A novel blockchain-based product ownership management system (POMS) for anti-counterfeits in the post supply chain Source: IEEE Access, Vol. 5, pp. 17465-17477,


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Presentation transcript:

A novel blockchain-based product ownership management system (POMS) for anti-counterfeits in the post supply chain Source: IEEE Access, Vol. 5, pp. 17465-17477, Jun. 2017 Author: Kentaroh Toyoda, P. Takis Mathiopoulos, Iwao Sasase, and Tomoaki Ohtsuki Speaker: Ren-Kai Yang Date: 09/06/2018 日本慶應義塾大學 希臘雅典大學

Outline Introduction Related works Proposed scheme Discussions Performance evaluation Conclusions

Introduction Electronic product code (EPC) Manufacturer Distributor Retailer RFID-enabled supply chain Shop Consumer Customer/Seller EPC全球產品唯一碼 96bits 20-40 Post supply chain

Blockchain + Smart contract Related works(1/2) Ethereum = Blockchain + Smart contract 2. Get product from vending machine 1. Use money to buy product from vending machine

Related works(2/2) Ethereum blockchain

Proposed scheme(1/7) Ethereum Administrator(A) Manufacturer(M) Distributor(D) Retailer(R) Shop(S) Consumer(C) Ethereum

Proposed scheme(2/7) Manufacturers manager(MM) Check M’s address Administrator(A) Manufacturer(M) Check 製造廠商會向公司進行競標 完成後簽約 確認這個產品的製造是授權的 其他的製造商不能仿冒它有製造的權利 那註冊的內容會是公司行號的號碼 還有商品的條碼 M’s address Company prefix Name Valid duration

Proposed scheme(3/7) Products manager(PM) enrollProduct() shipProduct() receiveProduct() getCurrentOwner() 產品的所有權轉移 從商品的註冊到最後售出 Manufacturer(M) Distributor(D) Retailer(R) Shop(S) Consumer(C)

Proposed scheme(4/7) Products manager(PM) enrollProduct() shipProduct() receiveProduct() getCurrentOwner() Transfer的次數限制 因為完成整個程序會給予商家鼓勵提供正確的服務,為了防止有人用這種方式賺取獎勵 每個物品會有所有權轉移的次數,這邊就沒有設計這個次數要多少比較合理,這部分會依照物品的種類和價值決定。 Check Manufacturer(M) EPC’ s status as owned EPC’s owner as Amsg EPC’s number of transfer EPC Manufacturer’s address

Proposed scheme(5/7) Products manager(PM) enrollProduct() shipProduct() receiveProduct() getCurrentOwner() Manufacturer(M) Distributor(D) Shop(S) Retailer(R) 所有權的轉移 產品的EPC確實存在 而且狀態為owned Sender address Recipient’s address EPC EPC’ s status as shipped

Proposed scheme(6/7) Products manager(PM) enrollProduct() shipProduct() receiveProduct() getCurrentOwner() Consumer(C) EPC’ s status as owned EPC’s owner as Arec Recipient’s address

Proposed scheme(7/7) Products manager(PM) enrollProduct() shipProduct() receiveProduct() getCurrentOwner() EPC EPC’s owner as Amsg

Discussions Protocol verification Owner’s privacy Impersonation avoidance Customer participation 1. The seller possesses counterfeits with fake EPCs. 2. The seller possesses counterfeits and knows their true EPCs but does not posses their ownership. 3. The seller owns the genuine product and its ownership and possesses a number of its counterfeits too.

Performance evaluation

Conclusions Verifiability User privacy Low cost

Appendix-MM enrollManufacturer() getManufacturerAddress()

Appendix-PM enrollProduct() shipProduct() and receiveProduct()
