Guided composition Problems in writing 词汇的选择 相同词汇/表达法的反复出现.


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Presentation transcript:

Guided composition Problems in writing 词汇的选择 相同词汇/表达法的反复出现

最近,你们学校同学参加了某英文报组织的一场辩论. 辩题是:中学生要不要参加社会实践 最近,你们学校同学参加了某英文报组织的一场辩论.辩题是:中学生要不要参加社会实践? 请你根据下表所提供的信息,给报社写一篇短文,客观地介绍辩论的情况。 正方同学认为 反方同学认为 应参加社会实践 有助于了解社会,获得经验 有助于培养能力,学以至用 不参加社会实践 太年轻,不能很好地适应社会 浪费时间、精力, 也没有机会

词汇的选择 相同词汇 /表达法的反复出现 应参加社会实践 有助于了解社会,获得经验 有助于培养能力,学以至用 不参加社会实践 太年轻,不能很好地适应社会 浪费时间,精力;也没有机会 Problems in writing 词汇的选择 相同词汇 /表达法的反复出现

supporters defenders attend / join in a debate 1.应该参加社会实践 supporters defenders attend / join in a debate take part in social practice join the League = become a member of We should take part in social practice. Social practice is surely a good thing for us middle school students. The pros insisted we should be active in taking part in it. should take an active part in A good beginning is half done.

2. 有助于了解社会,获得经验 3. 有助于培养能力,学以至用 We can know the society better and gain more experience. What’s more, it will help to improve our abilities and we can use what we have learned in class. Not only can it help us to have a better … but also to develop our abilities to … Social practice not only can help us students to have a better understanding of the society and gain work experience but also contribute to the improvement of the students’ abilities. So that we can put our knowledge into practice.

Social practice is not suitable for us students. 1.不参加社会实践 2.浪费时间、精力, 也没有机会 Social practice is not suitable for us students. And there is no chance to try it.

Should middle school students take part in social practice? Recently, our schoolmates took part in a debate (which is) organized by an English newspaper. It is dangerous for us to set foot in society too early. Not only does the society can make us strong, but also it can teach us many things which we cannot learn in class.

Being active in social practice contributes to learn more about society and get experience for us and it is also helpful to develop our abilities. And they treat the social practice as a waste of time and energy. The pros insist that we are supposed to take part in the social practice. We’ll become a member of society sooner or later. It is important for us to have social experience. Why shouldn’t we get it earlier?

Our school took part in the discussion host by an English newspaper recently. The title was “whether high school students should take part in the social practice or not”. Some students hold the view that we should take part in it because it is good for us to know our society better and have more experience. The cons didn’t think so. They had their own idea that we are too young to adapt to the the society and social practise costs too much time and energy. I think a student of 21 century should be an independent person. If the social practise won’t have a bad influence on your study, go and do it. 唐

Student of our school took part in a debate whether students should take part in social practice. Everyone have its own opinion. The pros insist that students should take part in social practice. Because it contributes to knowing the social and offers more chance to experience things. As we experience more, our ability will be developed. And knowledge that we learned in class may be used.

However the cons have different opinion However the cons have different opinion. They think that students shouldn’t take part in social practice. The reason they give us is students are too young to adapt to social. What’s more, it’s a waste of time and energy to do such a thing. The most important is we always have no chance. In my opinion. If we haven’t enough experience how can we adapt to the social. So just do it. 陈微

A Heated Debate We’ve had a debate about whether middle school students should do social practice recently. The pros think middle school students should do social practice. They believe social practice can help them know more about the things around them and give them much experience. By doing so, the students’s ability can be developed. Besides, they can put what they have learned in the books into practice.

On the other hand, the cons think middle school students don’t have to do social practice, because they are too young to fit the world, they say it’s a waste of money and energy. What’s more, there are no such chances. The whole debate is heated, and we all think it is necessary and important.

make a distinguish between … 二班的同学进行了一场有关英语学习的讨论。讨论的题目是:学习英语要不要从儿童时期开始?请你根据下表中的提示写一篇短文,介绍讨论的情况。 form childhood when they are small, at such an early age 正方同学认为 反方同学认为 1.应从儿童时期开始 2.儿童时期记忆力好,可以记住很多单词 3.能为以后的英语学习打下坚实的基础 不应从儿童时期开始 儿童时期既要学汉语 拼音又要学英语,易 混淆 影响汉语学习和今后的 英语学习 lay a solid fundation for can’t tell C~ fro E~ make a distinguish between …