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Cardiac arrest remains a substantial public health problem and a leading cause of death. There are many lives and life-years lost because appropriate resuscitation is not attempted. di

Unit 20 Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation Huang Mingjun Nursing Department ,West China Hospital E-mail:

Objectives To interpret the term CPR; To state the steps of basic CPR; To identify the methods of carrying out basic CPR.

The Main Content What is BLS and ACLS? CPR Process of “CAB” Circulation Airway Breathing Grasp the knowledge points

Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation cardiopulmonary adj. 心肺的 pulmo-: 肺的 pneum- cardio- : of heart cardiology 心脏病学 pulmonitis pneumonia 肺炎 pulmonology pneumology 肺病学 myocardial 心肌的 myo- muscle cardiogenic 心源性的 cardiovascular 心血管的 -genic 产生 excitant  [‘eksɪtənt][’eksətənt]adj.刺激性的,使兴奋的 n.兴奋剂,刺激物 resuscitation n.苏醒 -cit: 唤起 excitant 兴奋的 兴奋剂 eg. Despite efforts to resuscitate her she was pronounced dead a short time later.

BLS(basic life support) Cardiac arrest is the sudden loss of cardiac output, [which is potentially reversible with prompt restoration of circulation and oxygen delivery]. circulation n.循环,流通 circ-: ring/circle circular 圆的 circus 马戏团 BLS is including recognition of cardiac arrest, delivery of rescue breathing (ventilation), and chest compressions(circulation). circus马戏团;圆形广场 (circ圆,环+us表名词→[巡回演出的]马戏团) invent发明,创造;捏造,虚构 (in进+vent来,走→走进来,发明出) ventilate使通风;给…装通风设备 (vent风+ilate=ate表动词→v.使通风;给…装通风设备) ventilation n.通风设备,空气流通 Q: Mechanical ventilation vent-: come/wind invent 发明 ventilate

ACLS(advanced cardiac life support) ACLS includes BLS, ECG monitoring, rhythm identification, and restoration of hemodynamic stability through intubation, defibrillation, and pharmacologic therapy. electrocardiogram ECG n.心电图 electr-: electric电的 -gram: 图,像 Hemolysis hemolysis hemodynamic n.血液动力学的  eg. The last decade saw the emergence of a dynamic economy. dynam: power adynamic 无力的

ACLS(advanced cardiac life support) ACLS includes BLS, ECG monitoring, rhythm identification, and restoration of hemodynamic stability through intubation, defibrillation, and pharmacologic therapy. pharmacologic n.药理学 defibrillation n.心脏除颤 pharmacy 药房 fibre : 纤维 fibril 药物的 de-: 分离 去除,向下 pharmacist 药剂师 de(加在动词之前)表示“否定”,“相反 pharmacodynamic 药效的 intubation n.插管法 eg. Intubation and assisted respiration will be required.

CPR(Cardiopulmonary resuscitation) CPR effectively restores hemodynamic stability, and return of spontaneous circulation. spontaneous n.自发的 respond v.回答,响应 response correspond 通信;符合 despond 失望 spond: promise 回复 respond回答,响应,作出反应 (re回+spond承诺,允诺→承诺回去→回答) 出血 溶血 correspond通信;符合 (cor共同+respond反应→共同反应→相互通信) despond失望 (de去掉+spond承诺,允诺→不再承诺→失望

CPR(Cardiopulmonary resuscitation) ☆ Prolonged survival(长期存活率) is significantly lower because of underlying illness and the postresuscitation syndrome, specifically CNS injury and left ventricular stunning (左室顿挫) after resuscitation. ventricular adj.心室的 Ventricle n. eg. Ventricular fibrillation can occur in severe hyperkalemia. atria[‘eɪtrɪə] 心房 atrium ['eɪtrɪəm] Hyperkalemia [haɪpəkə‘li:mɪə] [ˌhaɪpəkeɪ’li:mi:ə] 高血钾 atrioventricular 房室的[ˌeɪtrɪəʊven'trɪkjələ] 美 [ˌeɪtrɪoʊven'trɪkjələ] right atrium left atrium left ventircle atrium 心房 atrioventricular 房室的 right ventircle

Retell What is CPR?

Process of “CAB”

Retell According to the video

Check 1. Determine unresponsiveness. ”Sir/madam, can you hear me! Open your eyes! Sir/madam” 2. Check the carotid pulse. Carotid [kə'rɒtɪd] n.颈动脉 adj.颈动脉的 respiration [respɪ'reɪʃ(ə)n] Confirm absence of breathing or the presence of only gasping respirations.确认没有呼吸或存在只有喘气呼吸。 3. Call for help, activate the emergency medical system.

“C”——circulation indentation n. 凹口,压痕,切迹 sternum n. 胸骨 1. On a hard surface or slip a cardiac board under the patient. 2. Located: run the fingers of the hand nearest the patient’s legs up along the rib cage to the indentation where the ribs meet the sternum. rib cage 肋骨架(胸廓) indentation n. 凹口,压痕,切迹 浮肋没有与胸骨连接在一起 indented 锯齿状的 dentist 牙医 dent: tooth 翻译:浮肋和胸骨不相连。 sternum n. 胸骨 pl. sterna sternums Floating ribs are not connected with the sternum.

“C”——circulation 3. Place the heel of the other hand, at right angles to the sternum. right angle acute/sharp angle obtuse angle obtuse[ɔbˈtu:s]adj.迟钝的;(疼痛)不剧烈的;(印象)不鲜明的;钝角的 Parallel 英 ['pærəlel] interlace 英[ˌɪntə‘leɪs]  美[ˌɪntɚˈles] 4.Parallel hands, and fingers may be either extended or interlaced, but they must be kept off the chest.

“C”——circulation rhythmical adj. 有节律的 5. Directly above the patient’s chest, keep arms straight. The compression should be a rhythmical 50% down and 50% back up(50% compression & 50% release) rhythmical adj. 有节律的 节奏 eg. His breathing became more rhythmical. 5~8cm

“A”——airway 1. Tilt (倾斜)the patient’s head back by placing the palm of one hand on the forehead and applying firm backward pressure. 2.Place the fingers of the other hand under the lower jaw near the chin, and lift to bring the chin forward. Head-tilt/chin-lift Lift the jaw

“B”——breathing 1.Keep the airway open and gently pinch the nose closed. 2. mouth to mouth or nose, make an airtight seal, give two breaths of 1~1.5 sec each(8-10/min).

“B”——breathing deflation n.放气,缩小,通货紧缩 3. Be sure to allow time for deflation of the patient’s lungs between breaths. deflation n.放气,缩小,通货紧缩 表否定,相反 flat: blow; smooth inflation /ei/通货膨胀;胀大,夸张 mouth to face shield

“B”——breathing stoma n.孔,气门,造口 permanent adj. 永久的 tracheostomy 4. Mouth-to-stoma breathing is possible if the patient has a permanent tracheostomy. colostomy gastrostomy tracheostomy cholecystostomy ' 气管造口术 胆囊造口术 结肠造口术胃造口术 stoma n.孔,气门,造口 ' ' Stomotology 口腔 ' Cholecyst ['kɒləˌsɪst] Trachea [trə'ki:ə] permanent adj. 永久的 tracheostomy per- 贯穿 trachea 气管 Joke: PHD=Permanent Head Damage 

“C” and “B” The proper ratio is 30 compression to 2 breaths at a rate of 100 compressions/min. 30:2

summary BLS :recognition of cardiac arrest, rescue breathing(ventilation), and chest compressions(circulation). ACLS :BLS, ECG monitoring, restoration of hemodynamic stability, defibrillation, and pharmacologic therapy. C: Use the heel of hand, at right angles to the sternum. keep arms straight , 50% compression & 50% release. A:Head-tilt/chin-lift. B:1~1.5 sec each(8-10/min). .

See you next time , Thank you!