳腺的增长 题目 The role of lycopene and its derivatives in the regulation of transcription systems: implications for cancer prevention 杂志 American Society for Nutrition

果蔬 Sorbitol was detected in 18 fruits, xylitol in 15, while mannitol was found only in watermelon, On the other hand, sorbitol was found in 12, xylitol in 16, and mannitol in 14 vegetables. The highest content of fructooligosaccharides was found in nectarine (0.89 ± 0.031 g/100 g fresh weight). The vegetable with the highest quantity of fructooligosaccharides was scallion (3.32 ± 0.108 g/100 g fresh weight) 在18种水果和12种蔬菜中都含有山梨醇,15种水果和16种蔬菜中含有木糖醇,然而只有西瓜和14种蔬菜中含有甘露醇。油桃中低聚果糖的含量是最高的(每100g新重含有0.89 ± 0.031 g),蔬菜中葱的低聚果糖含量是最高的(每100g鲜中含有3.32 ± 0.108 g/100 g) 题目 Oligosaccharide Profile in Fruits and Vegetables as Sources of Prebiotics and Functional Foods 杂志 International Journal of Food Properties In fruits, the most visible functional ingredients are the color components anthocyanins and carotenoids. A common feature of several functional ingredients is their antioxidant function. fruits provide basic nutrition, including carbohydrates, vitamins, and minerals. pectin, anthocyanins, and soluble and insoluble fiber polyphenols etc。 在水果中最明显的功能性成分就是带颜色的成分,花青素和类胡萝卜素。几个功能成分共同的特点就是抗氧化功能。水果提供基本的营养,包括糖类,维生素,矿物质。有的还提供果胶、花青素、可溶和不可溶的纤维多酚等。这些化合物 题目 Biochemical Basis forFunctional Ingredient Designfrom Fruits 杂志 Annual reviews 题目 plant-based paste Fermented by Lactic Acid Bacteria and Yeast: Functional Analysis and possibility of Application to Functional Foods.

Diagram Garlic and shallots are safe and rich sources of biologically active compounds with low toxicity. Further studies are needs to confirm the safety and quality of the plants to be used by clinicians as therapeutic agents 大蒜和葱是低毒性生物活性物质丰富的来源。需要进一步研究去确认植物的安全性和质量来作为治疗的媒介 . 题目 Therapeutic Uses and Pharmacological  Properties of Garlic, Shallot, and Their Biologically Active Compounds 杂志 IRANIAN JOURNAL OF BASIC MEDICAL SCIENCES www.themegallery.com

茶叶及香辛料 Spices, like vegetables, fruit, and medicinal herbs, are known to possess a variety of antioxidant effects and other biological activities. In the present review, an attempt has been made to summarize the most current scientific evidence about the in vitro and in vivo effects of the bioactive compounds derived from herbs and spices, focused on anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects. 众所周知,香辛料,像蔬菜水果,中草药一样,具有多种不同的抗氧化作用和其它的生物活性。在最近的文章中,有人尝试对中草药和香辛料中生物活性物质的体内体外影响的具有科学性的证据进行了总结,主要就是抗炎症和抗氧化 Spices, as natural food additives, contribute immensely to the taste and flavor of our foods and have been used for thousands of years. They have been reported to possess several medicinal properties and are being consumed by more and more people. 香辛料,作为天然食品添加剂,主要为我们的食品添加味道和风味,已经使用了上千年。据报道它们还拥有几个药理学特点,并且别成千上万的人应用。 题目 Recent Advances in Biologically Active Compounds in Herbs and Spices: A Review of the Most Effective Antioxidant and Anti-Inflammatory Active Principles 杂志Food Science and Nutrition 题目 Occurrence of toxigenic fungi and determination of mycotoxins by HPLC-FLD in functional foods and spices in China markets 杂志 Food Chemistry

油料作物 Some high-priced edible oils such as extra virgin olive oil (EVOO), virgin coconut oil (VCO), and cod liver oil (CLO) are adulterated with lower price oils to improve profits. These oils can be considered functional food oils due to their beneficial effects on human health. 一些高价位的食用油脂比如特级初榨橄榄油,纯椰子油,鱼肝油,添加到低价位的油脂中。这些油被认为是功能性食物油脂是因为他们有利于人体的健康。 题目 Application of Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy for Authentication of Functional Food Oils 杂志 Applied Spectroscopy Reviews Peanut is one of the most widely used legumes due to its nutrition and taste, and it occupies a rank of major oilseed crop in the world. It has been recognized as a functional food due to its role in a health promoting effect. Peanut oil contains a well-balanced fatty acid and antioxidant profile that provide protection against harmful substances especially free radicals. 花生应用最广泛的豆科植物之一,由于它的营养和味道,它作为了世界上主要的油料种子作物。它被作为功能性食品是因为它有利于促进人体健康,花生油包含均衡的脂肪酸比例,还具有抗氧化作用即提供保护抵抗有害物质尤其是自由基的侵袭。 题目 Physicochemical Characteristics, Functional Properties, and Nutritional Benefits of Peanut Oil: A Review 杂志 Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition www.themegallery.com

Bioactive compounds present in virgin argan oil along with their possible beneficial effects on human health, which could justify consideration of this oil as a new functional food. Virgin argan oil is characterized by high levels of linoleic and oleic acids, tocopherols(especially-tocopherol), and minor compounds such as sterols, carotenoids,。Recent studies suggest that this edible oil, as a functional food,may play a role in disease prevention 摩洛哥坚果油中的生物活性化合物以及他们对身体的有益影响,这些可以证明考虑其为新的功能性食品。摩洛哥坚果油具有高含量的亚麻酸和油酸,生育酚(尤其是γ生育酚),还有甾醇类,类胡萝卜素。最近的研究表明,这个食用油最为一个功能食品,在疾病预防方面扮演着重要的角色。 题目 Bioactive compounds and nutritional significance of virginargan oil – an edible oil with potential as a functional food 杂志 Nutrition Reviews Pumpkin seed oil is is considered a preventive agent for various pathologies, particularly prostate diseases. These properties are related to its high content of carotenoids and liposoluble vitamins. Evidence suggests that the oil offers protection against prostate cancer and may also prevent kidney stone progression。The nutraceutical properties of the product are confirmed by the high content of α- and γ -tocopherol and carotenoids. 南瓜种子油被认为可以预防多种疾病,尤其是前列腺疾病。这些特点与它高含量的类胡萝卜素和脂溶性的维生素有关。有证据表明可以预防前列前癌和肾结石,就是因为其高含量的α和β生育酚和类胡萝卜素。 题目 Chemical composition and functionalcharacterisation of commercial pumpkin seed oil 杂志 Society of Chemical Industry

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