Praises and worship to our King. Alleluia, Alleluia, Alleluia, Allelu.


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Presentation transcript:

Praises and worship to our King. Alleluia, Alleluia, Alleluia, Allelu. 耶穌,我愛祢,俯伏在祢面前, 讚美敬拜祢,主我王。 哈利路亞,哈利路亞, 哈利路亞,哈利路。 Jesus, I love You, I bow down before You, Praises and worship to our King. Alleluia, Alleluia, Alleluia, Allelu.

H532 玉漏沙殘 THE SANDS OF TIME (1/5) 玉漏沙殘時將盡,天國即將破曉, The sands of time are sinking, the dawn of heaven breaks; 所慕晨曦即降臨,甘甜加上奇妙。 The summer morn I've sighed for, the fair, sweet morn awakes 雖經黑暗四圍繞,晨光今已四照, Dark, dark hath been the midnight, but dayspring is at hand, 榮耀榮耀今充滿,以馬內利之境。 And glory, glory dwelleth in Immanuel’s land.

哦!基督祢是泉源,源深甘愛充滿, 既淺嘗此泉於地,定必暢飲於天。 那裏主愛直擴展,猶如海洋湧 溢, 榮耀榮耀今充滿,以馬內利之境。 H532 (節2/5, 頁1/1) 哦!基督祢是泉源,源深甘愛充滿, O Christ! He is the fountain, the deep sweet well of love! 既淺嘗此泉於地,定必暢飲於天。 The streams on earth I’ve tasted, more deep I’ll drink above; 那裏主愛直擴展,猶如海洋湧 溢, There, to an ocean fullness, His mercy doth expand, 榮耀榮耀今充滿,以馬內利之境。 And glory, glory dwelleth in Immanuel’s land.

祂以憐憫和審判織成我的年代, 我的憂傷的淚斑,也帶愛的光彩, 領我手段何巧妙,祂計劃何純正, 榮耀榮耀今充滿,以馬內利之境。 H532 (節3/5, 頁1/1) 祂以憐憫和審判織成我的年代, With mercy and with judgment my web of time He wove, 我的憂傷的淚斑,也帶愛的光彩, And aye the dews of sorrow were lustred with His love; 領我手段何巧妙,祂計劃何純正, I’ll bless the hand that guided, I’ll bless the heart that plann’d, 榮耀榮耀今充滿,以馬內利之境。 When throned where glory dwelleth in Immanuel’s land.

哦!我是屬我良人,我良人也屬我, 祂帶我這卑賤身,進入祂的快樂。 那時我無他靠山,只靠救主功勞, 前來榮耀所充滿,以馬內利之境。 H532 (節4/5, 頁1/1) 哦!我是屬我良人,我良人也屬我, Oh, I am my Beloved’s, and my Beloved’s mine! 祂帶我這卑賤身,進入祂的快樂。 He brings a poor vile sinner into His “house of wine.” 那時我無他靠山,只靠救主功勞, I stand upon His merit, I know no other stand, 前來榮耀所充滿,以馬內利之境。 Not e’en where glory dwelleth in Immanuel’s land.

新婦不看她衣裳,只看所愛新郎, 我也不看我榮耀,只是瞻仰我王。 不見祂賜的冠冕,只看祂手創傷, 羔羊榮耀今充滿,以馬內利之境。 H532 (節5/5, 頁1/1) 新婦不看她衣裳,只看所愛新郎, The bride eyes not her garment, but her dear bridegroom’s face 我也不看我榮耀,只是瞻仰我王。 I will not gaze at glory, but on my King of grace. 不見祂賜的冠冕,只看祂手創傷, Not at the crown He giveth, but on His pierced hand, 羔羊榮耀今充滿,以馬內利之境。 The Lamb is all the glory of Immanuel’s land.

以真誠的心,降服在祢面前, 開我心眼使我看見, 以感恩的心,領受生命活水, 從祢而來的溫柔謙卑。 何等恩典 HOW COULD IT BE 以真誠的心,降服在祢面前, 開我心眼使我看見, 以感恩的心,領受生命活水, 從祢而來的溫柔謙卑。 With a truthful heart, Lord, I come before Thee. Open my eyes, so I can see. With a grateful heart, Lord, I come to receive Your spirit of Humbleness and grace.

何等恩典,祢竟然在乎我, 何等恩典,祢寶血為我流, 何等恩典,祢以尊貴榮耀為我冠冕, 我的嘴必充滿讚美。 何等恩典 HOW COULD IT BE 何等恩典,祢竟然在乎我, 何等恩典,祢寶血為我流, 何等恩典,祢以尊貴榮耀為我冠冕, 我的嘴必充滿讚美。 How could it be, that You would care for me? How could it be, Your blood was shed for me? How could it be, You‘ve crowned me with Your grace and glory? O my soul, sing praises to the King.

祢已挪去我所有枷鎖, 祢已挪去我所有重擔, 祢已挪去我所有傷悲, 祢的名配得所有頌讚 。 何等恩典 HOW COULD IT BE 祢已挪去我所有枷鎖, 祢已挪去我所有重擔, 祢已挪去我所有傷悲, 祢的名配得所有頌讚 。 You have removed, my bondage, my chains. You have removed, my burdens and shame. You have removed, my sorrows and pain. O my soul, sing praises to His name.

H313 收我此生作奉獻 TAKE MY LIFE, AND LET IT BE (1/6) 收我此生作奉獻, Take my life, and let it be 毫無保留在祢前; Consecrated, Lord to Thee; 收我光陰並時日, Take my moments and my days, 用以榮耀祢不置。 Let them flow in ceaseless praise.

為我荊棘冠冕祢肯戴, 為我釘死苦架祢受害, 為祢,我願獻上我命與我愛, 為祢,事祢到萬代。 H313 (節1/6, 頁2/2副) 為我荊棘冠冕祢肯戴, Thou didst wear a crown of thorn for me, 為我釘死苦架祢受害, Thou didst give Thy life on Calvary. 為祢,我願獻上我命與我愛, Lord, I give to Thee my life and all to be 為祢,事祢到萬代。 Thine henceforth eternally.

收我雙手為祢用, 因愛催促才舉動; 收我兩足為祢行, 踪跡佳美傳祢名。 Take my hands, and let them move At the impulse of Thy love, 收我兩足為祢行, Take my feet, and let them be ; 踪跡佳美傳祢名。 Swift and beautiful for Thee. 13

為我荊棘冠冕祢肯戴, 為我釘死苦架祢受害, 為祢,我願獻上我命與我愛, 為祢,事祢到萬代。 H313 (節2/6, 頁2/2副) 為我荊棘冠冕祢肯戴, Thou didst wear a crown of thorn for me, 為我釘死苦架祢受害, Thou didst give Thy life on Calvary. 為祢,我願獻上我命與我愛, Lord, I give to Thee my life and all to be 為祢,事祢到萬代。 Thine henceforth eternally. 14

收我聲音來歌唱, 天上榮耀的君王; 收我嘴唇作用器, 前來述說祢信息。 Take my voice, and let me sing H313 (節3/6, 頁1/2) 收我聲音來歌唱, Take my voice, and let me sing 天上榮耀的君王; Always, only, for my King. 收我嘴唇作用器, Take my lips, and let them be 前來述說祢信息。 Filled with message for Thee. 15

為我荊棘冠冕祢肯戴, 為我釘死苦架祢受害, 為祢,我願獻上我命與我愛, 為祢,事祢到萬代。 H313 (節3/6, 頁2/2副) 為我荊棘冠冕祢肯戴, Thou didst wear a crown of thorn for me, 為我釘死苦架祢受害, Thou didst give Thy life on Calvary. 為祢,我願獻上我命與我愛, Lord, I give to Thee my life and all to be 為祢,事祢到萬代。 Thine henceforth eternally. 16

收我金銀和所有, 不敢分毫有私留; 收我聰明並才幹, 前來作成祢心歡。 Take my silver and my gold; H313 (節4/6, 頁1/2) 收我金銀和所有, Take my silver and my gold; 不敢分毫有私留; Not a mite would I withhold; 收我聰明並才幹, Take my intellect, and use 前來作成祢心歡。 Every pow’r as Thou shalt choose. 17

為我荊棘冠冕祢肯戴, 為我釘死苦架祢受害, 為祢,我願獻上我命與我愛, 為祢,事祢到萬代。 H313 (節4/6, 頁2/2副) 為我荊棘冠冕祢肯戴, Thou didst wear a crown of thorn for me, 為我釘死苦架祢受害, Thou didst give Thy life on Calvary. 為祢,我願獻上我命與我愛, Lord, I give to Thee my life and all to be 為祢,事祢到萬代。 Thine henceforth eternally. 18

收我意志永屬祢, 從今不再為自己; 收我的心作寶座, 祢住裡面號令我。 Take my will, and make it Thine; It shall be no longer mine. 收我的心作寶座, Take my heart; it is Thine own; 祢住裡面號令我。 It shall be Thy royal throne. 19

為我荊棘冠冕祢肯戴, 為我釘死苦架祢受害, 為祢,我願獻上我命與我愛, 為祢,事祢到萬代。 H313 (節5/6, 頁2/2副) 為我荊棘冠冕祢肯戴, Thou didst wear a crown of thorn for me, 為我釘死苦架祢受害, Thou didst give Thy life on Calvary. 為祢,我願獻上我命與我愛, Lord, I give to Thee my life and all to be 為祢,事祢到萬代。 Thine henceforth eternally. 20

收我愛情,哦,我主, 只在祢前才傾吐; 收我全人,靈、魂、體, 一切活著為著祢。 Take my love; my Lord, I pour H313 (節6/6, 頁1/2) 收我愛情,哦,我主, Take my love; my Lord, I pour 只在祢前才傾吐; At Thy feet its treasure-store; 收我全人,靈、魂、體, Take myself, and I will be 一切活著為著祢。 Ever, only, all for Thee. 21

為我荊棘冠冕祢肯戴, 為我釘死苦架祢受害, 為祢,我願獻上我命與我愛, 為祢,事祢到萬代。 H313 (節6/6, 頁2/2副) 為我荊棘冠冕祢肯戴, Thou didst wear a crown of thorn for me, 為我釘死苦架祢受害, Thou didst give Thy life on Calvary. 為祢,我願獻上我命與我愛, Lord, I give to Thee my life and all to be 為祢,事祢到萬代。 Thine henceforth eternally. 22

誠摯地歡迎本週第一次來聚會的弟兄姊妹和朋友們。 報告 ANNOUNCEMENTS 誠摯地歡迎本週第一次來聚會的弟兄姊妹和朋友們。 1.敬請參加教會的各聚會: 主日上午九時半 會前禱告 (十時開始擘餅聚會與福音班) 週二晚間七時半 禱告聚會 (神的工作由教會禱告開始) 週三上午十時半 姊妹聚會/長青團契(DMV) 週五晚間七時半 讀經聚會 (羅馬書第12章) 週四下午二時 長青團契(CVS) 週六晚間七時半 磐石福音組(3772 Pilgrims Way, Chino) 2.這主日飯食和整潔的服事是羅蘭分家。 聖迦谷基督徒聚會(東區)

報告 ANNOUNCEMENTS 3.今天詩班練習將暫停一次。 4.本週五讀經聚會讀羅馬書,中文組將在奇諾之家舉 行,青年組將在核桃之家舉行,晚間六時半愛筵 (Potluck),七時半開始聚會,邀請您一同來參加。 奇諾之家(中文組):12979 Hillcrest Dr., Chino, CA 91710 核桃之家(青年組):20442 Prestina Way, Walnut, CA 91789 普慕拿會所(兒童與英文組):312 E. 10 St., Pomona, CA 91766 5. 感謝神賜福在UC Santa Barbara舉行的基督見證使團 夏令特會,歡迎弟兄姊妹上網收聽與收視,網址是。 聖迦谷基督徒聚會(東區)