第二次校本課程家長工作坊 英文科 (一年級) 15-12-2008 (一)
第二學段學習重點 Story 6 – Dan, the flying man Verb to be (is, am, are) E.g. I am on the bed. She is my sister. We are happy. I am He/She/It Is You/We/They are
Story 7 – Jigaree 現在進行式 E.g. He is running. She is jumping. They are swimming. Question Words (Who, What, Where) E.g. Who is your teacher? Miss Lee. Where is the ball? On the desk.
Story 8 – Mrs. Wishy Washy’s tub in, on, under, behind, in front of, near E.g. The cat is behind the chair. 混沌 ‘behind’及 ‘in front of’ Names of animals (cow, duck, pig, dog…) is / has E.g. Sally has a cat. It is near the chair.
Story 9 – My Cat I like to ________. He/She likes to ________. E.g. eat, drink, play… Pronouns (I, You, My, Your) E.g. I have a dog. My dog is big. You have a cat. Your cat is small.
Story 10 – The Monkey Bridge Numbers (one to ten) How, How many, How old E.g. How are you? I am fine, thank you. How old is John? Eight years old. How many pigs are there? Four.
Story 11 – What time is it? Telling time E.g. It is eight o’clock. It’ s time to eat dinner.
G.E.卷 聆聽 英文科考試 口試
1. G.E.卷 形式包括: 不供詞填充題 供詞填充題 配對 閱讀理解 寫作題 (15%)
學生須注意事項 溫習S.G.內的生字,特別是默書曾默的生字 大小楷的運用 小心抄寫(供詞填充題、閱讀理解題等題目)
閱讀理解題目 有部分學生在做選擇題時會多選一個答案,但如題目沒有特別註明(You can tick more than one answer),則會作不正確論 學生必須理解Question words (What,Who,Where,How many) 圈出題目的關鍵字詞
作文 學生必須溫習W.T.及串字。此部份包括句子寫作及平衡式寫作。學生必須看清楚題目的要求,以免誤題。
2. 口試 包括朗讀、看圖答問題及日常生活題。 朗讀時要清楚、自然、流暢。 可運用英語形容故事書或Study Guide 內的圖片,以作練習。 One Minute Talk及說話評估也會計算在考試說話分中。
A. 朗讀 This is my house. The windows are pink. The door is yellow. The trees are green. My cat is black and white.
B. 看圖答問題及日常生活題 What can you see in the picture? What are they doing? Where are they? How many people are there?
希望家長積極指導子女溫習, 讓他們能在考試中取得理想成績。