Red hot & Green leaves Item


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Presentation transcript:

Red hot & Green leaves Item Selection Philosophy 红花绿叶商品挑选哲学

Red hot & Green leaves Item Selection Philosophy 红花绿叶商品挑选哲学 Objective 目的 Definition And Requirement 定义及要求 Differentia & Commonness 特性&共性 Form 表格

Objective 目的 Win Win Win Philosophy A) Customer Win 顾客得利 Customer could buy great value merchandise they need with reasonable & much lower price . 顾客可以以合理和较低的价格购买到他们需要的高品质的商品。 B) Vendor win 供应商得利 By the cooperation with lotus in Red hot and green leaves program, vendor could achieve item economy of scale & maximized profits . 供应商通过和Lotus在Red hot and green leaves 活动中的合作, 达到在单 品上的规模经济和利润最大化 C) Lotus win LOTUS 得利 Through the Red hot and green leaves programme, lotus obtain sales & profits increasing, the most important is to gain the trust from customer and more market share 通过Red hot and green leaves 活动,公司销售和利润得以增长, 同时最关 键的是赢得了顾客对Lotus 的信任,赢得了更多的市场份额。

Objective 目的  Recommend the popular item for customers as the Red hot and Green leaves items 推荐顾客喜欢的 Red hot & Green leaves商品  On behalf of customer, selecting the merchandise, which the customers need .( With the best service, high quality and competitive price item. By reference of maximizing report, history sales data, and competitor’s potential or strong item.) 营运部门要站在顾客的角度,代表顾客挑选他们所需要的商品。 (以最优质的服务,优良的品质及合理的价格回馈顾客。可参考 最大销量报告和历史销售数据, 及竞争对手潜力或强势商品来挑 选商品。)

Objective 目的  To identify potential items.(High value item,or selecting seasonal item in advance to become the leader of the market ; selecting strong item from competitor to become our opportunity. 确定潜力商品.(高价值商品的选择:提前选择季节性商品从而 成为市场的领导者,从竞争对手处找寻我们的机会,挖掘强势 商品)。  Improve & Promote the company image (Best service, high quality item, competitive price.) 可以提高商店在顾客心目中的形象(优质的服务,高质量的商品, 有竞争力的价格)。

Objective 目的  Can reflect the newest trend of the market and keep us up-to-date. 可以反馈市场最新商品动态,并及时引进。  Can teach store manager to pay more attention to the customers, Sales and Profit. 可以推动商店经理重视商品销售及利润。

Objective 目的  Enhance the communication between Operation and Merchandise & Marketing by Item Selection Program, enlarge item opportunity to service customer. 以商品挑选活动为合作平台, 加强营运和商品部门在商品领 域的交流,拓展商品机会.  To Teach & Train store managers and to prepare them to become district managers or Merchandiser. 培训店长使其成为区域经理或成功的商人。

Definition And Requirement 定义及要求  Red hot & Green leaf --Definition (定义) Weekly Red hot & Green leaf program is a procedure of item selecting form store (operation) to merchandise , reflect in time the customer’s needs of different store in way of merchandise selection. 每周一次的 Red hot & Green leaf 商品的挑选是门店向商品部 推荐商品,是从下至上的一个过程,将不同门店顾客的需要第 一时间通过商品的形式反映出来 。

Definition And Requirement 定义及要求  Pick a fight --Definition (定义) Enhance the store merchandise & promotion competition ability by looking for competitor’s featured items which are not covered by Lotus top 1000.( Competitor: including All retailer , for example Supermarket, Department store etc.) 通过在竞争对手处寻找 Lotus公司TOP1000 以外的 Feature 商品, 来增加门店商品品种和促销的竞争力.(竞争对手:包括所 有的零售业,如:超市、百货公司等。)

Definition And Requirement 定义及要求  Requirement(要求) Store should make sure the feature and in stock of Red hot & Green leaves items which selected by store and get support from buyer,would be accepted by the customer 。 Red hot & Green leaf是顾客喜欢的、商店推荐的,采购支持 的商品,商店必须确保其100%的促销陈列和 In stock。

Differentia & Commonness 特性&共性

Differentia & Commonness 特性&共性

Form 表格 Green Leave Selection Form Red Hot Selection Form Pick A Fight Form Red Hot & Green Leaves Sales Follow Up Form