哦,主,我們今想到祢 O Lord, When We the Path Retrace


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Presentation transcript:

哦,主,我們今想到祢 O Lord, When We the Path Retrace Hymnary 55 James Deck

O Lord, when we the path retrace Which thou on earth hast trod, (1) 哦,主,我們今想到祢 在世所歷路程: O Lord, when we the path retrace Which thou on earth hast trod, 祢以恩愛對待群黎, 祢以忠誠對神。 To man Thy wondrous love and grace, Thy faithfulness to God.

Thy love, by man so sorely tried, Proved stronger than the grave; (2) 祢愛雖然被人辜負, 顯為比死更強; Thy love, by man so sorely tried, Proved stronger than the grave; 刺祢的槍, 不過引出 血水, 洗人天良。 The very spear that pierced Thy side Drew forth the blood to save.

Although Thou passed through woes and grief, Thy works were ever good; (3) 祢雖自己常經憂患, 祢卻到處行善; Although Thou passed through woes and grief, Thy works were ever good; 雖然祢的路途艱難, 祢卻不想怨嘆。 Although midst sorrows all Thy life, Thou spak'st no murmuring word.

Faithful amidst unfaithfulness, 'Mid darkness only light, (4) 四圍不忠, 祢卻赤忠; 黑暗, 祢卻光明。 Faithful amidst unfaithfulness, 'Mid darkness only light, 父的喜樂, 祢心所重, 從未違他命令。 Thou did'st Thy Father's name confess, And in His will delight.

Unmoved by Satan's subtle wiles, Or suffering, shame, and loss, (5) 不因撒但詭計搖動, 不顧苦難損失; Unmoved by Satan's subtle wiles, Or suffering, shame, and loss, 祢的行徑, 無人同情, 孤單一直到死。 Thy path, uncheer'd by earthly smiles, Led only to the cross.

We wonder at Thy lowly mind, And fain would like Thee be, (6) 我們不禁奇祢謙卑, 盼望能以像祢; We wonder at Thy lowly mind, And fain would like Thee be, 主, 我們願學祢低微, 因這裏有安息。 And all our rest and pleasure find In learning, Lord, of Thee.