How to design a writing task with designated genre


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Presentation transcript:

How to design a writing task with designated genre

Write an essay on hydrogen bonding. (2008 ASL Chem paper I – 10) Write an essay on the chemistry of chlorine including its industrial manufacture and applications in daily life. (2008 AL Chem paper I – 9)

Common instruction words in writing tasks Genre Common sentence patterns of the writing topics 題目常用句式 Descriptive report 描述報告 Describe… Give a description of… State the principle… What are the properties / functions of…? -試描述…… 試給……作一個描述。 請指出……的原理。 ……的特點/性質/功能是甚麼? Procedural account 程序記述 -Describe the process of… -Outline an experiment using the following equipments and materials… -Design an experiment using… -請描述以下……程序。 -概述一個使用下列儀器及物料進行的實驗…… -設計一個實驗以……

Common instruction words in writing tasks Genre Common sentence patterns of the writing topics 題目常用句式 Causal explanation 原因解說 -Explain why…occurs -Account for… -Give reasons for why…occurs. -What causes…? -試解釋為何……會發生。 -請說明…… -請指出為何…… -甚麼原因會引致……? Comparison 比較語體 -In regard to…compare… -Point out the differences between… -Discuss the similarities and differences between… -試根據……,比較…… -指出……和……之差異。 -試討論……和……的異同。

Activity (2) Design writing tasks based on the topic “Fuel cell” for different types of genre. 配合不同語體,設計有關「燃料電池」的寫作任務。 Example: What is a fuel cell? Describe the principles and applications of fuel cells. (Descriptive report)