Project Six Inquiry Letters


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Presentation transcript:

Project Six Inquiry Letters 询盘函写作

2019/4/7 能熟练地用英语写作询盘函。 掌握询盘函的有关商务知识和写作技巧。 Business English Translation

SECTION A WORK TASK 工作任务 2019/4/7 From English to Chinese 询盘函范例 Dear Mr. Chen, We are impressed by the selection of overcoats that were displayed in your showroom at the 5th China Textiles & Clothing Manufacture Industry Exhibition that was held in Jiaxing City of Zhejiang Province in November 2007.We are a leading importer of fashion clothes that enjoys a high reputation in Britain. Currently, we are looking for a manufacturer who could supply us with a wide range of overcoats for the British market. If these conditions interest you, and you can meet orders that cover 500 overcoats at one time, please send us your latest catalogue and price list. We look forward to receiving your early reply. Yours faithfully, Levi Parker Business English Translation

一、任务分析 主要任务包括: 细读上述询盘函,获取主要内容和信息 分析上述询盘函在词汇、句型、语篇等方面 的语言特点 2019/4/7 主要任务包括: 细读上述询盘函,获取主要内容和信息 分析上述询盘函在词汇、句型、语篇等方面 的语言特点 查阅有关语言辞典、翻译工具书以及网络资 源,解决写作难点 分析询盘函需使用的写作技巧和方法 Business English Translation

译文参考 2019/4/7 尊敬的陈先生: 2007年11月,浙江省嘉兴市举行了第五届中国纺织及 制衣工业展览会。我们对贵方展台上展示的大衣系列服装 很感兴趣。 我们是英国一家主要的时装进口商,在国内享有很高 的声誉。目前,我方正在寻找能提供各种款式大衣的生产 商。如贵方对这些条件感兴趣并能一次提供超过500件的 订货商品,请惠寄你们的现行商品目录及价格表。 希望能尽早得到答复。 列维•帕克 敬上 Business English Translation

工作任务 WORK TASK 询盘函范例2 Dear Mr. Lee, 2019/4/7 询盘函范例2 Dear Mr. Lee, Your firm has been recommended to us by the James Olivier Co. Ltd, with whom we have done business for many years. We are interested in your knitting machines, particularly Model F, for use in manufacturing household textiles and shall be glad if you will send us a copy of your illustrated catalogue and current price list. Your early reply is highly appreciated. Yours sincerely, Mark Thomson Business English Translation

操作示范 1. 语言点分析 Language points 2. 询盘函内容的理解 Understanding of the letter 2019/4/7 1. 语言点分析 Language points 2. 询盘函内容的理解 Understanding of the letter 3. 写作技巧的讲解 Translating skill Business English Translation

2019/4/7 尊敬的李先生: 同我们有多年贸易往来的詹姆斯·奥列佛公司 向我们推荐了贵公司。我们对贵方编织机, 特别是生产家用织品的F型编织机很感兴趣。 请寄给我们一份带有插图的商品目录和最新 的价目表。 如蒙早日回复,将不胜感激。 马克·汤姆森 Business English Translation

知识拓展 BUILDING UP MORE SKILLS 2019/4/7 一、商务信函基本知识 Rudiments of Business Letters 二、询盘函常用词汇 Basic Terms of Inquiry Letters 三、询盘函常用句型 Basic Sentences of Inquiry Letters Business English Translation

一、商务信函基本知识 RUDIMENTS OF BUSINESS LETTERS 2019/4/7 ◆商务信函类型 Category ◆商务信函格式 Format ◆商务信函结构 Structure ◆商务信函写作原则 Writing Principles Business English Translation

商务信函类型 CATEGORY OF BUSINESS LETTERS 2019/4/7 商务信函(函电) 1 Letter 信函 2 Telex—Teletypewriter + Exchange 电传 3 Fax—Facsimile 传真 4 E-mail—Electronic Mail 电子邮件 电邮 Business English Translation

商务信函格式 FORMAT OF BUSINESS LETTERS 2019/4/7 商务信函两种格式 (Format): 1 完全齐头式Full block form (Block style) 2 缩进式Modified block form [with indented paragraphs] (Indented style) Business English Translation

商务信函结构(1) STRUCTURE OF BUSINESS LETTERS 2019/4/7 Letterhead 信笺抬头;信头(写信人地址等) 2. Date line 写信日期 3. Reference number 文档号 4. Inside name and address 信内地址(收信人) 5. Attention line指定收信人 6. Salutation 称呼 Business English Translation

商务信函结构(2) STRUCTURE OF BUSINESS LETTERS 2019/4/7 7. Subject line 事由 8. Body 正文 9. Complimentary close 结尾敬语 10. Signature 签名 11. Carbon Copy 抄送 副本 [C.C.:] 12. Enclosure notation 附件 [Enc./Encl.] 13. Postscript 附言 [P.S.] Business English Translation

商务信函写作原则(1) WRITING PRINCIPLES OF BUSINESS LETTERS (1) 2019/4/7 例1: I should be pleased to discuss the building with you in greater detail if you would suggest a time convenient to you. 例2: I would be glad if you would clear this balance as soon as possible. 1 Courtesy 礼貌 Business English Translation 结清余款

商务信函写作原则(2) WRITING PRINCIPLES OF BUSINESS LETTERS (2) 2019/4/7 2 Consideration 体谅 例3: Your approval and instruction to the Maintenance Office to do the repairs will be highly appreciated. 例4: Isn’t it time you put your business on the Web? Business English Translation

商务信函写作原则(3) WRITING PRINCIPLES OF BUSINESS LETTERS (3) 2019/4/7 3 Completeness 完整 例5: The commission we allow to our agents in other areas at present is 5% on the value of shipment payable monthly, and we hope that if we offer you the same terms it will be satisfactory. 我们目前给其他地区代理商装运货物总值5%的佣金,此佣金 按月支付。如果我们给你相同的条件,希望您满意。 Business English Translation

商务信函写作原则(4) WRITING PRINCIPLES OF BUSINESS LETTERS (4) 2019/4/7 4 Clarity 清楚 例6: Thank you for your letter dated August 2, 2007, enquiring about the title mentioned above. We are pleased to say that this title is in stock and will reserve a copy for you until August 30. 您2007年8月2日询问上款书籍的信函业已收到。谨此 说明我们有此书现货,且可为您保留一本至8月30日。 Business English Translation

商务信函写作原则(5) WRITING PRINCIPLES OF BUSINESS LETTERS (5) 2019/4/7 5 Conciseness 简洁 例7: We are happy to inform you that the swimsuits which you ordered have been shipped on SS Everspring due to sail from Keelung on May 13 and due to arrive in New York on July 1, 2006. 谨此通知,贵方所订购的游泳衣已经由常春轮装船, 预计于5月13日驶离基隆,于2007年7月1日到达纽约。 Business English Translation

商务信函写作原则(6) WRITING PRINCIPLES OF BUSINESS LETTERS (6) 2019/4/7 例8: We regret that a mistake was made in handling your order. The mistake is entirely our own and we apologize for the inconveniences it has caused. 我们在处理贵方订单时发生错误,深以为憾。这次错 误责在我方,引发诸多不便,敬请原谅。 6 Concreteness 明确 Business English Translation

商务信函写作原则(7) WRITING PRINCIPLES OF BUSINESS LETTERS (7) 2019/4/7 7 Correctness 正确 例9: We are pleased to inform you that your bankers have accepted our draft for US$5,800, payable within thirty days after sight and have successfully negotiated with all the relevant documents. 很高兴告知贵方,贵方银行已经接受我方见票后30天 付款的金额为US$5,800的汇票,并已凭全部相关单 据议付完毕。 Business English Translation

商务信函写作原则 WRITING PRINCIPLES OF BUSINESS LETTERS 2019/4/7 1 Courtesy 礼貌 2 Consideration 体谅 3 Completeness 完整 4 Clarity 清楚 5 Conciseness 简洁 6 Concreteness 明确 7 Correctness 正确 Business English Translation

询盘函词汇 TERMS OF INQUIRY LETTERS 2019/4/7 Price list Terms and conditions Ruling price Illustrated catalogue Commission Sample Shipment Delivery Terms of payment Cash payment Business English Translation

询盘函词汇 TERMS OF INQUIRY LETTERS 2019/4/7 Price list Terms and conditions Ruling price Illustrated catalogue Commission 价格表 价目表 条款 条件 时价 市价 插图目录表 附图片的目录 佣金 Business English Translation

询盘函词汇 TERMS OF INQUIRY LETTERS 2019/4/7 Sample Shipment Delivery Terms of payment Cash payment 样品 试样 发货 装船;装运的货物 交货 发货 支付条件 现金付款 Business English Translation

询盘函句型 SENTENCES OF INQUIRY LETTERS 2019/4/7 1 使用祈使句 A. Please let us have a list of items that are imported by you. (产品,商品) B. 请告知以现金支付的优惠条款和折扣比 例。(cash; best terms; discount) Business English Translation

询盘函句型 SENTENCES OF INQUIRY LETTERS 2019/4/7 1 使用祈使句-译文 A. 请将贵公司的进口商品目录寄来为荷。 (荷:信函中表示“感谢”) B 1. Please state your best terms and discount for cash payment.(陈述 说明) B 2. Please let us know your best terms and discount for cash. Business English Translation

询盘函句型 SENTENCES OF INQUIRY LETTERS 2019/4/7 2 使用请求句 A. Would you please send us some samples with the quotations? (样品;报价单) B. 敬请惠寄商品的现行价格表。(current; price list) Business English Translation

询盘函句型 SENTENCES OF INQUIRY LETTERS 2019/4/7 2 使用请求句-译文 A. 敬请惠寄报价单与样品可否? B 1. Will you please let us have a ruling price list of the goods? B 2. Would you please send us a list of up- to-date/current prices for the goods? (最近的 最新的) Business English Translation

询盘函句子练习 INQUIRY LETTERS-SENTENCE TRANSLATION PRACTICE 2019/4/7 1 Please send us your catalogue and price list of …. 2 I would appreciate your sending me an up-to-date price list for your …. 3 Would you please quote us your lowest price for …. 1 请惠寄你方…的 商品目录和价格 表。 2 如蒙贵方寄来… 的现行价格表, 将不胜感激。 3 贵方能否将…的 最低价格报给我 方? Business English Translation

Thank You