高三阶段第一次在线补课答疑 将于8点准时开始 请同学们稍等.


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高三阶段第一次在线补课答疑 将于8点准时开始 请同学们稍等

高三阶段第一次在线补课答疑 王韵霞

一.薄弱知识点环节 二.高频错题讲解环节 三.考生典型问题回答 答疑课我们要学什么呢?

一. 薄弱知识点环节 一. 阅读理解题型整体介绍 1. 阅读理解题型的出题思路 宏观:考查考生对文章主旨和细节信息的理解能力。 微观:考查考生的词汇量、对词汇的鉴别和灵活运用的能力,以及对语法结构的理解能力,甚至于是对阅读速度的能力考核。

一. 薄弱知识点环节 2. 阅读理解题型介绍 一. 阅读理解题型整体介绍 第4部分:阅读理解(第31~45题,每题3分,共45分) 下面有3篇短文,每篇短文后有5道题。请根据短文内容,为每题确定1个最佳选项。

一. 薄弱知识点环节 2. 阅读理解题型介绍 一. 阅读理解题型整体介绍 教材上: 1-16篇:前面没有任何符号的,属于C级。 17-33篇:前面有 “ * ”的,属于B级。 34-50篇:前面有“ + ”的,属于A级。

一. 薄弱知识点环节 一. 阅读理解题型整体介绍 3. 阅读理解题型的解题技巧 查读法(查、回、比) 第一步:查找信息词。(信息词) 第二步:根据信息词回归原文。(回归技巧) 第三步:对比分析,得出答案。(对比分析技巧) 阅读理解题型三种常提问方式: 主旨大意题、词义改写题、事实细节题

一. 薄弱知识点环节 一. 阅读理解题型整体介绍 4. 阅读理解题型的备考注意事项 规律: (1) 大多数文章从书外选材,只有少数文章从书上选材。 (2) 从教材上选取的文章,有属于题型互换的,也有直接选取本题型的。 (3) 从教材上选取的文章基本上为对应级别的。 (4) 可能出现跨级别,甚至是跨类别考试的文章。

一. 薄弱知识点环节 一. 阅读理解题型整体介绍 4. 阅读理解题型的备考注意事项 针对规律,备考时应注意: (1) 教材上的文章仍然很重要,尤其是自己对应级别文章。 (2) 不能死记硬背题目了,而是要就文章本身进行理解。 (3) 从教材上选材的文章毕竟是少数,所以最重要的还是要掌握方法技巧, 即:查读法和三种常提问方式。 (4) 有可能出现跨类别、跨级别考试的文章,所以复习文章的时候,对于其他类别级别的文章也需要了解。

一. 薄弱知识点环节 主旨大意题 阅读理解题型 词义改写题 事实细节题

一. 薄弱知识点环节 二. 主旨大意题 1. 主旨大意题的常提问方式 (1) What is the main idea of this passage? (2014、2015) (2) What is the main thesis of this passage? (2016) (3) What is the passage mainly about? (2015) (4) The passage is mainly about____.(2016) (5) What does the passage mainly talk about ?(2016) (6) What could be the best title of the passage?(2014) (7) Another good title of this passage is ____. (8) This passage tells us____. (9) The passage mainly discusses____. (10) This passage illustrates ____.

一. 薄弱知识点环节 二. 主旨大意题 2. 主旨大意题的解题技巧 (1)the main idea of the passage: 问文章主旨。 技巧:先看文章标题,因为标题往往就是对一篇文章的主题的概括;如果看标题不行,再看各段的中心句,根据中心句的内容综合来找到题目的答案。

一. 薄弱知识点环节 【例1】 2016年A级真题 文章标题:What’s Killing the Bats? 第二段:One possibility is disease. 第三段:Another possible cause is a lack of food. 第四段:Still other scientists believe that global warming is to blame. 题目:What is the main idea of this passage? A. All species of bats in North America are dying. B. Scientists already know the cause of the deaths of bats. C. The bat deaths are a serious problem. D. There are many possible causes of the deaths of bats.

一. 薄弱知识点环节 二. 主旨大意题 2. 主旨大意题的解题技巧 ( 2 )the main idea of the paragraph X:问段落主旨。 技巧:中心句技巧:直接看段落的中心句,中心句的内容就是段落的主旨。如果段落没有明显的中心句,那就需要理解整个段落的大意来确定正确答案。

一. 薄弱知识点环节 中心句 【例2】 2015年B级真题 Paragraph 2:Research scientists Allen and Beatrix Gardner began teaching Washoe sign language in 1966. In 1969, the Gardeners described Washoe’s progress in a scientific report. The people who experimented with Washoe said she grew to understand about 250 words. For example, Washoe made signs to communicate when it was time to eat. She could request foods like apples and bananas. She also asked questions like, “Who is coming to play?” Once the news about Washoe spread, many language scientists began studies of their own into this new and exciting area of research. The whole direction of primate research changed. 题目:The second paragraph mainly discusses______. A. a report about Washoe’s progress in learning sign language B. the whole direction of primate research C. new primate researches conducted by many language scientists D. an experiment with Washoe at a research center in Africa

一. 薄弱知识点环节 三. 词义改写题 1. 词义改写题的常提问方式 (1) The word “..." in Paragraph X means____. (2) The expression “...” ( line ..)paragraph ... is closest in meaning to ____. (3) In line…, the word “…” most probably means____. (4) In line…, the word “…” could best be replaced by ____. (5) In this passage, the word “...” means____. (6) The word “...”, as used in the passage, can best be defined as____. (7) Which of the following is closest in meaning to the word “...” appearing in paragraph X?

一. 薄弱知识点环节 2016年真题 (1)The word “towering” in Paragraph 1 means____. (2)The word “deteriorated” in paragraph 2 means____. (3)The word “acoustic” in the last paragraph has something to do with____. (4)The phrasal verb “fatten up” in paragraph 6 could be best replaced by____. (5)The phrase “putting off” in Paragraph 7 means____. (6)The word “stand” in Paragraph 2 means____. (7)The word “kicks” in Paragraph 8 probably means____. (8)The word “threatened” in Paragraph 1 means____. (9)The word “disruption” in Paragraph 6 means____. (10)The word “springs” in Paragraph 3 means____.

一. 薄弱知识点环节 三. 词义改写题 2. 词义改写题的解题技巧 查词典! 2种情况

一. 薄弱知识点环节 这类词义改写题就是要求在四个选项中找出题干给出的单词的同义词,与词汇选项的题目相同。 三. 词义改写题 2. 词义改写题的解题技巧 (1) 选项是单个单词的情况 这类词义改写题就是要求在四个选项中找出题干给出的单词的同义词,与词汇选项的题目相同。 技巧:查词典(同词汇选项解题技巧) 注意:查英英,查英汉。

一. 薄弱知识点环节 三. 词义改写题 2. 词义改写题的解题技巧 (1) 选项是单个单词的情况 【例1】 2016年卫生B,综合B、C真题 The word “stand” in Paragraph 2 means_____. A. handle B. meet C. bear D. combine 同义词列表: endure, bear, tolerate, put up with

一. 薄弱知识点环节 三. 词义改写题 2. 词义改写题的解题技巧 【例2】2016年综合C真题 (1) 选项是多个单词的情况 【例2】2016年综合C真题 The word "springs" in Paragraph 3 means____. A. something that returns to its original shape after being pressed B. the act of jumping or leaping C. the first season of the year D. places where water comes up naturally from the ground 原文句子: The backpack’s electricity-creating powers depend on springs used to hang a cloth pack from its metal frame. spring: 春天, 弹簧, 源泉

一. 薄弱知识点环节 四. 事实细节题 “三错一对”和“三对一错”: 1. which题 (1) Which of the following is true / false / wrong ...? (2) Which of the following is NOT true... ? (3) Which of the following is NOT mentioned in the passage? (4) According to the passage, the following are true EXCEPT ____.

一. 薄弱知识点环节 【例1】2016年综合B、卫生B真题 原文:Alfred Nobel, the Swede who invented dynamite, established the prizes in his will in the categories of medicine, physics, chemistry, literature and peace. The economies prize is technically not a Nobel but a 1968 creation of Sweden's central bank. Nobel left few instructions on how to select winners, but medicine winners are typically awarded for a specific breakthrough rather than a body of research. 题目:Which is NOT true of Alfred Nobel? A. He was from Sweden. B. He was the inventor of dynamite. C. He left clear instructions on how to select winners. D. He established the Nobel prizes in his will. 三对一错

一. 薄弱知识点环节 四. 事实细节题 2. 特殊疑问词题 常见的特殊疑问词 what 问“具体内容” how 问“方式方法” how many 问“数量” how much 问“价格” why 问 “原因” when 问“时间” who 问“人” where 问“地点”

一. 薄弱知识点环节 四. 事实细节题 (1) 以what开头的疑问句 问具体的内容, What ...? What XXX ...? 2. 特殊疑问词题 (1) 以what开头的疑问句 问具体的内容, What ...? What XXX ...?

一. 薄弱知识点环节 【例1】2015年真题 原文:However, more and more farmers in Latin America are deforesting the land to grow full-sun coffees. At first, this increases production because more coffee bushes can be planted if there aren’t any trees. With increased production come increased profits. 题目:What does increased production of full-sun coffee bring about? A. Higher profits. B. More insects. C. Better quality coffee. D. Larger farms.

一. 薄弱知识点环节 四. 事实细节题 (2) 以how开头的疑问句 问方式方法,可以重点注意by后面的内容。 how many:问数量; 2. 特殊疑问词题 (2) 以how开头的疑问句 问方式方法,可以重点注意by后面的内容。 how many:问数量; how much:问价格。

一. 薄弱知识点环节 【例2】 2016年理工C、综合C、卫生C真题 原文: For the past three years, Kemp has done a range of part-time jobs to pay for his tuition and living expenses. Last semester along, he worked five jobs for 32-40 hours a week. Life is busy, but Kemp enjoy it. 题目: How did he manage to pay his tuition and living expenses? A. He did a variety of part-time job. B. He won a few scholarships. C. He borrowed money from his parents. D. He obtained cheap loans from the bank.

一. 薄弱知识点环节 【例3】原文: In its 2002 World Health Report, the WHO said around the world an average of 66,000 people died every year from melanoma or other types of skin cancer. Independent scientific research shows that every year there are between two to three million new cases of non-malignant melanoma and around 130,000 malignant―and normally fatal―new full blown skin cancer cases. 题目: How many people die from skin cancers including melanoma all over the world every year? A. An average of 66,000 B. Approximately 130,000 C. About 196,000 D. Between 2,000,000 to 3,000,000

一. 薄弱知识点环节 四. 事实细节题 (3) 以why开头的疑问句 2. 特殊疑问词题 (3) 以why开头的疑问句 问原因,可以重点注意because,for等表示原因的词后面的内容;此外to可以表示目的,有时to后面的内容也可以表示原因。

一. 薄弱知识点环节 【例4】原文: Two United Nations agencies warned on Tuesday that children are most at risk of developing skin cancers as a result of the long-term decline in the earth’s protective ozone layer. The agencies, the World Health Organization (WHO) and the UN Environmental Programme (UNEP), issued the warning as they launched a global programme aimed at alerting schools to the dangers of exposure to the sun. 题目: Why does the risk of developing skin cancers in children become greater and greater? A. Because they pay little attention to their skin health. B. Because they are short of physical training. C. Because the earth’s protective ozone layer declines year after year. D. Because the earth is getting warmer and warmer.

一. 薄弱知识点环节 四. 事实细节题 (4) 以when开头的疑问句 2. 特殊疑问词题 (4) 以when开头的疑问句 问时间。根据题干的信息词回归到原文之后,直接去找对应的与时间相关的表达,然后根据题目的具体内容来确定正确答案。

一. 薄弱知识点环节 【例5】 2016年卫生B、综合B、综合C真题 原文: The area of present-day Belgium passed to the French in the 18th century. Following the defeat of Napoleon in 1815, Belgium was given to the kingdom of the Netherlands, from which it gained independence as a separate kingdom of the Netherlands, from which it gained independence as a separate kingdom in 1830. 题目: When did Belgium become an independent kingdom? A. in 1800 B. in 1815 C. in 1930 D. in 1830

一. 薄弱知识点环节 四. 事实细节题 (5) 以who开头的疑问句 2. 特殊疑问词题 (5) 以who开头的疑问句 主要是对人的提问,有时也有可能是针对物的提问,这个需要根据具体的题目来确定。这类题目,回归到原文之后,就去找对应的人或者物,然后根据题干具体的提问内容来确定答案。

一. 薄弱知识点环节 四. 事实细节题 (5) 以who开头的疑问句 2. 特殊疑问词题 (5) 以who开头的疑问句 主要是对人的提问,有时也有可能是针对物的提问,这个需要根据具体的题目来确定。这类题目,回归到原文之后,就去找对应的人或者物,然后根据题干具体的提问内容来确定答案。

一. 薄弱知识点环节 【例6】 2016年卫生B、综合B、综合C真题 原文: Belgium has given the world Audrey Hepburn Rene Magritte (surrealist artist), the saxophone(萨克斯管)and deep-fried potato chips that are somehow called French. 题目: Who was Magritte? A. A French novelist. B. A saxophonist. C. A separatist. D. A surrealist artist.

二. 高频错题讲解环节 1. 文章标题:The Development of Ballet 题目:This passage mainly deals with ________. A. famous names in ballet B. French versus Russian ballet C. the way ballet developed D. why ballet is no longer popular

二. 高频错题讲解环节 2. 原文:For the new study, the researchers had 193 healthy adults complete standard measures of personality traits, self-perceived health and emotional "style". Those who tended to be happy, energetic and easy-going were judged as having a positive emotional style, while those who were often unhappy, tense and hostile had a negative style. 题目:People with a positive emotional style may have all of the following characteristics EXCEPT A. happy. B. selfish. C. easy-going. D. energetic. 三对一错

二. 高频错题讲解环节 3. 原文:When researchers previously used enzymes in fuel cells, they had trouble keeping them active,says Shelley D. Minteer of St Louis University. Whereas biological cells continually produce fresh enzymes, there’s no mechanism in fuel cells to replace enzymes as they quickly degrade. 题目: What trouble did Minteer and Klotzbach have in their research? A. They had trouble keeping enzymes in fuel cells active. B. They had trouble keeping biological cells active. C. They had trouble producing fresh enzymes. D. They had trouble finding mechanism for producing enzymes.

二. 高频错题讲解环节 4. 原文: To his surprise, the older the massive volcanic eruptions were, the more damage they seemed to do. He calculated the “killing efficiency” for these volcanoes by comparing the proportion of life they killed off with the volume of lava that they produced. He found that size for size, older eruptions were at least 10 times as effective at wiping out life as their more recent rivals. 题目: How did Wignall calculate the killing power of those older volcanic eruptions? A. By estimating how long they lasted. B. By counting the dinosaurs they killed. C. By studying the chemical composition of lava. D. By comparing the proportion of life wiped out with the volume of lava produced.

二. 高频错题讲解环节 5. 原文: Virtually all new mothers get postpartum blues, also called the “baby blues”, which are brief episodes of irritability, moodiness and weepiness. About 20 percent of birthing women experience postpartum depression, which can be triggered by hormonal changes, sleeplessness and the pressures of being a new mother. It is often temporary and highly treatable. 题目: How many bearing women have experiences of after-birth depression? A. Virtually all of them. B. About one fifth of them. C. Less than one percent of them. D. Not mentioned exactly in the passage.

二. 高频错题讲解环节 6. 原文: Volcanoes were more destructive in ancient history, not because they were bigger, but because the carbon dioxide they released wiped out life with greater ease. 题目: Why did older volcanic eruptions do more damage than more recent ones? A. Because they killed off life more easily. B. Because they were brighter. C. Because they were larger. D. Because they were hotter.

二. 高频错题讲解环节 7. 原文: AIBS, with more than 80 member societies and 250,000 members, has established an e-mail system enabling scientists and teachers in each state, and member societies, to keep each other informed about threats to the teaching of evolution. 题目: AIBS is composed of A. more than 80 societies and 250,000 members. B. 250,000 biologists. C. 80 member organizations. D. more than 250,000 members and 80 member societies.

三.考生典型问题回答 1.在解答问文章的主旨大意的时候,如果是把四个选项和标题对照之后,没有出现标题里的关键词的选项,是不是就一定可以直接排除掉了?

三.考生典型问题回答 文章标题:Telling Tales about People 第一段中心句:These stories fall into three general categories: autobiography, memoir, and biography. 第二段中心句:An autobiography is the story of a person’s life written by himself or herself. 第三段中心句:Memoirs, strictly speaking, are autobiographical accounts that focus as much on the events of the times as on the life of the author. 第四段中心句:Biographies are factual accounts of someone else’s life. In many senses, these maybe the hardest of the three types to write. 题目:This passage is mostly about________. A. the characteristics of autobiographies, memoirs, and biographies B. famous autobiographies C. why biography can be difficult to write D. differences between autobiographies and memoirs