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成才之路 · 英语 人教版 · 必修1 路漫漫其修远兮 吾将上下而求索 www.xkb1.com

Unit 4 Earthquakes

Section Ⅳ Unit Revision

课前新知预习 1 课堂达标验收 3 写作技巧指导 2 课 时 作 业 4


burst injure destroy shock trap bury frighten express earthquake/quake 1.__________(vi.)爆裂;爆发n.突然破裂;爆发 2.__________(vt.)损害;伤害 3.__________(vt.)破坏;毁坏;消灭 4.__________(vt.& vi.)(使)震惊;震动n.休克;打击 5.__________(vt.)使陷入困境n.陷阱;困境 6.__________(vt.)埋葬;掩埋;隐藏 7.__________(vt.)使惊吓;吓唬 8.__________(vt.)表示;表达 9.________________(n.)地震

well pipe million event nation canal steam dirt ruin suffering 10.__________(n.)井 11.__________(n.)管;导管 12.__________(n.)百万 13.__________(n.)事件;大事 14.__________(n.)民族;国家;国民 15.__________(n.)运河;水道 16.__________(n.)蒸汽;水汽 17.__________(n.)污垢;泥土 18.__________(n.)废墟;毁灭 vt.毁灭;使破产 19.__________(n.)苦难;痛苦

22.__________(n.)轨道;足迹;痕迹 23.__________(n.& vt.)援救;营救 brick dam track rescue electricity disaster mine miner shelter title 20.__________(n.)砖;砖块 21.__________(n.)水坝;堤堰 22.__________(n.)轨道;足迹;痕迹 23.__________(n.& vt.)援救;营救 24.__________(n.)电;电流;电学 25.__________(n.)灾难;灾祸 26.__________(n.)矿;矿山;矿井 27.__________(n.)矿工 28.__________(n.)掩蔽;掩蔽处;避身处 29.__________(n.)标题;头衔;资格 www.xkb1.com

30.____________(n.& vt.)损失;损害 34.____________(adj.)极度的 35.____________(adj.)无用的;无效的;无益的 36.____________(adj.)受惊吓的;受恐吓的 37.____________(adj.)令人恐惧的 38.____________(adj.)真诚地;真挚地 damage congratulation judge outline extreme useless frightened frightening sincerely

right away at an end  dig out  as if/though in ruins  a (great)number of 1._______________立刻;马上 2._______________终结;结束 3._______________掘出;发现 4._______________仿佛;好像 5._______________严重受损;破败不堪 6._________________许多;大量的

1.everywhere引导的状语从句: ________________________(无论他们朝哪里看) nearly everything was destroyed. 2.部分否定: I ______________________________here. 我并不认识你们这里所有的人。

3.It seems/looks/sounds as if... It ______________he is very excited. 听起来他好像有点激动。 答案:1.Everywhere they looked 2. don't know all of you 3.sounds as if

定语从句(一)(以that, which, who, whom和whose引导的定语从句) 1.A plane is a machine ________ can fly. 2.The man ________ he talked of is from Japan. 3.This is the very pen ________ he found at the gate. 4.Don't frighten the boy ________ is asleep. 5.We went to visit the teacher ________ husband is a doctor. 答案:1.that/which 2.that/whom/who 3.that  4.who/that 5.whose


请以“An Unusual Autumn Night”为题,记叙发生在你身边的一件事情: 一个凉爽的秋夜,人们都在熟睡,我在看书。突然,我闻到有东西燃烧的味道,往窗外一看,发现街对面我的同学Lily家发生了火灾。我一边大喊“失火了,救命啊”,一边拨打消防队(fire brigade)的电话。许多邻居醒来跑出救火,我也加入了其中。Lily和她父母及时从燃烧着的房子中跑了出来。 半小时后,火被扑灭,幸运的是,火灾并没有造成大的损失。Lily的父母感激得说不出话来。 www.xkb1.com

思路点拨 新闻是对最近发生事实的报道。新闻反映新发生的、重要的、有意义的、能引起广泛兴趣的事实,具有迅速、明了、简短的特点。新闻报道一般采用“倒金字塔”格式,由三部分组成:标题(title),导语(lead­in)和正文(body)。 1.标题是新闻报道的眼睛,若写得好,可以吸引读者(若写作中不要求写标题可不写,以免出错)。新闻报道的标题必须简明、能准确地概括其内容,帮助读者理解报道的事实。因此写作时可使用一些修辞手段。

2.导语是指一篇新闻报道的第一自然段或第一句话。它是用简明、生动的文字写出新闻报道中最主要的、最新鲜的事实,鲜明地提示其主题思想,所以表达要言简意赅,材料的安排要由重要到次要。 3.正文是主干部分,它紧接在导语之后,对导语作具体、全面的阐述,具体展开事实或进一步突出中心,从而写出导语所概括的内容,通常按时间顺序或逻辑顺序写作,但仍然要先写主要的,再写次要的。


答案: On a cool autumn night, many people had been sound asleep, but I was still reading. Suddenly I smelt something burning. I looked out of the window. Oh, my God! A fire broke out. A house on the opposite side was on fire. It was my classmate Lily's house. “Fire! Fire! Help! Help!”I cried out at the top of my voice, and then I called the fire brigade. By this time, many neighbours had been woken up and went to put out the fire. I took a pail and went to rescue. Luckily, Lily and her parents ran out in time.

About half an hour later, the fire was put out About half an hour later, the fire was put out. Fortunately, it didn't destroy many things. Lily's parents were so grateful that they couldn't say a word.


Ⅰ.根据首字母提示用本单元所学的单词完成下列句子 1.These people burned the dead; they didn't b________ them. 2.They t________ the wild animals and killed them for food. 3.After the accident her life seemed to be in r________. 4.It was a great s________ for him when his wife died. 5.When spring comes in that part of the world,the trees just b________ into life. 答案:1.bury 2.trapped 3.ruins 4.shock 5.burst

Ⅱ.根据汉语提示完成句子 1.Do you know _________________________________ _______________(有多少参观者被困在那个岛上)? 2.It's said that ______________________________(他们正在募捐)in that poor mountain village. 3.Can you tell me ________________________(会议将于什么时候结束)? 4.When he cut down branches from these trees, __________ ______________(他的右手严重受伤). 5.______________________________(他的房子在地震中被完全破坏), which made him very sad.

答案:1.how many visitors are trapped on that island 2.they are collecting/raising money 3.when the meeting will be at an end 4.his right hand was seriously injured 5.His house was completely destroyed in an earthquake

答案:1.burst into 2.right away 3.buried herself in  4.give out 5.dug out

Ⅳ.语法单句填空 1.When she heard the news from the hospital that her father had died, she burst ________ tears. 答案:into burst into tears突然大哭起来。句意:从医院里听到她父亲去世的噩耗时,她突然放声大哭起来。 2.When the cows ran down the road, ________ seemed as if they were driven by an unseen hand. 答案:it 考查固定句型。It seems/seemed as if...为固定句型,意为“好像……”。

3.In the terrible earthquake, all the houses in Wenchuan ________(destroy), so they had to build new ones. 答案:were destroyed 句意:在那次可怕的地震中,汶川所有的房屋被毁,因此他们只好建造新的房屋。houses与destroy之间为动宾关系,故用被动语态。 4.Although he was disabled when he was only ten years of age, yet he aimed ________(high), for which his classmates spoke ________(high) of him. 答案:high; highly high表示具体高度;highly则表示抽象意义,此处二者均为副词。句意:尽管他在十岁时就残疾了,然而他目标很高,他的同学对他评价很高。 www.xkb1.com

5.________(trap) in the river for five hours, the thief looked very pale and hopeless. 答案:Trapped 句意:被困在河里五个小时,小偷看上去很苍白无望。be trapped in...被困在……。 6.It's reported that the earthquake has made ________(thousand)of people homeless. 答案:thousands 考查数词用法。前面有确切数字修饰时,hundred/thousand/million等后不加­s;相反,则加­s,后面需跟介词of。thousands of表示“成千上万的”,表概数。

7.She shook________ head and told me that she was not satisfied with herself. 答案:her 句意:她摇了摇头,告诉我说她对自己(的表现)并不满意。shake one's head摇头。 8.When I answered the phone, I knew right________ the man had the wrong number. 答案:away right away立刻,马上。

9.He had finished his final essay(论文)________the end of last term, which made him graduate ahead of time. 答案:by by the end of...表示“在……底之前”,常与完成时连用。 10.The news that the president was hanged(绞死) ________(shock) everyone in that country. 答案:shocked 考查shock的用法。shock为及物动词,意为“使……震惊”;此处填shocked,为其过去式,作谓语;其主语为the news。

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