韩启龙 hqlwxm2002@yahoo.com.cn 计算理论 第0章 绪 论 韩启龙 hqlwxm2002@yahoo.com.cn.


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Presentation transcript:

韩启龙 hqlwxm2002@yahoo.com.cn 计算理论 第0章 绪 论 韩启龙 hqlwxm2002@yahoo.com.cn

序 言 一. 本课的性质以及研究的内容 任何一门学科都有它的基础和它的基本问题,如物质的本质是什么?有机体生命的基础和起源是什么? 序 言 一. 本课的性质以及研究的内容 任何一门学科都有它的基础和它的基本问题,如物质的本质是什么?有机体生命的基础和起源是什么? 什么是计算机科学的基础?什么是计算机科学的基本问题? 诸如什么是形式语言?什么是计算?什么是能计算的?什么是不能计算的?什么是算法?如何评价算法?什么样的算法是可行的?这些问题能否判定?这又引出什么是可判定的?什么是不可判定的? 这些问题就是计算理论要讨论的问题。

序 言 性质:该课是计算机科学的理论课。 计算理论:就是研究理论计算机的科学。 理论计算机:是研究计算机的理论模型,研究计算机 序 言 性质:该课是计算机科学的理论课。 计算理论:就是研究理论计算机的科学。 理论计算机:是研究计算机的理论模型,研究计算机 的本质,也就是把计算机看成一个数学系统。(因为计算 机科学的基本思想和模型在本质上是数学——离散的。) 内容: 形式语言与自动机理论: 正规文法与有限自动机(正规语言) 、 上下文无关文法与下推自动机(上下文无关语言) 图灵机(递归可枚举语言) 可计算性理论: 什么是可计算? 计算复杂性理论: 时间复杂性 、 空间复杂性。

序 言 二. 学习目的: 了解这些计算理论 我们知道计算机不论从它的诞生还是它的快速发展过程 序 言 二. 学习目的: 了解这些计算理论 我们知道计算机不论从它的诞生还是它的快速发展过程 都没有离开计算理论,也就是它是在计算理论指导下诞生 和发展的。本课所涉及的都是计算机科学的基本问题。不 首先了解它们,是很难理解计算机科学的。作为计算机科 学与技术专业的本科生和研究生应该了解这些计算理论。 培养能力 此外此课可以培养学生抽象逻辑思维和形式化思维的能 力。

序 言 三.学时、学分 32学时/2学分 四.基础 离散数学(数理逻辑,集合论,图论)

序 言 教材 & 参考书 Textbook 英文版,(美)MICHAEL SIPSER, 中文第2版:唐常杰等译 References 序 言 教材 & 参考书 Textbook Introduction to the Theory of Computation (2nd Edition), by Michael Sipser 《计算理论导引 》 英文版,(美)MICHAEL SIPSER, 中文第2版:唐常杰等译 We will follow very closely to this book References Computational Complexity, by C. Papadimitiou Introduction to Automata Theory, Languages, and Computation, by J. Hopcroft, R. Motwani, and J. Ullman.

序 言 考 核 Homework: 40% Theorem Proof: 30% Final Exam: 30% 序 言 考 核 Homework: 40% Theorem Proof: 30% Final Exam: 30% ------------------------------------------ Total 100%

序 言 授课计划 教材详略处理 讲要点,前后次序有少数调整, 序 言 授课计划 教材详略处理 讲要点,前后次序有少数调整, 教学计划,大致8周 最后两章不讲或用讨论班形式讨论,有了基础,如果需要,已经能自学。(通常其它院校,如川大16-18周) 参考国内外同行(如Berkeley, MIT、四川大学等)对这门课程教材的处理经验,准备:  略讲或自学的部分,要求了解主要思想  快讲的部分,要求一般了解的章节,要求了解主要方法和演绎框架 要求深入掌握的部分——能作题目或作难题,通过考试

What will you learn from this course? 序 言 What will you learn from this course? How to define a computer? Are there problems that a computer cannot solve? If so, can we find one such problem? Automata theory Computability theory Complexity Theory

序 言 Complexity Theory 现实中计算的问题是多种多样的,有容易的,有困难的。 复杂性理论的核心问题: 序 言 Complexity Theory 现实中计算的问题是多种多样的,有容易的,有困难的。 排序问题,相对较简单 课程表问题,复杂(需要满足合理的限制) 复杂性理论的核心问题: What makes some problems computationally hard and others easy? 目前重要成果之一:按照计算难度将问题分类 即使不能证明问题是难计算的,但也能给出某些问题是难计算的证据的方法。

序 言 Complexity Theory You have several options when you confront a problem that appears to be computationally hard. 弄清问题困难的根源——变动——容易解决; 求问题的并不完美的解——近似解; 某些问题在最坏情况下是困难的,通常易解; 可以选择其他计算类型,如随机计算,可加速某些计算工作。

序 言 Computability theory Automata theory 一些基本问题是不能用计算机解决的 如:确定一个命题是真是假 序 言 Computability theory 一些基本问题是不能用计算机解决的 如:确定一个命题是真是假 可计算理论PK复杂性理论: 复杂性理论——把问题分成容易计算与难计算的 可计算理论——把问题分成可解的和不可解的 Automata theory 康托尔集合、罗素悖论、哥德尔定理 阐述了计算的数学模型的定义和性质

目 录 第0章 绪论——2学时 第1章 正则语言——5学时 第2章 上下文无关文法——3学时 第3章 丘奇-图灵论题——2学时 目 录 第0章 绪论——2学时 第1章 正则语言——5学时 第2章 上下文无关文法——3学时 第3章 丘奇-图灵论题——2学时 第4章 可判定性——2学时 第5章 可归约性——2学时 第6章 可计算理论高级专题——2学时 第7章 时间复杂性——4学时 第8章 空间复杂性——3学时 第9章 难解性——3学时 第10章 复杂性理论高级专题——4学时

序 言 Mathematics Review Unlike other CS courses, this course is a MATH course… We will look at a lot of definitions, theorems and proofs 基本数学概念与术语回顾 Set, Sequence, Function, Graph, String… 证明技术 By construction, induction, contradiction

Set(集合) A set is a group of items 集合描述方法之一: list every item in the group inside { } E.g., { 12, 24, 5 } is a set with three items When the items in the set has trend: use … E.g., { 1, 2, 3, 4, … } means the set of natural numbers 描述方法之二: state the rule E.g., { n | n = m2 for some positive integer m } means the set { 1, 4, 9, 16, 25, … } A set with no items is an empty set denoted by { } or 

Set(集合) Conditional: A = { x | x  N , f(x)=0 } Union: AB Intersection: AB Complement: Cartesian Product: AB Power set(幂集): P (A) 或 2A

Set(集合) The power set of A is the set of all subsets of A, denoted by 2A E.g., A = { 0, 1 } 2A = { {}, {0}, {1}, {0,1} } How many items in the above power set of A? If A has n items, how many items does its power set contain? Why? 000…00 000…01 … 111…11 子集编码:

Sequence(序列) A sequence of items is a list of these items in some order(某种顺序) One way to describe a sequence: list the items inside ( ) ( 5, 12, 24 ) Order of items inside ( ) matters ( 5, 12, 24 ) ≠ ( 12, 5, 24 ) Repetition also matters ( 5, 12, 24 ) ≠ ( 5, 12, 12, 24 ) Finite sequences are also called tuples(元组) ( 5, 12, 24 ) is a 3-tuple ( 5, 12, 12, 24 ) is a 4-tuple

Sequence(序列) Given two sets A and B The Cartesian product of A and B, denoted by A x B, is the set of all possible 2-tuples with the first item from A and the second item from B E.g., A = {1, 2} and B = {x, y, z} A x B = { (1,x), (1,y), (1,z), (2,x), (2,y), (2,z) } The Cartesian product of k sets, A1, A2, …, Ak, denoted by A1 x A2 x … x Ak, is the set of all possible k-tuples with the ith item from Ai

Functions A function takes an input and produces an output If f is a function, which gives an output b when input is a, we write f(a) = b For a particular function f, the set of all possible input is called f’s domain(定义域) The outputs of a function come from a set called f’s range(值域)

Functions To describe the property of a function that it has domain D and range R, we write f : D  R E.g., The function add (to add two numbers) will have an input of two integers, and output of an integer We write: add: Z x Z  Z

Functions Guess: What does the following DOW function do? What are the domain and the range of DOW?

Graphs A graph is a set of points with lines connecting some of the points Points are called vertices, lines are called edges E.g.,

Graphs The number of edges at a particular vertex is the degree of the vertex In the previous example, 3 vertices have degree = 2 A graph can be described by telling what are its vertices, and what are its edges. Formally, a graph G can be written as G = (V, E), where V is the set of vertices, and E is the set of edges

Graphs We say a graph G is a subgraph of H if vertices of G are a subset of the vertices of H, and all edges in G are the edges of H on the corresponding vertices Graph H Subgraph G shown darker

Graphs A path is a sequence of vertices connected by edges If every two nodes have a path between them, the graph is connected A cycle is a path that starts and ends at the same vertex A tree is a connected graph with no cycles

Graphs Is the following graph connected? Is it a tree? Are there any cycles? How about the darker subgraph?

Directed Graphs If lines are replaced by arrows, the graph becomes directed The number of arrows pointing into a vertex is called in-degree of the vertex The number of arrows pointing from a vertex is called out-degree of the vertex A directed path is a path from one vertex to the other vertex, following the direction of the “arrows”

Directed Graphs Is there a directed path from a to b? a b

Strings An alphabet = a set of characters E.g., The English Alphabet = {A,B,C,…,Z} A string = a sequence of characters A string over an alphabet S A sequence of characters, with each character coming from S The length of a string w, denoted by |w|, is the number of characters in w The empty string (written as ) is a string of length 0

语言:字符串的集合 Strings Let w = w1w2…wn be a string of length n A substring of w is a consecutive(连续的) subsequence of w (that is, wiwi+1…wj for some i  j) The reverse of w, denoted by wR, is the string wn…w2 w1 A set of strings is called a language 语言:字符串的集合

Proof techniques(证明技术) By construction(构造法) By contradiction(反证法) By induction(归纳法)

Proof By Construction 许多定理声明存在一种特定类型的对象。通过说明如何构造这样的对象是证明这种定理的一种方法,这种方法就是构造性证明方法 proof by construction

By Construction [Example 1] Let us define a graph to be k-regular (k-正则的)if every vertex of the graph has degree k E.g., 2-regular 3-regular

By Construction [Example 1] Theorem: For each even number n  4, there exists a 3-regular graph with n vertices. How to prove it?

By Construction [Example 1] Proof Idea: 构造出一个n个顶点的3正则图。将n个点均匀排列在一个圆上,对每一个顶点,连接其左右邻点各为一条边,第三条边与其相对点相连。 证明: Label the vertices by 1,2,…, n. The edge set E is the union of E1 = { {x,x+1} | for x = 1,2,…,n-1 } E2 = { {1,n} } E3 = { {x, x+ (n/2)} | for x = 1,2,…,n/2 } Then, it is easy to check that the degree of each vertex is exactly 3.

By Contradiction [Example 2] Page 13 By Contradiction [Example 3] Page 14

Homework 0.1 0.2 0.5 0.6 0.9 0.10 0.11