電子工程職場倫理 RF Design 副處長 周淳朴


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Presentation transcript:

電子工程職場倫理 RF Design 副處長 周淳朴 1 1

貳.職場倫理 五倫八德 國有國法 家有家規 企業文化 工作規範 職場紀律 職場倫理 (天地君親師) (孝悌忠信禮義廉恥) 1.倫理就是人倫常理,是指人與人、人與群、群與群之間的行為規範而言。 2.倫理具有高度的道德標準,法律只是具有較低而基本的道德標準。 3.倫理是不成文的規範,而法律是成文的行為規範。 2

二.倫理.vs. 法律 倫理: 適用社會所有成員的價值規範. 專業倫理: 針對某一專業領域中的人員訂出之相關規範. 法律:是成文的行為規範。有時而窮,消極防弊,無法積極興利. 3

Definition of “Ethics” -Webster, 1993 The discipline dealing with what is good and bad And with moral duty and obligation A theory, system, or set of moral principles or values The principles of conduct governing an individual or group Professional ethics © USC-CSE 4

工作態度篇 (資料摘自:職場倫理. 黃新政) 企業主首選-工作態度、責任感、學習精神 心若改變,你的態度跟著改變; 態度改變,你的習慣跟著改變; 習慣改變,你的性格跟著改變; 性格改變,你的人生跟著改變。 在順境中感恩,逆境中依舊心存喜樂, 認真活在當下。 ~亞都飯店總經理 蘇國垚 《改變態度,改變人生》 5

快樂新鮮人五要 工作態度篇 工作努力以赴,態度要親切 對事力求表現,對人要尊重 做事力求表現,說話要保留 事前全力以赴,事後要分功 關心整體利益,團隊要合作 6

新鮮人職場禁忌 工作態度篇 不要搶上司的風頭. 不要鋒芒畢露. 不要做過多的批評. 好逸惡勞,不腳踏實地. 東家長西家短,賣弄嘴皮子. 不要採取獨善其身的態度. 7

職場小技巧 成為老闆最愛的員工 解決問題,而不是抱怨問題. 把事情做好,而不是只是做完. 把不知道的事先學會,再提出問題. 積極面對問題,而不是為失敗找藉口. 永遠知道-在正確的時間,做正確的事. 8

辦公室的人脈建立 人際關係篇 融入公司主流,廣結善緣. 樂於向老同事請教經驗. 對新同事提供善意的幫助. 樂觀幽默使你變得可愛. 保持謙遜,排除妒嫉心理. 9

工作價值篇 1.作好現在的工作就是最好學習;凡走過必留下痕跡. 2.學歷≠學識;經歷≠經驗,但是沒有學經歷即難證明學識與經驗. 3.機會是留給準備好的人. 4.終身學習立於不敗之地,才能變中求好. 10

重要觀察 甚麼是公司,甚麼是團隊 組織存在的目的是為了分工: 東方文化較重資歷 Teamwork 常是勝負的關鍵 公司通常是以營利為目的

重要觀察 甚麼是競爭 (= 消滅對手??) 甚麼是昇遷 刺激進步,創造價值: 要有運動精神 創新是進步的基本動作 最大的敵人是自己?? 甚麼是昇遷 更遠大的明天 (勞動契約變更) 機會是給有準備的人

問題一 基本問題 一列滿載三百人的火車下坡時剎車失靈 若轉入岔道則可安全停止 但岔道上有五個維修班且無法通知或示警 天橋上剛好有個胖子經過,推下去則可救回五個維修班…

美國電機電子工程學會 美國電機電子工程學會會員,理解我們所從事的技術的重要性,它影響世界上人類生活品質,皆會影響生活在這科技社會的所有人的生活品質,因此,電機電子工程師學會之會員應以合乎倫理的方式來執行其工作,以取得同僚、僱主、顧客以及大眾之信任。本守則宣示本學會會員對其僱主、顧客、社會大眾、以及對在本學會或在其他專業團體隻同事履行應盡之責任義務時,所當遵循之專業行為標準。為了保護與增進本會會員及其事業的形象和名譽,會員們必須努力發揮最高之道德行為,誠實與公正。

第一條 會員們必須保持勤奮、創造力與生產力之高度標準,並且: 1. 為自己的行為負責任。 2. 陳述或估計現有資料時,須以誠實與實際的態度為之。 3. 若無充分之訓練或經驗時,不接受相關技術之工作與責任;否則應向其雇主或客戶完全公開之資歷證件。 4. 隨時保持最新之專業技術水準,並且肯定當前發展在其工作中之重要性。 5. 以高尚人格從事專業工作,適度收取費用,藉以增進其所從事專業的信用度與聲望。

第二條 會員必須在其從事之工作中: 1. 公平對待所有同事、同工,不分種族、宗教、性別、年齡與國別。 2. 在不違反法律與保密條約的前提下,自由地以報導、發表或傳佈的方式與他人分享資訊。 3. 鼓勵並支持同僚同工們遵行本倫理規範。 4. 了解、接納並且提供他人對於工作誠實的批評,並且適當地將功勞歸給有貢獻的人。 5. 支持並參加所屬之專業學會各類活動。 6. 協助同事及同工在專業上之發展。

第三條 會員對其雇主或顧客所應盡之義務: 1. 在符合本規範其他部分之前提下,作為其雇主或顧客在專業工作與生意經營上忠實的代理人或受託人。 2. 在符合本規範其他部分之前提下,對於有關其雇主、客戶之生意往來或技術製程的資料絕對保密。於受雇期間如是,解雇後亦然,除非該資料業已經過適當途徑發表。 3. 將任何可能導致利益衝突之情勢,告知其雇主、顧客,與其所屬或可能參與發表之專業團體、公共單位或私人單位。 4. 不直接或間接第給付或收取與其雇主或客戶有生意往來者之任何超值禮物、款項或服務。 5. 在其所熟之的計劃、工作或規劃上,協助並勸告其雇主或顧客,為可能的預期結果預作準備,不論該結果是直接或間接的,立即的或遙遠的。

第四&五條 會員對社會大眾所應盡之義務: 1. 保護公眾之安全、健康與福祉,並且呼籲制止那些危害公共利益的事情。 2. 於適當時機向公立、慈善、或非營利機構提供專家的意見。 3. 致力擴展大眾對其所從事之專業工作與成就的認識及了解。 會員對本會及其會員何所屬雇員所應盡之義務: 1. 絕不發表明知為錯誤之聲明或不顧事情真偽之粗魯言談,或論及本會或其他會員和工作人員的資歷、誠信、專業名譽以及所從事之職業。 2. 絕不惡意或錯誤地傷害或試圖傷害其他會員與工作人員的專業聲譽或所從事之職業。

The Published Proposal “Software Engineering Code of Ethics” by Gotterbarn, Miller, and Rogerson (November 1997/Vol. 40, No. 11, Communication of the ACM) 19

8 Key Principles: Product Public Judgement Client and Employer Management Profession Colleagues Self 20

Principle 1: Products 1.01 Ensure adequate software specification 1.02 Understand specifications fully 1.03 Ensure you are suitably qualified 1.04 Ensure all goals are achievable 1.05 Ensure proper methodology use 1.06 Ensure good project management 1.07 Ensure all estimates are realistic 1.08 Ensure adequate documentation 1.09 Ensure adequate testing and debugging 1.10 Promote privacy of individuals 1.11 Use data legitimately 1.12 Delete outdated and flawed data 1.13 Identify and address contentious issues 1.14 Promote maximum quality and minimum cost 1.15 Follow appropriate industry standards 21

Principle 2: Public 2.01 Disclose any software-related dangers 2.02 Approve only safe, well tested software 2.03 Only sign documents in area of competence 2.04 Cooperate on matters of public concern 2.05 Produce software that respects diversity 2.06 Be fair and truthful in all matters 2.07 Always put the public’s interests first 2.08 Donate professional skills to good causes 2.10 Accept responsibility for your own work 22

Principle 3: Judgement 3.01 Maintain professional objectivity 3.02 Only sign documents within your responsibility 3.03 Reject bribery 3.04 Do not accept secret payments from the client 3.05 Accept payment from only one source for a job 3.06 Disclose conflicts of interest 3.07 Avoid conflicting financial interests 3.08 Temper technology judgments with ethics 23

Principle 4: Client and Employer 4.01 Provide services only where competent 4.02 Ensure resources are authentically approved 4.03 Only use property as authorized by the owner 4.04 Do not use illegally obtained software 4.05 Honor confidentiality of information 4.06 Raise matters of social concern 4.07 Inform when a project becomes problematic 4.08 Accept no detrimental outside work 4.09 Represent no interests adverse to your employer 24

Principle 5: Management 5.01 Assure standards are known by employees 5.02 Assure knowledge of confidentiality protocols 5.03 Assign work according to competence 5.04 Provide due process for code violations 5.05 Develop fair ownership agreements 5.06 Accurately describe conditions of employment 5.07 Offer only fair and just remuneration 5.08 Do not prevent a subordinate’s promotion 5.09 Do not ask a person to breach this code 25

Principle 6: Profession 6.01 Associate with reputable people 6.02 Promote commitment of this code 6.03 Support followers of this code 6.04 Help develop an ethical environment 6.05 Report suspected violations of this code 6.06 Take responsibility for errors 6.07 Only accept appropriate remuneration 6.08 Be accurate and honest regarding software 6.09 Place professional interests before personal 6.10 Obey all laws governing your work 6.11 Exercise professional responsibility 6.12 Promote public knowledge of the subject 6.13 Share software knowledge with the profession 26

Principle 7: Colleagues 7.01 Assist colleagues in professional development 7.02 Review other’s work only with their consent 7.03 Credit fully the work of others 7.04 Review others work candidly 7.05 Give fair hearing to colleagues 7.06 Assist colleagues’ awareness of work practices 7.08 Do not hinder a colleague’s career 7.09 Do not pursue a job offered to a colleague 7.10 Seek help with work outside your competence 27

Principle 8: Self 8.01 Further your own professional knowledge 8.02 Improve your ability to produce quality work 8.03 Improve your ability to document work 8.04 Improve your understanding of work details 8.05 Improve your knowledge of relevant legislation 8.06 Improve your knowledge of this code 8.07 Do not force anyone to violate this code 8.08 Consider code violations inconsistent with software engineering 28

IP -Patents Patent: confers the owner the sole right to exclude others from making, using or selling the patented invention for 20 years. Patent system there to “promote the advance of science” Often used (eg, IBM) to reach mutually beneficial partnerships Software patents Have to provide enough information so that one of ordinary skill in the art would be able to build the invention Basic issues: Prior Art must go beyond what already exists Obviousness (to one of ordinary skill in the art) Eg, automate an existing manual process Combining two existing patented ideas Hard problem: was it obvious before; often (always?) obvious after Problems Ethical/Legal problem: infringement

案例一 你是部門台柱之一 , 另一位台柱王X銘與你明爭暗鬥,水火不容. 此時王大銘申請轉調其他單位,其單位主管嚴X壽很認真的來請教你的意見, 你的反應是:

問題一 我是新進軟體工程師,到職三年後,年終考績看法與單位主管差異甚大,打算換跑道, 三年來寫出的程式,當然是我的心血, 程式是我寫的.心血是我的,我要

問題二 我比我老闆行 聯電羅顧問:我花這麼多錢請你來,就是因為你比我厲害,不然我找你來做什麼? 我們都是專業人員,能創造價值,能面對競爭, 老闆不是神,官大學問大當然是錯的 工程師有權提問題,權責長官做決定

案例二 陳X玲是林總經理特助,某日林總與主要供應商(vender)會議不歡而散.會後要陳小姐代發電郵,停止雙方業務往來; 不數目,工廠缺料停工,林總要陳小姊姐代發電郵道歉.陳小姊說,我早知有問題,所以電郵我一直沒發.

案例三 主要供應商王總與陳小姐業務往來, 正式或非正式場合都對陳小姐聰明靈娳贊不絕口,常說那天陳小姐要不要來他公司幫忙;

The Code Adoption Published “Software Engineering Code of Ethics is Approved” by Gotterbarn, Miller, and Rogerson (October 1999/Vol. 42, No. 10, Communication of the ACM) 35

Public 1.04. Disclose to appropriate persons or authorities any actual or potential danger to the user, the public, or the environment, that they reasonably believe to be associated with software or related documents. 36

Client & Employer 2.09. Promote no interest adverse to their employer or client, unless a higher ethical concern is being compromised; in that case, inform the employer or another appropriate authority of the ethical concern. 37

Management 5.01 Ensure good management for any project on which they work, including effective procedures for promotion of quality and reduction of risk. 38

Profession 6.07. Be accurate in stating the characteristics of software on which they work, avoiding not only false claims but also claims that might reasonably be speculative, vacuous, deceptive, misleading, or doubtful. 39

Colleagues 7.02. Assist colleagues in professional development. 40

Self 8.01. Further their knowledge of developments in the analysis, specification, design, development, maintenance, and testing of software and related documents, together with the management of the development process. 41

Helpful sites: ACM Professional Code of Conduct http://www.acm.org/constitution/code.html ACM Software Engineering Code of Ethics http:/www.computer.org/tab/seprof/code.htm ACM Public Policy Statements http://www.acm.org/usacm 42

References Gotterbarn, D., Miller, K., Rogerson, S., “Software Engineering Code of Ethics”, Communications of the ACM 40, 11 (Nov. 1997), pp. 110-118. Code of Ethics is Approved”, Communications of the ACM 42, 11 (Oct. 1999), pp. 102-107. Gottenbar, D. “A Positive Step Toward a Profession: The Software Engineering Code of Ethics and Professional Practice”, AMC SIGSOFT Software Engineering Notes 24, 1 (Jan. 1999), pp. 9-14