细心推敲,深入理解 ---- 温州市“二模”试卷阅读题型分析及策略 柳市中学 高利央.


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Presentation transcript:

细心推敲,深入理解 ---- 温州市“二模”试卷阅读题型分析及策略 柳市中学 高利央

试卷综述: 1、体裁多样。 2、现代感、时代感。 3、命题方向与高考相一致: 阅读细节和推断能力 深层信息

第一节题型设计: 深层理解 13题, 占 65% 事实细节题+推理判断题 17题, 占85% 题 型 题 号 题 量 事实细节题 题  型 题    号 题 量 事实细节题 41, 42, 44, 47, 49, 52, 56 7 主旨大意题 46, 54 2 推理判断题 44, 45, 48, 50, 51, 53, 55, 58, 59, 60 10 推测词义题 57 1 深层理解 13题, 占 65% 事实细节题+推理判断题 17题, 占85%

我校学生答题情况: 平均正确率 62% 正确率低于60% 共10题 题号 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 正答率% 69 54 57 95 90 76 64 51 52 53 55 56 58 59 60 62 61 73 63 70 平均正确率 62% 正确率低于60% 共10题

成因分析: 1、词汇量不扎实,长难句理解能力不足。 54. What might be the best title of the passage? B. Teenage cyberbullying and ways out (51%) D. Bullying——a new challenge (34%) methods, strategies 57. That chain you’re wearing will never be worth a cent less than it is now” The value of the chain is sure to go up (56%) C. The value is worth no more than a cent (11%)

2、急于选出答案,不够细心严谨 41. How many geniuses does Keith Simonton mention in the passage? C. 6 (50%) D. 7 (35%) 52. What can we do to help reduce bullying effectively according to the passage? Look at its positive sides (62%) D. Educate the young with good behavior (26%) Taking the issue positively is actually a strategy that can help reduce bullying. A better strategy is to try to convince young people bullying is not only ….

3、辨析能力较差,容易受到干扰 43. Simonton believes people nowadays__D___. 题号 43、33、35、38、49、52 (59%) 43. Simonton believes people nowadays__D___. A. are less intelligent than former generations (14%) B. can’t think properly as Copernicus did (17%) C. are not working hard to be knowledgeable (27%) 45. From the last paragraphs, we learn that future scientific geniuses______. B. should work on more than one subject (57%) D. can explain the four forces of nature (23%)

4、缺乏对文章结构的分析 48. The purpose of Step 5 is to combine the movements of arms, legs and body with breath. para 1 Now add kicking to your first exercise in step 4. para 2 Once you are able to…, add breathing,… para 3 Practice these exercises until you can do them all together…. 50. The author uses the two cases of bullying in Para. 1 to______. A. Introduce the topic (44%) B. Support the argument (30%)

5、对文学作品类文章解读能力不足 题号 55 56 57 58 59 60 正答率% 73 63 70 52 Mrs. Ramsay hesitated; face was white; about to faint If I had a pretty wife I shouldn’t let her spend a year in New York while I stayed in Japan

第二节任务型阅读: 1、我校该题的平均分为7.8分。 第64小题: 答对率为72%. D: Make roles and responsibilities clear and specific 2. 命题方向:归纳小标题 2、解题方式:查找关键词句、分析概括

三轮阅读复习策略: 1、完善学生的词汇系统 (1)继续巩固 (单词,词组,完成句子) (2)侧重培养学生阅读理解中对词汇的处理能力, (1)继续巩固 (单词,词组,完成句子) (2)侧重培养学生阅读理解中对词汇的处理能力, 尤其是判断词性、猜测词义 (定义举例、逻辑关系、构词法)

2、提高试卷解析的有效度 利用试卷解析,解决现阶段所发现的问题,培养学生良好的阅读习惯。 (1)培养学生主动解读文本 (文学作品) (1)培养学生主动解读文本 (文学作品) (2)注重长难句理解 (3)指导解题技巧

3、坚持各种类型的阅读训练 定时和定量训练相结合 各种体裁相结合 定题型和综合题型训练相结合

4、提高学生心理素质 忌心浮气躁、厌倦恐惧、情绪波动、信心不足、粗心大意等 从容不迫,心无旁骛;细心推敲,深入理解