我愿为你去 I Want to Go for You.


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Presentation transcript:

我愿为你去 I Want to Go for You

用圣灵与火为我施洗 让我充满天上的能力 让圣火烧尽邪情和私欲 因为我愿为你去 用圣灵与火为我施洗 让我充满天上的能力 让圣火烧尽邪情和私欲 因为我愿为你去 May Your Spirit come like a fire Grant me power from places higher And consume my every stray desire For I want to go for You I Want to Go for You 1/4 (1)

成为我的异象 荣耀救主 让万国的荣华 尽都失色 赐我勇敢的心 一无畏惧 因为我愿为你去 Show Your glory in a revelation That outshines the splendor of the nations Give me boldness without hesitation For I want to go for You I Want to Go for You 2/4 (1)

钉痕手引我前行 我只愿合你心意 看万事为损失 受苦为小事 靠你的恩典站立 (2X) May I learn to think Your thoughts And be led by Your own hands May I suffer with joy and count all things loss And by Your grace may I stand I Want to Go for You 3/4 (1)

神圣的爱 融化我 神圣的火 熬炼我 神圣的使命 占有我 神圣的灵 引领我 神圣的爱 融化我 神圣的火 熬炼我 神圣的使命 占有我 神圣的灵 引领我 Lord, melt my heart with Your love Refine my soul with Your fire With every mission, Lord send me And Spirit, lead, be my guide I Want to Go for You 4/4 (1)