第二單元:Theories of Self Knowledge 自我知識理論 梁益堉 教授


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Presentation transcript:

第二單元:Theories of Self Knowledge 自我知識理論 梁益堉 教授 2012.3.5 【本著作除另有註明外,採取創用CC「姓名標示-非商業性-相同方式分享」台灣3.0版授權釋出】 本課程指定教材為Brie Gertler (2011). Self-knowledge. London ; New York : Routledge。 本講義僅引用部分內容,請讀者自行準備。 本作品轉載自Microsoft Office 2007多媒體藝廊,依據Microsoft服務合約及著作權法第46、52、65條合理使用。

Theories of self-knowledge: 1. The acquaintance theory The acquaintance theory: in introspection, one is directly aware of, or acquainted with, one’s own mental states. 自我意識的內省察覺和知覺的不同 1. More direct:知覺是一連串的因果過程所造成, 但Self awareness 不需要像知覺那樣藉由因果過程。 Ex: introspective awareness of pain: pain is part of the Introspective experience Ex: perceptual awareness of a table: mediated by a causal process 2. 對象不同:知覺對象當沒有知覺的時候還是存在,自我察覺當沒有察 覺時就不存在。 Q: 有沒有一種痛覺是沒有察覺到的痛?(生理上受傷但沒有察覺到痛。) Flickr,作者:wellcom images。 00:09:00~00:21:28 00:32:08~00:36:34

Theories of self-knowledge: 1. The acquaintance theory Introspective awareness 1. 形上學上:自我察覺是形上學上直接的,對痛覺的察覺就是痛覺本 身。 P. 4 Nothing mediates between one’s awareness of the mental state and the state itself. 2. 知識論上: 和透過知覺所得到的知識比起來,經由自我察覺所得 到的知識在知識論上更有確定性。 P.5 * Insusceptible to causal error Introspective awareness of a mental state does not depend on any causal matters. *NOT infallible 00:21:28~00:26:25

Theories of self-knowledge: 2. The inner sense theory P.5 Introspective awareness occurs through a causal process broadly similar to that involved in perceptual awareness. 自我知識和對外在世界的知識沒有本質上的不同。 Ex: 我牙痛和我眼前有一張桌子。 00:26:25~00:32:08 Flickr,作者:Finizio。

Theories of self-knowledge: 2. The inner sense theory introspective justification and perceptual justification 知識論上:內省的判斷和感官知覺的判斷都產生可能相同類型的錯誤, 兩者在知識論上的地位相同。 在形上學上與知識論上,內省知識不會比感官知識來得更直接,也沒 有更高的確定性。(和The acquaintance theory不同) P.5-6 When contrasted with perception, … , the inner sense theory helps to defuse this sense of mystery. Q: 知識三條件(S know p iff p is true and S is justified believed that p.)是否可以應用到自我知識。凸顯上述兩個理論的 差異。 00:36:34~00:40:20 00:40:20~00:48:42 (黑板)知識三條件

Theories of self-knowledge: 3. The rationalist theory The acquaintance theory and the inner sense theory 經驗主義式的理論:兩者都是透過內省經驗的觀察來獲得自我知識。 p.6 Both theories see, …, empiricist theories of self-knowledge. Rationalists: 第一人稱權威性不是從內省觀察而來。 P.6 deny that first-person authority derives from a special means of observing our own states Agent: 主動的行動者 Ex: 被抬出去,還是自己走出去。 p.6 The subject is an agent, responsible for shaping her own states. 00:54:59~01:08:10

Theories of self-knowledge: 3. The rationalist theory The rationalist theory: agent有能力對mental content做修正。 Propositional attitudes 對同一個命題可以有不同的attitudes。 Ex: 我相信/懷疑/希望NTU是台灣最好的大學。 對不同的命題可以有相同的attitude。 Ex: 我相信外面正在下雨。我相信人有悲歡離合。 Propositional attitudes can be justified or undermined by reasons. Ex:出門帶傘就顯示你相信現在正在下雨。 Rationalists generally allow that we know some mental states (experiences, sensations, and daydreams) through observation. Q:是不是所有的mental state都是命題態度? 01:08:10~01:18:55 01:24:45~01:29:37

Theories of self-knowledge: 3. The rationalist theory P.7-8 On the rationalist view, what fundamentally distinguishes self-knowledge from others’ knowledge, …, normative factor, having to do with your rights and responsibilities. 規範性:應該或不應該(ought/ should) 描述性: 是或不是(is) Flickr,作者:amorph。 01:18:55~01:24:45

Theories of self-knowledge: 3. The rationalist theory Responsibility P.8 Specifically, you are responsible, …, your intentions conform to your larger goals, etc. 別人透過觀察來得知你的態度,自已不用透過觀察來得知。 Rationalists contend, …, you can know them nonobservationally. 01:24:45~01:26:50

版權聲明 頁碼 作品 授權條件 作者/來源 1-10 本作品轉載自Microsoft Office 2007多媒體藝廊,依據Microsoft服務合約及著作權法第46、52、65條合理使用。 2 Flickr,作者:wellcom images。 本作品轉載自http://www.flickr.com/photos/wellcomeimages/5814821922/in/photostream/,瀏覽日期2012/3/30。本作品採取創用CC「姓名標示-非商業性-禁止改作」2.0版授權釋出。 4 Flickr,作者:Finizio。 本作品轉載自http://www.flickr.com/photos/finizio/183975129/sizes/z/in/photostream/ ,瀏覽日期2012/3/9。本作品採取創用CC「姓名標示-禁止改作」2.0 版授權釋出。 8 Flickr,作者:amorph。 本作品轉載自http://www.flickr.com/photos/amorph/360439169/sizes/z/in/photostream/,瀏覽日期2012/3/9。本作品採取創用CC「姓名標示-非商業性-相同方式分享」2.0版授權釋出。