第7章 市場區隔、 目標市場與定位 7-1
不斷推陳出新的ZARA 平均只需十五天便能開發新商品並上架 零廣告,快速擴張分店 藉由收購,把上千家的生產機構轉而成為Zara的夥伴聯盟 內部資訊系統:回覆第一手服裝情報,「快速、少量、多款」的營運準則 高度的整合能力
全球市場區隔 全球市場區隔:以具有同質性,並可能對行銷組合產生相似反應的潛在顧客,所確認出的特定群體的過程 多個國家市場也會出現相似的新區隔
全球市場區隔的觀點比較 For example, conventional wisdom might assume that consumers in Europe and Latin America are interested in World Cup soccer while those in America are not. Unconventional wisdom would note that the “global jock” segment exists in many countries, including the United States.[1] Similarly, conventional wisdom might assume that, because per capita income in India is about $820, all Indians have low incomes. Unconventional wisdom would note the presence of a higher-income, middle-class segment. As Sapna Nayak, a food analyst at Raobank India, noted recently, "The potential Indian customer base for a McDonald's or a Subway is larger than the size of entire developed countries. The same is true of China; the average annual income of people living in eastern China is approximately $1,200. This is the equivalent to a lower-middle-income country market with 470 million people, larger than every other single country market except India.
全球市場區隔 人口統計區隔:所得、人口、年齡、性別、教育程度、職業 心理區隔 行為區隔 利益區隔 種族區隔 Today, global companies (and the research and advertising agencies that serve them) use market segmentation to identify, define, understand, and respond to customer wants and needs on a worldwide, rather than strictly local basis. As we have noted many times in this book, global marketers must determine whether a standardized or adapted marketing mix is required to best serve those wants and needs. By performing market segmentation, marketers can generate the insights needed to devise the most effective approach. The process of global market segmentation begins with the choice of one or more variables to use as a basis for grouping customers. This slide shows the most common segmentation categories. The following slides will discuss them more in-depth.
人口統計區隔 西方先進國家的老年人口數量愈來愈多 開發中國家擁有龐大的工作年齡人口 亞洲16歲以下的消費人口有五億 到了2025年,日本預計有半數以上的人口年齡超過50歲
以所得與人口進行區隔 所得是最有效且最重要的市場潛力指標 計算國民所得的方式,應該以購買力為基準,或是直接比較某一產品在各地的真實價格 全球三分之二的GNI由三級地區所創造,但三級地區國家只占全世界人口12% 計算國民所得的方式,應該以購買力為基準,或是直接比較某一產品在各地的真實價格 After segmenting in terms of a single demographic variable—income—a company can reach the most affluent markets by targeting fewer than 20 nations: the European Union, North America, and Japan. By doing so, however, the marketers are not reaching almost 90 percent of the world’s population! A word of caution is in order here. Data about income (and population) have the advantage of being widely available and inexpensive to access. However, management may unconsciously "read too much" into such data. In other words, while providing some measure of market potential, such macro-level demographic data should not necessarily be used as the sole indicator of presence (or absence) of a market opportunity. This is especially true when an emerging country market or region is being investigated. As noted previously, for products whose price is low enough, population is a more important variable than income in determining market potential. As former Kodak CEO George Fisher commented a decade ago, “Half the people in the world have yet to take their first picture. The opportunity is huge, and it's nothing fancy. We just have to sell yellow boxes of film."[1] Thus, China and India, with respective populations of 1.3 billion and 1 billion, represent attractive target markets. In a country like China, one segmentation approach would call for serving the existing mass market for inexpensive consumer products. Procter & Gamble, Unilever, Kao, Johnson & Johnson, and other packaged goods companies are targeting and developing the China market, lured in part by the possibility that as many as 100 million Chinese customers are affluent enough to spend a few cents for a single-use pouch of shampoo.
以年齡進行區隔 全球青少年:12歲至19歲的人口 全球菁英:經常旅遊、有錢花在奢侈品上的富裕消費者 他們大多喜歡分享流行趨勢、音樂和生活風格 主要需求和欲望為耐久品(如賓士、勞斯萊斯等昂貴轎車)、非耐久財(如Cristal香檳或Grey Goose 伏特加)以及金融服務如美國運通(AE)之金卡和白金卡 Young consumers may not yet have conformed to cultural norms; indeed, they may be rebelling against them. This fact, combined with shared universal wants, needs, desires, and fantasies (for name brands, novelty, entertainment, trendy, and image-oriented products), make it possible to reach the global teen segment with a unified marketing program. This segment is attractive both in terms of its size (about 1.3 billion) and its multi-billion dollar purchasing power. Coca-Cola, Benetton, Swatch, and Sony are some of the companies pursuing the global teenage segment. The global elite is normally associated with older individuals who have accumulated wealth over the course of a long career, it also includes movie stars, musicians, elite athletes, and others who have achieved great financial success at a relatively young age.
以性別進行區隔 必須確定沒有因集中單一性別市場,而錯失或忽略另一性別的市場機會 有些公司會同時推出兩性的產品線 Nike、Levi Strauss In 2000, Nike generated $1.4 billion in global sales of women's shoes and apparel, a figure representing 16 percent of total Nike sales. Nike executives believe its global women's business is poised for big growth. To make it happen, Nike is opening concept shops inside department stores and creating free-standing retail stores devoted exclusively to women. In Europe, Levi Strauss is taking a similar approach. In 2003, the company opened its first boutique for young women, Levi's for Girls, in Paris. As Suzanne Gallacher, associate brand manager for Levi's in Europe, the Middle East, and Africa, noted, "In Europe, denim is for girls.”
以心理統計變數進行區隔 心理區隔: 芬蘭的Nokia藉心理統計變數區隔分析行動電話用戶: 依人們的態度、價值觀和生活型態進行分類,並以問卷搜集受試者對一系列陳述的同意程度 芬蘭的Nokia藉心理統計變數區隔分析行動電話用戶: 裝模作樣者(poseur) 流行領導者(trendsetter) 社交搜尋者(social contact seekers) 高飛者(highflier) Data are obtained from questionnaires that require respondents to indicate the extent to which they agree or disagree with a series of statements. Psychographics is primarily associated with SRI International, a market research organization whose original VALS and updated VALS 2 analyses of consumers are widely known. Finland's Nokia relies heavily on psychographic segmentation of mobile phone users; its most important segments are "poseurs," "trendsetters," "social contact seekers," and "highfliers." By carefully studying these segments and tailoring products to each, Nokia has captured 40 percent of the world's market for mobile communication devices. Porsche will use the profiles to develop advertising tailored to each type. As Richard Ford, Porsche vice president of sales and marketing, noted: "We were selling to people whose profiles were diametrically opposed. You wouldn't want to tell an elitist how good he looks in the car or how fast he could go." The results were impressive; Porsche's U.S. sales improved nearly 50 percent after a new advertising campaign was launched.
以心理統計變數進行區隔 歐洲消費者研究: 1.成功的理想主義者:主要是在專業或物質上獲得成功,對抽象或社會責任理想持續承諾者,約占總人口的5%至20%。 2.富有的物質主義者:主要是商界人士,具有進取心並渴求地位,多半喜歡購買炫耀性商品來展現自己的成功。 The following characteristics come from a research team at D’arcy Massius Benton & Bowles. They focused on Europe and produced a 15-country study entitled: “The Euroconsumer: Marketing Myth or Cultural Certainty?” They identified four lifestyle groups which are highlighted here and on the next slide.
以心理統計變數進行區隔 3.安逸的歸屬者:約占一個國家人口的25%到50%。此區隔和全球統計中的調適者及傳統者類似,多半具有保守與守舊,滿足於家庭、家人、朋友和社群的舒適感。 4.不滿的倖存者:組成這個區隔的人缺乏權勢和財富,且大多比較不積極進取,容易抱怨和屈服,主要居住在城市中高犯罪或貧窮地區。雖然沒有社會地位,但其態度仍會影響社會。
以行為變數進行區隔 主要針對人們購買或使用產品與否,購買頻率與消費金額等變數進行區隔。 可依消費者的產品使用率(usage rate)進行區隔。 80/20法則(也稱為不均衡法則或柏拉圖定律)指出,一家公司80%的營收與利潤,主要來自20%的產品或客戶。 Behavior segmentation focuses on whether or not people buy and use a product, as well as how often, and how much they use or consume. Consumers can be categorized in terms of usage rates: for example, heavy, medium, light, and non-user. Consumers can also be segmented according to user status: potential users, non-users, ex-users, regulars, first-timers, and users of competitors’ products. Nine country markets generate about 80 percent of McDonald's revenues. This situation presents McDonald's executives with strategy alternatives: Should the company pursue growth in the handful of countries where it is already well known and popular? Or, should it focus on expansion and growth opportunities in the scores of countries that, as yet, contribute little to revenues and profits?
以利益進行區隔 全球市場的利益區隔(benefit segmentation)著重價值方程式中的B,即購買者購買產品時所追求的利益。 V=B/P 根據行銷者對於產品相關知識的深入了解,包括產品所能解決的問題、提供的利益,或定位問題等來區隔。 Marketers of health and beauty aids also use benefit segmentation. Many toothpaste brands are straightforward cavity fighters, and as such they reach a very broad market. However, as consumers become more concerned about whitening, sensitive teeth, gum disease, and other oral care issues, marketers are developing new toothpaste brands suited to the different sets of perceived needs. The European pet food market represents $30 billion in annual sales. Nestlé discovered that cat owners' attitudes toward feeding their pets are the same everywhere. In response, a pan-European campaign was created for Friskies Dry Cat Food. The appeal was that dry cat food better suits a cat's universally recognized independent nature. Likewise, many Europeans are concerned with improving the health and longevity of their pets. Accordingly, Procter & Gamble is marketing its Iams brand premium pet food as a way to improve pets' health.
以種族進行區隔 許多國家的人口是由數個種族組成 美國除了白人外,還有三大種族區隔 西裔美國人 非裔、亞裔和西班牙裔 約有超過4,000萬人,擁有每年約5,600億美元的購買能力 一半以上的墨裔美國人稅後所得高達1,000億美元 十年後,全美青少年中的西裔比例將由12%增加到18% From a marketing point of view, these groups offer great opportunity. Companies in a variety of industry sectors, including food and beverages, consumer durables, and leisure and financial services are recognizing the need to include these segments when preparing marketing programs for the United States. In the two-year period 1999-2000, new-vehicle registrations by Hispanics in the United States grew 20 percent, twice the overall national growth rate. Honda, Toyota, and other Japanese automakers have been courting U.S. Hispanics for years and have built up a great deal of brand loyalty. Ford and GM are playing catch up, with mixed results; despite large increases in advertising targeting Hispanics, GM's market share is slipping. Sales of Corona Extra beer in the United States have grown dramatically recently, thanks in part to savvy marketing to the Hispanic segment. In lower-income neighborhoods, imported premium beer brands represent “affordable luxuries.” Although a six-pack of Corona typically costs at least a dollar more than Budweiser at a local bodega, it is usually priced lower than Heineken. Marketers must understand, though, that many Hispanic Americans live in two worlds; while they identify strongly with the United States, there is also a sense of pride associated with brands that connect to their heritage.
評估市場潛力與 選擇目標市場或區隔 必須注意市場區隔過程中潛在的陷阱: 人們常會誇大單一國家市場的規模與短期吸引力,尤其當評估市場潛力的主要依據為所得和人口數等人口統計資料時 行銷人員可能有來自股東或競爭者對管理高層的壓力,非鎖定某個國家,是不能「錯過」的策略機會不可 各管理高層之間的聯繫網絡,成為鎖定目標市場選擇的評估要項 After segmenting the market by one or more of the criteria just discussed, the next step is to assess the attractiveness of the identified segments. This part of the process is especially important when sizing up emerging country markets as potential targets. It is at this stage that global marketers should be mindful of several potential pitfalls associated with the market segmentation process.
評估市場潛力與 選擇目標市場或區隔 行銷人員可利用三項基本準則來評估公司在全球目標市場中的機會: 現有區隔的規模與預期潛力 潛在競爭 是否能與公司整體目標相配合以及成功達成目標的可行性
現有區隔的規模與成長潛能 現有市場區隔的規模是否夠大到為公司賺取利潤? 如果市場規模不夠大或欠缺獲利成長空間,公司是否仍願意採取長期策略? India is the world’s fastest growing cell phone market. The industry is expanding at a rate of 50 percent annually, with 5 million new subscribers added every month. Even so, barriers originating in the political and regulatory environments have shackled private-sector growth. From the perspective of a consumer packaged goods company, for example, low incomes and the absence of a distribution infrastructure offset the fact that 75 percent of India's population lives in rural areas. The appropriate decision may be to target urban areas only, even though they are home to only 25 percent of the population. Visa's strategy in China perfectly illustrates this criterion as it relates to demographics: Visa is targeting persons with a monthly salary equivalent to $300 or more. The company estimates that currently 60 million people fit that description; by 2010, the number could include as many as 200 million people.
全球汽車製造商針對美國市場 製造的休旅車款
潛在競爭 某個區隔或國家市場如果被認定為競爭激烈,那麼最好選擇避開。 如果競爭是因為價格或品質的劣勢,對此市場新進入者來說,也許可以大舉進攻。 Over the past several decades, for example, Japanese companies in a variety of industries targeted the U.S. market despite the presence of entrenched domestic market leaders. Some of the newcomers proved to be extremely adept at segmenting and targeting; as a result, they made significant inroads. In the motorcycle industry, for example, Honda first created the market for small-displacement dirt bikes. The company then moved upmarket with bigger bikes targeted at casual riders whose psychographic profile was quite different than that of the hardcore Harley-Davidson rider. In document imaging, Canon outflanked Xerox by offering compact desktop copiers and targeting department managers and secretaries. Similar case studies can be found in earth-moving equipment (Komatsu versus Caterpillar), photography (Fuji versus Kodak), and numerous other industries.
相容性與可行性 產品是否須因應市場而調整?如果是的話,調整後的預期銷售量有無經濟效益? 進口限制、高關稅及本國貨幣升值等是否影響產品在當地市場的價格,造成產品需求降低? If a market segment is judged to be large enough, and if strong competitors are either absent or deemed to be vulnerable, then the final consideration is whether a company can and should target that market. The feasibility of targeting a particular segment can be negatively impacted by various factors. For example, significant regulatory hurdles may be present that limit market access. This issue is especially important in China today. The company may also encounter cultural barriers, as was the case with Tambrands' efforts to build its feminine-hygiene market. Other marketing-specific issues can arise; in India, for example, three to five years are required to build an effective distribution system for many consumer products. This fact may serve as a deterrent to foreign companies that might otherwise be attracted by the apparent potential of India's large population.
相容性與可行性 可否在當地採購?若要成功建立全球區隔,必須考量配銷及公司人員出差支出。在當地採購後再出口到其他地方的作法是否合理? 以某個區隔為目標,與公司整體目標及品牌形象相契合嗎?能因此產生資源共用的競爭優勢嗎? BMW is one of the world's premium auto brands. Should BMW add a minivan to its product lineup? As BMW CEO Helmut Panke explained recently, "There is a segment in the market which BMW is not catering to and that is the minivan or MPV segment. We don't have a van because a van as it is in the market today does not fulfill any of the BMW group brand values. We all as a team said 'no' .”
選擇目標市場的架構 除了評估人口統計資料外,還能考量其他以市場為導向的規模和成長潛力 所謂的產品市場 行銷模式的驅動因素 是由產品類型定義的市場 行銷模式的驅動因素 公司在特定國家的市場環境中,能夠紮根與成長的關鍵要素 可落實條件是結構化市場的特質 此關係到所選的行銷模式能否成功 Global marketing expert David Arnold has developed a framework that goes beyond demographic data and considers other, marketing-oriented assessments of market size and growth potential. Instead of a “top-down” segmentation analysis beginning with, say, income or population data from a particular country, Arnold’s framework is based on a “bottom-up” analysis that begins at the product-market level. After marketing-model drivers and enabling conditions have been identified, the third step is for management to weigh the estimated costs associated with entering and serving the market with potential short- and long-term revenue streams. Does this segment or country market merit entry now? Or, would it be better to wait until, say, specific enabling conditions are established? The term product-market refers to a market defined by a product category; in the automotive industry, for example, phrases such as "luxury car market," "SUV market," and "minivan market" refer to specific product-markets. By contrast, phrases such as "the Russian market" or "the Indian market" refer to country markets. Marketing model drivers are key elements or factors required for a business to take root and grow in a particular country market environment. The drivers may differ depending on whether a company serves consumer or industrial markets. Does success hinge on establishing or leveraging a brand name? Or, is distribution or a tech-savvy sales staff the key element? Marketing executives seeking an opportunity must arrive at insights into the true driving force(s) that will affect success for their particular product-market. Enabling conditions are structural market characteristics whose presence or absence can determine whether the marketing model can succeed. For example, in India, refrigeration is not widely available in shops and market food stalls. This creates challenges for Nestlé and Cadbury Schweppes as they attempt to capitalize on Indians' increasing appetite for chocolate confections. Although Nestlé's KitKat and Cadbury's Dairy Milk bars have been reformulated to better withstand heat, the absence or rudimentary nature of refrigeration hampers the companies' efforts to ensure their products are in saleable condition.
勾勒產品市場的九個問題 哪些人會買我們的產品或品牌? 哪些人不會買我們的產品或品牌? 我們的產品要滿足哪些需求或提供哪些服務?我們的產品有強調這樣的需求嗎? 哪些市場需求是目前的產品或品牌所不能滿足的? 我們的產品能解決哪些問題? 目前消費者都購買哪些產品來滿足特定需求或解決問題,而且這些正是我們產品的目標? 他們以什麼價格購買目前的產品? 消費者何時會購買我們的產品? 他們會在什麼地方購買我們的產品?
進入目標市場策略 標準化全球行銷 類似單一國家市場的大量行銷策略 無差異目標行銷 標準化行銷組合 產品的調適程度極低 密集的配銷策略 較低的生產成本 較低的廣告成本
目標市場的行銷策略選擇 集中化全球行銷 差異化全球行銷 針對利基(niche)市場設計行銷組合 全球市場中的單一區隔就是一個利基市場 偏重的是全球性的深度(global depth),而非國家內的廣度(national breadth)例如: Chanel、Body Shop 差異化全球行銷 同時針對兩個或多個區隔,採取不同的行銷組合 為了獲得更廣大的全球市場 如:P&G旗下的Old Spice、男性香水Hugo Boss A niche is simply a single segment of the global market. In cosmetics, the House of Lauder, Chanel, and other cosmetics marketers have used this approach successfully to target the upscale, prestige segment of the market. Similarly, Body Shop International PLC caters to consumers in many countries who wish to purchase "natural" beauty aids and cosmetics that have not been tested on animals. Stolichnaya produces three brands of Russian vodka, each targeted at a different market segment: superpremium Stolichnaya Cristal, the premium "base" brand Stolichnaya, and low-priced Privet (the name means "greetings" in Russian). In the cosmetics industry, Unilever NV and Cosmair Inc. pursue differentiated global marketing strategies by targeting both ends of the perfume market. Unilever targets the luxury market with Calvin Klein and Elizabeth Taylor's Passion; Wind Song and Brut are its mass-market brands. Cosmair sells Tresnor and Giorgio Armani Gio to the upper end of the market and Gloria Vanderbilt to the lower end. Mass marketer Procter & Gamble, known for its Old Spice and Incognito brands, also embarked upon this strategy with its 1991 acquisition of Revlon's EuroCos, marketer of Hugo Boss for men and Laura Biagiotti's Roma perfume. In the mid-1990s, P&G launched a new prestige fragrance, Venezia, in the United States and several European countries. Conversely, in 1997 Estee Lauder acquired Sassaby Inc., owner of the mass-market Jane brand. The move marked the first move by Lauder outside the prestige segment.
定位 讓一個品牌在顧客心目中建立不同於競爭者品牌的行動,主要是以品牌屬性和提供之利益來判別 屬性或利益 品質與價格 用途或使用者 競爭者 Attribute or benefit: Volvo & safety; Visa is “everywhere you want to be.” Quality and price: super premium vodkas like Stolichnaya Gold. Use or User: Max Factor is the “makeup that makeup artists use.” Competition: Body Shop founder, Anita Roddick, emphasized that her products stood for natural ingredients, no animal testing, and recyclable containers.
定位策略 全球消費者文化定位 國外消費者文化定位 界定一個品牌作為特定全球文化或區隔象徵的策略 高科技與高感性產品 將品牌的使用者、使用時機或產地,與外國或外國文化相連結 Global consumer culture positioning: “United Colors of Benetton” means the unity of humankind. High-tech: MP3 players, cell phones, luxury cars, financial services, Canon cameras, Adidas. High-touch: Nescafe coffee. Foreign consumer culture positioning: Foster’s. Australian for beer.
定位策略 當地消費者文化定位 將品牌與當地文化相連結 將品牌描繪成此國家文化中當地人民消費的品牌 或將產品描述為專為當地消費者所製造的產品 如:Budweiser啤酒在美國製作的廣告 廣告以Clydesdale馬為特色,將品牌與美國文化的小城鎮相連結
KFC透過本土化鎖定目標市場 慎選具良好政府關係的當地合作夥伴 本土化是中國KFC在經營上相當重要的策略 更頻繁地推出新商品 高度本土化的菜單 中國KFC品牌策略是透過產品本土化及市場區隔化的實際操作,進行多次修正 目標族群設定與本土化,似乎對中國市場的經營非常有效 平均毛利較一般餐廳為高
KFC透過本土化鎖定目標市場 KFC將目標族群調整為所有年齡層的朋友及家庭並加以本土化後,在中國的業務不斷成長