Unit 3 My Friends Part B Let’s talk 授课者:潘晓清.


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Presentation transcript:

Unit 3 My Friends Part B Let’s talk 授课者:潘晓清

tall or short ? You’re right!

strong or thin? You’re right!

long hair or short hair? You’re right!

boy or girl? Who is he? He is Xiao Huihui. You’re right!

boy or girl? Who is she? She is Hong Tailang. You’re right!

听音辨人 Let's play a game! 游戏规则: 一个同学朗读“I have a good friend”, 另外一个同学猜测:“Who is he/she?” 其余同学则为裁判。

glasses He has glasses.

shoe shoes His shoes are blue.

His/Her name is... He/She is... He/She has... His/Her hair is... Describe the stars: 描述这两位明星,用上以下句型: His/Her name is... He/She is... He/She has... His/Her hair is...

游戏规则:一位同学描述其特征后询问"Who is she/he?",另一同学猜测“Is he/she ...",其余同学为裁判。 A Game Guess:Who is she/he? 游戏规则:一位同学描述其特征后询问"Who is she/he?",另一同学猜测“Is he/she ...",其余同学为裁判。

Guess:Who is she/he?

A friend in need is a friend indeed. 患难见真情 A friend in need is a friend indeed.

Homework: Guess,who is he/she? 用自己的语言来描述你最好的朋友并让家人猜猜他/她会是谁?