安靜默禱,預備崇拜 Quiet meditation Prepare for worship February 5, 2016.


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Presentation transcript:

安靜默禱,預備崇拜 Quiet meditation Prepare for worship February 5, 2016

詩篇 9:7-10 Psalm 惟 耶 和 華 坐 著 為 王 , 直 到 永 遠 ;他 已 經 為 審 判 設 擺 他 的 寶 座 。8 他 要 按 公 義 審 判 世 界 ,按 正 直 判 斷 萬 民 。 The Lord reigns forever; he has established his throne for judgment. 8 He will judge the world in righteousness; he will govern the peoples with justice.

9 耶 和 華 又 要 給 受 欺 壓 的 人 作 高 臺 , 在 患 難 的 時 候 作 高 臺 。10 耶 和 華 啊,認 識 你 名 的 人 要 倚 靠 你,因 你 沒 有 離 棄 尋 求 你 的 人 9 The Lord is a refuge for the oppressed, a stronghold in times of trouble. 10 Those who know your name will trust in you, for you, Lord , have never forsaken those who seek you.

榮耀是主聖名 Glorious is Thy Name

親愛救主我敬拜祢, 傳揚祢慈愛恩情, 祢有大能,祢是聖潔, 榮耀是祢無比名。 Blessed Savior we adore Thee We Thy love and grace proclaim Thou art mighty Thou art holy Glorious is Thy matchless name

榮------耀,榮------耀 榮耀是救主聖名 Glorious, Glorious Glorious is Thy name O Lord Glorious, Glorious Glorious is Thy name O Lord

Great Redeemer Lord and Master Light of all eternal days Let the saints of every nation Sing Thy just and endless praise 偉大救主,我主我神, 惟你是永晝之光; 願普天下萬國聖徒, 永遠向你獻頌揚

榮------耀,榮------耀 榮耀是救主聖名 Glo-----rious, Glo-----rious Glorious is Thy name O Lord Glo-----rious, Glo-----rious Glorious is Thy name O Lord 榮------耀,榮------耀 榮耀是救主聖名

你從天上榮耀寶座, 到罪惡羞辱十架; 為要拯救世人靈魂, 甘願受死付贖價 From the throne of heaven's glory To the cross of sin and shame Thou didst come to die a ransom Guilty sinners to reclaim

榮------耀,榮------耀 榮耀是救主聖名 Glorious, Glorious Glorious is Thy name O Lord Glorious, Glorious Glorious is Thy name O Lord

聖哉!聖哉!聖哉 Holy! Holy! Holy!

聖哉,聖哉,聖哉,全能大主宰! 清晨我眾歌頌,歡聲上達天庭; 聖哉,聖哉,聖哉,慈悲全能主宰 讚美三一神,父子與聖靈。 Holy Holy Holy, Lord God Almighty Early in the morning, Our song shall rise to Thee Holy Holy Holy, Merciful and mighty God in three persons, Blessed Trinity

Falling down before Thee Which wert and art, And evermore shalt be Holy Holy Holy, All the saints adore Thee Casting down their golden crowns Around the glassy sea Cherubim and seraphim, Falling down before Thee Which wert and art, And evermore shalt be 聖哉,聖哉,聖哉,眾聖都敬拜, 放下黃金冠冕,環繞在水晶海; 千萬天使天軍,俯伏叩拜主前, 昔在而今在,永在億萬年。

聖哉,聖哉,聖哉,主莊嚴威榮; 罪人昏昧難見,因黑暗罪深重; 惟獨上主至聖,惟獨上主至尊, 全能又全愛,至聖潔真神。 Holy Holy Holy, Though the darkness hide Thee Though the eye of sinful man Thy glory may not see Only Thou art holy, There is none beside Thee Perfect in power, In love and purity

牧 禱 Pastoral Prayer 周修强牧師 Pastor Raymond

献 詩 Anthem 祂能改變 He Is Able to Change 詩 班 Choir

祂能改變 He Is Able to Change 詞曲:潘曉郁 英譯:李蒙潔 讓我們同心敬拜 創造天地的主 Let us worship together the creator of all. 讓我們齊聲頌揚 全能的神 Let us praise together the mighty God. 祂能改變 1/5

用大信心來讚美 主的慈愛長存 祂要醫治 祂要拯救 釋放被擄的人 用大信心來讚美 主的慈愛長存 Use your Faith to worship God’s infinite love. 祂要醫治 祂要拯救 He will hear us, He will save us. 釋放被擄的人 Set the captives free. 祂能改變 2/5

He can change, He can change. 祂能改變 改變 He can change, He can change. 使水變成酒 Change water to wine. 化苦為甘甜 Change bitter to sweet. 祂能改變 3/5

當我們心未感覺 眼未看見之前 祂已開始 祂已運行 祂正在成全 當我們心未感覺 眼未看見之前 Before we can feel it, before we can see. 祂已開始 祂已運行 He has started, He is changing. 祂正在成全 He’s still working now. 祂能改變 4/5

He can change, He can change. 祂能改變 改變 He can change, He can change. 使水變成酒 Change water to wine. 化苦為甘甜 Change bitter to sweet. 祂能改變 3/5

當我們心未感覺 眼未看見之前 祂已開始 祂已運行 祂正在成全 當我們心未感覺 眼未看見之前 Before we can feel it, before we can see. 祂已開始 祂已運行 He has started, He is changing. 祂正在成全 He’s still working now. 祂能改變 4/5

讀 經 Scripture Reading 以賽亜書 55:8-9 Isaiah 王世偉弟兄 Michael Wang

耶和華說:我的意念非同你們的意念;我的道路非同你們的道路。9天怎樣高過地,照樣,我的道路高過你們的道路;我的意念高過你們的意念。 “For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways,” declares the Lord. 9 “As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts.

Message 若瑟的一生 The Life of Joseph 周修强牧師 Pastor Raymond

Surely your wrath against mankind brings you 1.戰勝被兄弟出賣。 Victory Over Betrayal By Brothers 詩篇 76:10 人的忿怒要成全你的榮美;人的餘怒, 你要禁止 Psalm 76:10 Surely your wrath against mankind brings you praise, and the survivors of your wrath are restrained.

3.戰勝失望 2.戰勝引誘 Victory Over Temptation Victory Over Disappointment 4.戰勝一切困難 Victory Over All Obstacles

God Will Take Care of you 回應詩歌 Response Hymn 天父必看顧你 God Will Take Care of you

天父必看顧你; 必將你藏祂恩翅下, 天父必看顧你。 任遭何事不要驚怕, 天父必看顧你; 必將你藏祂恩翅下, 天父必看顧你。 Be not dismayed whatever betide God will take care of you Beneath His wings of love abide God will take care of you 4 slides 1,2,3,4 Chorus slide 3,4 Repeat Songs 2 times and then repeat Chorus 1 of 8

天父必看顧你,時時看顧, 處處看顧, 祂必要看顧你, 天父必看顧你。 天父必看顧你,時時看顧, 處處看顧, 祂必要看顧你, 天父必看顧你。 God will take care of you Thro' every day o'er all the way He will take care of you God will take care of you 4 slides 1,2,3,4 Chorus slide 3,4 Repeat Songs 2 times and then repeat Chorus 1 of 8

有時勞苦心中失望, 天父必看顧你; 危險臨到無處躲藏 天父必看顧你。 Thro' days of toil When heart doth fail God will take care of you When dangers fierce your path assail God will take care of you 有時勞苦心中失望, 天父必看顧你; 危險臨到無處躲藏 天父必看顧你。 4 slides 1,2,3,4 Chorus slide 3,4 Repeat Songs 2 times and then repeat Chorus 1 of 8

天父必看顧你,時時看顧, 處處看顧, 祂必要看顧你, 天父必看顧你。 God will take care of you Thro' every day o'er all the way He will take care of you God will take care of you 天父必看顧你,時時看顧, 處處看顧, 祂必要看顧你, 天父必看顧你。 4 slides 1,2,3,4 Chorus slide 3,4 Repeat Songs 2 times and then repeat Chorus 1 of 8

凡你所需祂必供應, 天父必看顧你; 凡你所求祂必垂聽, 天父必看顧你 All you may need He will provide God will take care of you Nothing you ask will be denied God will take care of you 4 slides 1,2,3,4 Chorus slide 3,4 Repeat Songs 2 times and then repeat Chorus 1 of 8

天父必看顧你,時時看顧, 處處看顧, 祂必要看顧你, 天父必看顧你。 天父必看顧你,時時看顧, 處處看顧, 祂必要看顧你, 天父必看顧你。 God will take care of you Thro' every day o'er all the way He will take care of you God will take care of you 4 slides 1,2,3,4 Chorus slide 3,4 Repeat Songs 2 times and then repeat Chorus 1 of 8

奉 献 Tithes & Offerings

歡 迎 及 報 告 Welcome and Announcements

三一頌 Doxology

讚美真神萬福之根, 世上萬民讚美主恩 天使天軍讚美主名, 讚美聖父聖子聖靈 阿門 Praise God, from whom all blessings flow; Praise Him, all creatures here below, Praise Him above, ye heavenly host, Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost Amen

Quiet Meditation & Dismissal 默禱散會 Quiet Meditation & Dismissal