《语言与文化》 Unit 3 Verbal and Non-verbal Communication


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Presentation transcript:

《语言与文化》 Unit 3 Verbal and Non-verbal Communication 夏登山 北京外国语大学 英语学院 电话:15120004623 Email: xiadengshan@bfsu.edu.cn

汇报内容 单元总体设计 教学过程安排 目标能力监测

一、单元总体设计 单元结构 Text A Text B Lead-in Preparatory work Intercultural reflection Critical reading Text B Creative response Language enhancing

单元目标:五大能力指标(Map of the Book) Reading Skills (Language) Communicative Competence Critical Thinking Intercultural Competence Autonomou Learning

Autonomous Learning Develop an awareness of autonomous learning Learn to schedule your time Learn to use appropriate on-line and library resources to look up for information Learn to evaluate your learning Make use of self/peer assessment Critically reflect on your (autonomous) learning strategies ......

Locating Unit 3 in the book Unit 1 Nature Unit 2 Function Unit 3 Communication Acquisition/Thinking/Language and Culture

二、 教学过程安排 课前准备 课堂安排 第一课时 第二课时 第三课时 Preparatory work Vocabulary list Preview: Text A (Presentation) Background Knowledge Comprehension check 第二课时 Language enhancement Summary writing & peer review Evaluation and Exploration 第三课时 Asking your questions Preview: Text B Intercultural refelction Presentations: Intercultural refelction

第一课时: Preparatory work + Text A (Understanding the Text) 展示Vocabulary list 检查学生是否有充分的准备 补充一定的Background knowledge

Pragmatics is a subfield of linguistics and semiotics that studies the ways in which context contributes to meaning.

Text A: Understanding the text 宏观理解: Main theme/purpose/conclusion: Structure: three parts Eight levels of communication differences Style: academic

深度理解: Comprehension check: questions (2)-(7) 分6组讨论,每组充分讨论三个问题 轮流汇报、补充

第二课时: Language Enhancement + Evaluation and Exploration 语言理解: Paraphrasing, Translation, and beyond 分组讨论并汇报: Evaluating the text (1), (2) Exploring beyond the text (1) - (3) Making an outline: 独立完成(5分钟) 课堂点评(topic outline/sentence outline, intuitive thinking/theoretical thinking)

第三课时:Text A: Evaluation and Exploration + Presentations Asking your own questions:讨论、汇报、点评 补充新的问题:pragmatics and pragmatics? Presentations: Evaluating the text (3) (p61) Intercultural reflection (2), (3) (p74) 10 minutes + Q&A (3 mins) + Comments 课后延时书面点评

Sample questions

三、目标能力监测 自主学习能力 语言运用能力 思辨能力 跨文化能力 人文素养和学科知识

1. 自主学习能力 Instructional design of Preparatory work/Autonomous learning 显性学习(explicit learning)与隐性学习(implicit learning) 信息检索方式的对比 信息源可靠性的评判 自主学习效率的反思

2. 语言运用能力 语言练习 显性矫正 双动词、简单动词 高级动词 语言输入和输出量

3. 思辨能力: 本单元目标技能 Evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of personal experience as evidence p61: Evaluating the text- question (1) Organize your arguments with an outline p62: Making an outline Note and reflect on the differences between academic writing and everyday writing Asking your questions/paraphrasing (p65),outlining(p62)

3. 思辨能力: 通用技能 1) Understanding 2) Applying 3) Analyzing Comprehension check: interpret, generalize, identify 2) Applying Applying the theoretical way of thinking/outlining 3) Analyzing differentiating in Questions for exploration (1); organizing an idea in Evaluating the text (3); determining the point of view in comprehension check (7), etc.)

3. 思辨能力: 通用技能 4) Evaluating 5) Creating judging the strengenths and weaknesses in Evaluating the text (1), critiquing/challenging the authority in Evaluating the text (3) 5) Creating generating a hypothesis in Intercultural reflection and Evaluating the text (3); planning in making an outline (p62)

4. 跨文化能力:目标技能 1) Identify similarities and differences in verbal/non- verbal communication across cultures (p 60 1.(7); p61 2.(2);p74 Intercultural reflection) 2) Be aware of multiple levels of differences on which cross-cultural communication can falter (p 60 comprehension check) 3) Interpret communication behaviors from cultural and historical perspectives (p74 Intercultural reflection, question 2)

4. 跨文化能力:通用技能 Intercultural awareness/attitude Intercultural knowledge (p61 2(2); p74 Intercultural reflection, question 3) Intercultural knowledge

5. 学科知识和人文素养 肢体语言 非语言交际Non-verbal communication 语用学 跨文化交际

5. 学科知识和人文素养 语言使用现象的研究兴趣 跨文化交际行为的敏锐观察力 对严谨的逻辑思辨的好感 ...

说课总结 教材:Unit 3 Text A The Pragmatics of Cross- cultural Communication 教学方法:自主学习+分组讨论 教学过程:1+4+1 教学目标:五大能力(通用能力+单元目标能力)

学生和教师的任务 预习课文Text A + Text B 制作生词表 完成Preparatory work 回答Critical Reading部分的问题、参与课堂讨论 写作Summary+相互评阅(peer review) 提出自己的问题(语言理解、知识观点、逻辑思辨等) 完成Language Enhancement语言练习 准备Presentation

Unit 3 教学设计 请批评指正! 夏登山 15120004623 xiadengshan@bfsu.edu.cn