高中英语语法专项训练 补中训练 九 名词性从句 重庆二外左明正 九 名词性从句


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Presentation transcript:

高中英语语法专项训练 补中训练 九 名词性从句 重庆二外左明正 九 名词性从句 1. _____ the 2008 Olympic Games will be held in Beijing is not known yet. C A. Whenever B. If C. Whether D. That 当“是否”讲,if仅引导部分宾语从句,其余情况都用whether。此为主语从句。

2. _____ he had finished the work surprised everybody present. That A. There B. This C. That D. It 连接词that在名词性从句中无词义,不作句子成分。前置的主语从句句首的that 易于忽略。 3. _____ is a fact that English is being accepted as an international language. It A. There B. This C. That D. It 4. I remember _____ this used to be a quiet village. It is / was + N / adj. / 分词 + that-主语从句。 A A. when B. how C. where D. what

5. The thought _____ he might fail in the exam worried him. that A. when B. which C. what D. that 6. It is impossible _____ he forgot _____ I said. 这是同位语从句,说明先行词的内容。 that what A. that, that B. what, what C. what, that D. that, what 在名词性从句中,that 作句子成分,无词义,what要作句子成分,意为“… … 的话”,“… … 的事”。本句中,that 引导主语从句,what 引导宾语从句,在宾语从句中作宾语。

7. That is _____ I had to take him home at once. why A. reason why B. how C. why D. what 8. You must think of _____ you can do more for others. A应是 the reason why才对。 what A. that B. how C. what D. which 9. _____ you don’t like him is none of my business. That A. What B. That C. If D. Whether

10. Father made a promise _____ I passed the examination he would buy me a bicycle. that if A. that B. that if C. if D. whether 本句为三个小句子(1. Father made a promise; 2. I passed the examination; 3. He would buy me a bicycle)。用“X - 1”规则,应为两个连接词。 11. The reason why I have to go is _____. A A. that she is badly ill B. because she is ill C. because of her illness D. for she is ill The reason why…is that …

12. ---I saw your neighbour break your window with a stone 12. ---I saw your neighbour break your window with a stone. --- _____ it made me really mad. A A. That he broke B. What he broke C. He broke D. his break 13. _____ was lying. B A. Anyone told you B. Whoever told you that C. Those who told you that D. Whoever told you

14. --- Don’t you believe me? ---_____, I’ll believe _____ you say A. No, whatever B. Yes, no matter what C. No, no matter what D. Yes, whatever Whatever 可引导名词性从句和让步状语从句,no matter what 只引导让步状语从句。 15. Tom came back with a message _____ we had not enough money to do the research. that A. whether B. that C. if D. what

16. The difficulty we now meet with is _____ we can persuade him to tell the truth. that A. whether B. that C. what D. how 17. ---Have you found Jack? ---Yes, he is _____ you told him to go. where A. where B. which C. what D. when The End