Syracuse University Taiwanese Student Association


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Presentation transcript:

Syracuse University Taiwanese Student Association 新生說明會

Syracuse University Taiwanese Student Association Agenda 雪城簡介 學校報到 生活起居 接機須知 學會聯絡人 系所聯絡人 Q&A Syracuse University Taiwanese Student Association

Syracuse University Taiwanese Student Association 雪城簡介 氣候: 夏天 55-70℉ [25℃] / 冬天 0-20℉ [-10℃] 冬天室內皆有暖氣,所以建議洋蔥式穿法。 大衣雪鞋可自備,但美國買較多選擇且便宜。 購物:Mall /大型超級市場/ 中國超市/ 韓國超市 消費稅 8% Syracuse University Taiwanese Student Association

Syracuse University Taiwanese Student Association

Syracuse University Taiwanese Student Association

Syracuse University Taiwanese Student Association SCIS Walnut Place 上 ; Bird Library 斜對面 Syracuse University Taiwanese Student Association

Syracuse University Taiwanese Student Association 學校報到流程 LESCIS (The Lillian and Emanuel Slutzker Center for International Services) 及系上報到 LESCIS Orientation 體檢證明、X光片 健康保險 (學校 : Michigan Test 註冊及辦理學生 ID E-mail account(CMS) Campus Map: Syracuse University Taiwanese Student Association

Syracuse University Taiwanese Student Association 生活起居 租屋 開戶 手機 網路 買車 考駕照 Syracuse University Taiwanese Student Association

Syracuse University Taiwanese Student Association 租屋 租屋型態: Apartment House Dorm(South Campus) 在抵達前開始搜尋住屋資訊: Orange Housing: TSA: 開學前後是租屋旺季。單人房大多要等待。 以nob hill為例 , 單人房一個月大約500~600.. 雙人房一個月約七百 , 三人房~900 提醒她們來之前要先找房子資料 , 最好是打個電話先去詢問房子還有否空房, 抄下住址 , 再請學長姐帶她們去看房子. Syracuse University Taiwanese Student Association

Syracuse University Taiwanese Student Association Apartment Syracuse University Taiwanese Student Association

Syracuse University Taiwanese Student Association Apartment Syracuse University Taiwanese Student Association

Syracuse University Taiwanese Student Association Apartment Syracuse University Taiwanese Student Association

Syracuse University Taiwanese Student Association Dorm Syracuse University Taiwanese Student Association

Syracuse University Taiwanese Student Association House Syracuse University Taiwanese Student Association

Syracuse University Taiwanese Student Association 租屋 租金 水電 (General) 暖氣 家具 (多參考TSA網頁的Sales & Buy) Syracuse University Taiwanese Student Association

Syracuse University Taiwanese Student Association 開戶 學校旁邊就有一家HSBC [其他銀行需要SSN] 證件 (SU學生證或台灣身分證/駕照、護照&Visa) 旅支,現金 現金:$500~$800 (辦理手機需$400押金(Verizon)+生活費) 會發Debit Card [可購物及領現金] 可辦Credit Card Syracuse University Taiwanese Student Association

Syracuse University Taiwanese Student Association 手機 押金 (If no SSN) Verizon($400) Cingular($500) T-mobile($250) Sprint T-mobil 只要250押金 , Syracuse University Taiwanese Student Association

Syracuse University Taiwanese Student Association 網路 Cable : Time Warner DSL : Verizon Syracuse University Taiwanese Student Association

Syracuse University Taiwanese Student Association 買車 強制購買車險 [國際駕照 , 無肇事記錄 (if > 3 years) ] 六點證明身分 (護照+I94、信用卡、健保卡、水電費帳單、超市卡) CarFax: (可查詢車輛歷史資料,需付費) KBB: (可查詢公定車輛價格,免費) Syracuse University Taiwanese Student Association

Syracuse University Taiwanese Student Association 大眾交通工具 公車: 大約一小時一班 公車時刻表可在Bird Library或Schine Student Center拿取 (付費區間車資$1) Syracuse University Taiwanese Student Association

Syracuse University Taiwanese Student Association

Syracuse University Taiwanese Student Association 考駕照 筆試與路考 Learner permit/ Driver’s License SSN Letter (The Certification of being not able to get a SSN) 六點 DMV (Department of Motor Vehicles) Syracuse University Taiwanese Student Association

Syracuse University Taiwanese Student Association 建議攜帶物品 台灣身分證/駕照 大頭照一兩組 網路線、延長線、USB延長線 Syracuse University Taiwanese Student Association

Syracuse University Taiwanese Student Association 接機須知 學會提供義務性接機和暫時住宿服務 確認班機、聯絡學長姐 班機delay請記得聯絡接機人 國內長途:先撥區碼 ex: (315)-345-1980 到達雪城:不撥區碼 ex:345-1980 提醒她們道美國境內轉機點的時候要打電話給學長姐 , 確定班機時間 , 以免學長姐白跑 , Syracuse University Taiwanese Student Association

Syracuse University Taiwanese Student Association Contact Information 會長:Eric 315-345-1980 Stu 315-430-9002 Amy 315-481-5140 學會網址: 請有需要接機的同學麻煩都寫信給我 , 住宿的也是 , 請她們確定要收到我的確認信函 , 如果沒收到我的信函請撥電話給我 , 也許是信件被攔截 , Syracuse University Taiwanese Student Association

Syracuse University Taiwanese Student Association 各系聯絡人 Engineer:  Eric MBA :  Bruce: IST: Amy (IM): 化工:  Andrew New House: 致敏 Maxwell: Fred : Undergraduate: YenPo Syracuse University Taiwanese Student Association