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Presentation transcript:


一、洒向学生都是爱 爱岗敬业; 爱生如子; 爱拼会赢。

二、让学生轻松快乐地看教科书 看目录; 看注解; 看单词; (根据班上的情况可适当删减教材的内容)

三、让学生轻松快乐地记忆单词 语音记忆单词; 构词法记忆单词; 归类记忆单词;

四、让学生轻松快乐地上好课 给学生用英语交流的时间; (学生用英语讲笑话) 给学生唱英语歌的时间; (让学生知道连读) an old / honest man; an apple / orange / egg an important meeting 给学生看有教育意义的英语电影的时间; (用英语写影评) Book Eight Unit 4

A joke Teacher: What’s on your hand? Student: Watch. Teacher: How do you spell that? Student: T-H-A-T

友谊地久天长 Auld Lang Syne Should auld acquaintance be forgot, And never brought to mind? Should auld acquaintance be forgot And days of auld lang syne? And days of auld lang syne, my dear, And days of auld lang syne,

And there's a hand, my trusty frien', And gie's a hand o' thine; We‘ll take a cup of kindness yet, for auld lang syne. For auld lang syne, my dear, For auld lang syne, We'll take a cup of kindness yet, For auld lang syne.

五、让学生轻松快乐地课后交流 1. 创设英语角; 2. 经常用英语e-mail交流; 3. 共享网络新的、有趣的英语文章。

六、让学生体会完形填空的教育意义 善良 孝心 宽容 助人 节俭

Instructive conclusions You can never remove all the stress of life. But stress management can help you reduce stress in healthy ways. 2. Like air fills the lungs, friendship fills the heart, allowing us to experience the best life. 3. Friendship is an honor and a gift, and worth the effort to treasure. 4. One minute can make a difference for a lifetime.

七、让学生轻松快乐地做高考试题 高考听力填空题分析; 高考单项填空题分析; 高考完形填空一分析; 高考完形填空二分析; (以语法的15道单项填空为例:化繁为简)

21. Happiness and success often come to those ________ are good at recognizing their own strengths. A. whom B. who C. what D. which 22. “What do you want to be?” asked Mrs. Crawford. “Oh, I ________ president,” said the boy, with a smile. A. have been B. am C. was D. will be 23. You must learn to consult your feelings and your reason ________ you reach any decision. A. although B. before C. because D. unless

24. Around two o’clock every night, Sue will start talking in her dream. It somewhat ________ us. A. bothers B. had bothered C. would bother D. bothered 25. The sun began to rise in the sky, ________ the mountain in golden light. A. bathed B. bathing C. to have bathed D. have bathed 26. If nothing ________, the oceans will turn into fish deserts. A. does B. had been done C. will do D. is done

27. — Have you heard about the recent election? — Sure, it ________ the only thing on the news for the last three days. A. would be B. is C. has been D. will be 28. Do not let any failures discourage you, for you can never tell ________ close you may be to victory. A. how B. that C. which D. where 29. You cannot accept an opinion ________ to you unless it is based on facts. A. offering B. to offer C. having offered D. offered

30. Every day ________ a proverb aloud several times until you have it memorized. A. read B. reading C. to read D. reads 31. ________ warm at night, I would fill the woodstove, then set my alarm clock for midnight so I could refill it. A. Staying B. Stayed C. To stay D. Stay 32. He ________ sleep, although he tried to, when he got on such a hunt for an idea until he had caught it. A. wouldn’t B. shouldn’t C. couldn’t D. mustn’t

33. The university estimates that living expenses for international students ________ around $8,450 a year, which ________ a burden for some of them. A. are;is B. are;are C. is;are D. is;is 34. — I don’t understand why you didn’t go to the lecture yesterday afternoon. A. had done B. was doing C. would do D. am doing 35. Not once ________ to Michael that he could one day become a top student in his class. A. occurred it B. it did occur C. it occurred D. did it occur

Dear Mr. Dragon,  Thank you again for your help and kind words before we left on Monday! I will never forget you and hope that we can stay in touch. I have attached the photos we took at the train station :) Take care! Alethea (Miss A)