翻译的文采 一、巧用中国古代诗文典籍词语、句法 二、巧用汉语四字格词语 三、炼词用字 四、巧译英语意美、音美、形美.


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Presentation transcript:

翻译的文采 一、巧用中国古代诗文典籍词语、句法 二、巧用汉语四字格词语 三、炼词用字 四、巧译英语意美、音美、形美

古词语的引用 1、I have been a stranger in a strange land 古词语的引用 1、I have been a stranger in a strange land. 2、Where’s Caesar gone now, in command high and able? 3、Some cautions must be mentioned—for example good tools are essential to do the job well. 4、We are going to try to run the same by forging a cynical alliance with the very members of Congress who tried to destroy him a year ago. 独在异乡为异客。 那雄才大略,君临一切的恺撒如今安在? 有些警句必须提及,如:工欲善其事,必先利其器。 我们打算以其道还治其人,与国会中一年前力求打倒他的议员结成联盟,不再讲什么道义。

古文笔法的运用 1、great is the art of beginning, but greater is the art of ending. 2、He is fool who can not be angry, but he is really a wise man who will not. 3、Isabella is one of the most beautiful characters in the pages of history. She was well formed, of middle size, with great dignity and gracefulness of deportment and a mingled gravity and sweetness of demeanor. Her complexion was fair; her hair auburn, inclining to red; her eyes were clear blue, with a benign expression, and there was a singular modesty in her countenance, gracing as it did, a wonderful firmness of purpose and earnestness of spirit. 善始固然不易,善终尤为难得。 常言道:愚者不会怒,智者而不怒。 伊莎贝拉是史篇中的绝代佳人之一。她修短合度,纤秾得体,举止端庄而不失优雅,仪态严肃而不乏温馨。肌肤白皙,秀发金褐,碧眼明彻,目光祥和。她既有温和而谦逊的外表,又具有坚强的意志和执着的精神。

巧用汉语四字格词语 1、Over the past several weeks , she had grown increasingly restless. 2、Scientific exploration, the search for knowledge has given man the practical results of being able to shield himself the calamities of nature and the calamities imposed by other man. 3、To many Americans , China is still a faraway place—unknown, unseen, and fascinating. 4、The dust, the uproar and the growing dark threw everything in chaos. 过去几周,她越来越六神无主。 科学的探索,知识的追求,使人类获得了避免天灾人祸的实力。 时至今日,仍然有许多美国人觉得中国远在天涯海角,鲜为人知,令人心驰神往。 尘烟滚滚,人声嘈杂,夜色愈深,一切都陷入混乱之中。

5、The rocks presented a high impenetrable wall, over which the torrent came tumbling in a sheet of feathery foam, and fell into a broad, deep basin, black from the shadows of the surrounding forest. 6、Gradually the river grows wider, the banks recede, the waters flow more quietly, and in the end, without any visible breaks, they become merged in the sea, and painlessly lose their individual being. 山岩壁立,不可逾越。岩顶上一道瀑布,飞流直下,水花四溅,雾气弥漫,山泉轰然落入一个宽广的深潭,周围树林的影子,使得潭水一片幽黑。 其后,河面逐渐展宽,两岸相距愈远,水流趋缓,最后则流入大海,与海水融为一体,海天一色,平心静气地结束其单独存在的那一段历程。

坐着马车,你可以今天在一个地方,明天又可以在另外一个地方。 炼词用字 1、She smiled falsely at his jokes. 2、Bettors lose inevitably. 3、In a wagon, you can be one place today and another the next day. 4、It was marked that the clock began to strike, and I began to cry, simultaneously. 她听了他的笑话假装笑了。 她以虚假的微笑回答他的笑话。 打赌的无可逃避地输钱。 赌钱的免不了输钱。 逢赌必输。 坐着马车,你可以今天在一个地方,明天又可以在另外一个地方。 坐着马车,你可以今天看山,明日玩水。

5、The dress set off to perfection the seventeen-inch waist, the smallest in three counties, and tightly fitting basque showed breast well matured for her sixteen years. 据说,钟开始敲,我也开始哭,两者同时。(董秋斯) 据说那一会儿,当当的钟声,和呱呱的啼声,恰好同时并作。(张若谷) 据说,钟声当当一响,不早不晚,我就呱呱坠地了。(许渊冲) 她的十七英寸的腰围,在附近三个县里算是最细小的了,这身衣服把她的细腰束得尽善尽美,年方十六的她,乳房已经十分丰满,那紧而贴身的小马甲,更使其跃然显现。(毛荣贵) 她的腰围不过十七英寸,穿着那件窄窄的春衫,显得十分合身。里面紧紧绷着一件小马甲,使她的胸部特别隆起。她的年纪虽只有十六岁,乳房却已十分成熟了。(傅东华) 她的腰围只有十七英寸,三个县里就数她腰身最细,那身衣服把她的腰肢衬托得更见纤细。虽说年方十六,乳房却长得非常成熟。熨帖的紧身上衣把她的乳房裹得格外显眼。(张廷良) 她的腰围只有十七英寸,是附近三个县里算是最细小的了,而这身衣裳更把腰肢衬托得恰到好处,再加上里面那件绷得紧紧的小马甲,她的虽然只有十六岁但已成熟了的乳房便跃然显露了。(戴侃,李野光)

巧译英语意美、音美、形美 1、Able I was ere I saw Elba 巧译英语意美、音美、形美 1、Able I was ere I saw Elba! (地中海的厄尔巴荒岛) 2、It was a splendid population—for all the slow, sleepy, sluggish-brained sloths stayed at home. 我在看到厄尔巴之前曾是强有力的。(钱歌川) 不到俄岛我不倒。(许渊冲) 落败孤岛孤落败。(马红军) 这是一批卓越能干的人民---- 因为所有这些行动迟缓、瞌睡稀稀、呆如树獭的人都留在家乡了。(余立三) 那是一批卓越的人---- 因为那些慢慢吞吞、昏昏沉沉、反应迟钝、形如树獭的人留在了家乡。(杨莉藜)

3、Without the sound of drums, Cuba would not exist 3、Without the sound of drums, Cuba would not exist. 4、A fool and his words are soon parted, a man of genius and his money. 5、The Ballot is stronger than the bullet. 这是一批卓越能干的人民----因为那些行动迟缓、头脑迟钝、睡眼惺忪、呆如树獭的人留在了家乡。(章和升) (出来的)这帮人个个出类拔萃----因为呆板、呆滞、呆头呆脑的呆子都呆在了家里。(马红军) 没有鼓声,就没有古巴。 蠢材轻其言,天才轻其钱。 选举权比子弹的威力大。选票比大炮更具威力。选票胜于枪炮。 选单胜过子弹。

6、The life that is too short for the happy is too long for the miserable. 7、Change is part of life and the making of character, hon. When things happen that you do not like, you have two choices: you get bitter or better. 对幸福的人来说短暂的生活对受苦的人来说则是漫长的。 幸福的人嫌命短,受苦的人嫌命长。 幸福者苦命短,苦命者苦命长。 变化是生活的一部分,而且也塑造了人的意志品德,亲爱的。当你不喜欢的事情发生了,你有两种选择:要么痛苦不堪;要么痛快达观。

Isabella is one of the most beautiful characters in the pages of history. She was well formed, of middle size, with great dignity and gracefulness of deportment and a mingled gravity and sweetness of demeanour. Her complexion was fair; her hair auburn, inclining to red; her eyes were clear blue, with a benign expression, and there was a singular modesty in her countenance, gracing as it did, a wonderful firmness of purpose and earnestness of spirit.--Washington Irving 伊莎贝拉是史篇中的绝代佳人之一。她修短合度,纤秾得体,举止端庄而不失优雅,仪态严肃而不乏温馨。肌肤白皙,秀发金褐,碧眸明彻,目光祥和。她既有温和而谦逊的外表,又具有坚强的意志与执著的精神。

On one of those sober and rather melancholy days in the latter part of autumn, when the shadows of morning and evening almost mingle together, and throw a gloom over the decline of the year, I passed several hours in rambling about Westminster Abbey. There was something congenial to the season in the mournful magnificence of the old pile; and, as I passed its threshold, it seemed like stepping back into the regions of antiquity, and losing myself among the shades of former ages.

译文一:时方晚秋,气象肃穆,略带忧悒,朝翳和暮色,几乎相接。一年将息,终日阴暗。此时的我,到西敏寺去独步半日。古寺巍巍,森森然似有贵气,和阴沉沉的季侯正好相吻;踏入门槛,仿佛我已经置身于远古,相忘于旧时的冥府之中。 译文二:这是晚秋的清冷而又有点难受的日子,早晨的影子和黄昏的影子,几乎接在一起,一年即将过去,天色晦暗。我就在这么一天,到西敏寺去散步了几个钟头,古老的高大建筑的悲哀的华丽,和这个季节似乎一致。我踏入大门,似乎回到了那古老的地域,在古代的黑暗里失去了我自己。