基于文本特征的英语阅读策略的研究与实践 桐乡市高级中学 胡娟萍 2014.10.22.


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Presentation transcript:

基于文本特征的英语阅读策略的研究与实践 桐乡市高级中学 胡娟萍 2014.10.22

概念解释: 其表现形式有标题、副标题、小标题、粗体、斜体、彩色字体、图片、图表、线条、边框等等 文本特征(text features) : “ changes made to printed materials that provide visual aspects different from standard print type. ” --- Mary Lee Field; 2010 其表现形式有标题、副标题、小标题、粗体、斜体、彩色字体、图片、图表、线条、边框等等

选题 “小”“亲”“新” “小”小的切入点 “亲”身的教学经历 “新”颖的视角

Inspiration and Exploration (灵感和探索) 过程 "IE" "IP" "IC" Inspiration and Exploration (灵感和探索) Interpretation and Practice (解读与实践) Integration and Conveying(信息综合与传达)

内容 基于文本特征的英语阅读策略: 我的观点和行动 策略养成

My opinion: My action: (一)利用文本特征激活背景知识 根据图式理论(Scheme Theory)观点,在阅读之前利用视觉冲击力明显的文本特征激活阅读者已有的背景知识,如相关的话题、体验或者词汇,可以使后面的阅读达到事半功倍的效果。 My opinion: My action:

必修3 Unit 2 Come and eat here (1) (1) Where can you probably read these words? (2) What is the purpose of the signs or advertisements? (3) What is probably the relationship between the two restaurants? (4) Which restaurant do you prefer? Why?

My opinion: My action: (二) 利用文本特征进行预测 预测活动能够激发学生的阅读愿望,形成阅读期待,让阅读有更明确的目的。 My opinion: 1.对文章内容的预测 2.对文章体裁的预测 3.对作者态度的预测 My action:

必修4 Unit5 Theme Parks—fun and more than fun 1. How do you understand “fun and more than fun”? 2. What does the author mainly want to convey in the passage--- “fun” or “more than fun” ?

My opinion: My action: (三)利用文本特征把握文章结构 对文章结构的把握可以帮我们更加清晰地梳理文章的脉络,抓住文章主线;也可以精确地定位文章的信息,完成寻读的任务。 My opinion: My action:

选修6 Unit 1 A short history of western painting 小标题: The Middle Ages (5th to 15th century AD) The Renaissance (15th to 16th century) Impressionism (late 19th to early 20th century) Modern Art (20th century to today)

My opinion: My action: (四)利用文本特征具体化抽象内容 文字的描述有时候显得复杂而抽象,而图片、图表等能帮助阅读者更加具体地感知文本的内容,使文字内容更加直观,更易于理解。 My opinion: My action: “A picture is worth a thousand words.” (2006 浙江卷 完型)

必修5 Unit 3 First impressions Match the pictures with the paragraphs Describe the pictures

My opinion: My action: (五)利用文本特征关注文章重难点 文本特征是编者有目的的行为,因此在一定的程度上体现了编者想要强调的重点和难点。 My opinion: My action:

选修 7 Unit 2 Satisfaction Guaranteed 必修2 Unit 2 An Interview I’ve come to your time to find out about the present-day Olympic Games because I know that…. 选修 7 Unit 2 Satisfaction Guaranteed Claire thought it was ridiculous to be offered sympathy by a robot. How awful to be discovered by her, Claire thought.

必修1 Unit 3 Journey down the Mekong “The proper way is always her way.” Who does “her” refer to? What does the author mean by “The proper way is always her way”? Why do you suppose the editor uses the italic word “her”?

策略养成 Theory: Action: 转移假说(Transfer hypothesis) 1.识别 (Identification) 2.认可 (Recognition) 3.示范 (Modeling) 4.体验 (Experience) “是什么”--what Action: “为什么”--why “如何用” -- how “常常用,习惯用”-- “just do it!”

Communication: No problem? topic attitude Communication: No problem?

Thanks for your attention!

转移假说(Transfer hypothesis) 由于语言能力的限制,母语的阅读技巧并不一定能直接地转移到外语的阅读中去;特别是对于中、低程度的英语学习者,这种转移更是艰难(David,2003)。因此老师应对学生的阅读策略进行一定的指导。研究表明,有效阅读策略是可以教授的,并且学生也能从这种策略指导中受益(Thomas, 2012)。