效 法 基 督 Imitators of Christ 林前十一章 (I Cor.11)


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Presentation transcript:

效 法 基 督 Imitators of Christ 林前十一章 (I Cor.11) 黃明鎮 3/21/’10 Christ is Lord

一、像保羅一樣效法 v.1 1. As Paul imitated Christ is Lord 1.不是外在的模仿 Not outwardly imitating 2.是內在的渴慕與生命的跟隨 Inwardly longing and following

二、基督是頭 v.2~6 2. Christ is the Head is Lord 1.男人是女人的頭 ─ 女人的順服 Man is the head of woman ─ submission of woman 2.神是基督的頭 ─ 基督的順服 God is the Head of Christ ─ submission of Christ

3.蒙頭與否的規矩 To cover or not? ─ 男人蒙頭羞辱頭 ─ 女人蒙頭服權柄 Christ is Lord 3.蒙頭與否的規矩 To cover or not? ─ 男人蒙頭羞辱頭 Man dishonors his head, if covered ─ 女人蒙頭服權柄 Woman has a sign of authority on her head, if covered

4.女人是男人的榮耀─男人的謙卑 5.女不是無男、男不是無女 ─ 彼此互補互助 Christ is Lord 4.女人是男人的榮耀─男人的謙卑 Woman is the glory of man ─ The humility of man 5.女不是無男、男不是無女 ─ 彼此互補互助 Woman is not independent of man -- Help each other Man is not independent of woman

三、教會擘餅為此紀念主基督 v.17~34 The Lord’s Supper is for the Lord Christ is Lord 1.不要分門別類 No divisions among the church 2.擘餅的意義與作法 The meaning and practice of the Lord’s Supper

四、如何效法基督? How to imitate Christ is Lord a.往後看 ─ 紀念主的死 Look backwards ─ Remember the death of the Lord b.往前看 ─ 等候主來 Look forward ─ Until His coming c.往內看 ─ 自己省察 Look inward ─ Examine yourself d.往外看 ─ 彼此等待 Look outward ─ Await one another 1.獻上自己 Present yourself 2.活出生命見證 Live a godly life 3.使命感 Sense of Mission (Great Commission)

四、如何效法基督? How to imitate Christ is Lord 1.獻上自己 Present yourself 2.活出生命見證 Live a godly life 3.使命感 Sense of Mission (Great Commission)