Internet Explorer 8的兼容性設置 Dear User, 如果您在使用我們的B2B系統時出現了首頁樣式異常或者菜單無法顯示的問題,請仔細閱讀本說明,相信閱讀完之後您會瞭解如何解決這些問題,如果閱讀完之後您還是不能解決的話,請將您的問題發送Mail至:
B2B系統在IE8下常見問題—B2B首頁樣式異常 異常的首頁 正常的首頁
B2B系統在IE8下常見問題—功能菜單不能顯示 無法看見列表 在登陸進入B2B系統之後,菜單列表無法顯示,不能進行相關的操作。
步驟一:在IE8的工具按鈕中選中“相容性檢視設定” 解決方法: 步驟一:在IE8的工具按鈕中選中“相容性檢視設定”
步驟二:點擊 “相容性檢視設定”進入到上述頁面,勾選第三項,然後關閉,這樣IE8就可以兼容B2B網站了 勾選上此項 步驟二:點擊 “相容性檢視設定”進入到上述頁面,勾選第三項,然後關閉,這樣IE8就可以兼容B2B網站了
Dear User, 以上就是我們為您提供的解決方法,給您帶來的不便請見諒,如果您還有其他的問題,請發送Mail至:
Dear Sir/Madam If your web broswer is Internet Explorer and it’s version is very High,sometimes when you visit some websites,you may get troubled. Websites that were designed for earlier versions of Internet Explorer might not display correctly in the current version included in Windows 7. When you turn on Compatibility View, the webpage you're viewing, as well as any other webpages within the website's domain, will be displayed as if you were using an earlier version of Internet Explorer. This will show you how to add (turn on) and remove (turn off) websites to be displayed in Compatibility View. Best Regards