公共图书馆服务残障读者的实践与体会 ——以安徽省图书馆为例


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Presentation transcript:

公共图书馆服务残障读者的实践与体会 ——以安徽省图书馆为例 公共图书馆服务残障读者的实践与体会 ——以安徽省图书馆为例 Practice and Experience of Servicing Disabled Readers in Public Library: An Anhui Library Case Study 演讲人:林旭东 日期:2012年11月19日 Email:linxd@mail.ahlib.com Speaker: Lin Xudong Date:Nov 19th 2012

1、残疾读者的定义及类型 Definition and types of disabled reader 可以接受图书馆服务的“残疾人”统称为“残疾读者” “残疾人”是指在心理、生理、人体结构上,某种组织、功能丧失或者存在严重障碍,日常生活或者社会活动受到持续性限制的人。 图书馆残疾读者一般包括视力残疾、听力残疾、言语残疾、肢体残疾、智力残疾、精神残疾。 Definition of disabled reader- All disabled people that can accept library service Disabled person refers to people who is psychologically, physiological, or physically handicapped and some of his/her body tissues or functions have been lost or hardly be used, in which case, influences his/her daily life or social life persistently. Disabled readers in library include vision disability, hearing disability, speech disability, physical disability, intellectual disability and psychic disability

2、服务残疾读者公共图书馆义不容辞 Public library is incumbent to service disabled readers 是全球公共图书馆对公众的承诺——《公共图书馆宣言》 是中国公共图书馆的法定使命——《中华人民共和国残疾人保障法》 、《中华人民共和国公共图书馆法》(草案送审稿) 是中国文化部对各级公共图书馆绩效评估的要求——《文化部公共图书馆评估标准》 是务实推进中国人权事业的一项举措——《国家人权行动计划 (2012-2015年)》 是公共图书馆塑造公益形象增加社会美誉度的善举 A commitment to the public for all public libraries—“Public Library Manifesto” A legal mission for Chinese public libraries– “Law of the People's Republic of China on the Protection of Disabled Persons”, “Law of the People’s Republic of China on Public Library”(draft for examination and approval) A requirement for China's Ministry of Culture to evaluate performance of public libraries at different levels— “Evaluation Standard of Ministry of Culture on Public Library” An action to promote Human rights cause in China– “National Human Rights Action Plan of China (2012-2015)” An action for public library to shape its image of public service and gain social reputation

3、安徽省图书馆服务残障读者的措施 Actions of Anhui Library to service disabled readers 3.1建设好专门的“残疾人阅览室” —— build a special reading room for disabled people 配置文献信息资源; 提供无障碍设施; 建设温湿宜人环境; With literature information resources, barrier-free facilities, and a comfortable environment


3、安徽省图书馆服务残障读者的措施 Actions of Anhui Library to service disabled readers 3.2配备高素质的专职馆员— With quality and full-time librarians 树立“现代社会的残疾人观”; 善于沟通交流会操作; 具备爱心耐心责任心; Form proper attitudes to disabled people in modern society; Good at communication and operation; With a kind heart, patience and responsibility;

3、安徽省图书馆服务残障读者的措施 3.3开展丰富多彩的阅读活动 Hold various reading activities 牵手残疾人 走进图书馆; 举办专题讲座 提高知识修养; 以书为媒,搭建阅读交友平台; 组织有奖读书征文活动,激发读书热情; 编印提供二次文献,有针对性的进行阅读推荐; Help disabled people getting into the library Hold lectures to improve knowledge and cultivation Establish a reading platform for making friends Organize voting activities of reading with awards and inspire passion of reading Compile secondary literatures and provide access, promote reading with specific purpose 3.3开展丰富多彩的阅读活动 Hold various reading activities

牵手残疾人 走进图书馆 Help disabled people getting into the library

残障读者在阅览室里 Disabled readers at reading room

举办专题讲座 提高知识修养 Hold lectures to improve knowledge and cultivation

以书为媒,搭建阅读交友平台 Establish a reading platform for making friends

组织读书征文活动,激发读书热情Organize voting activities of reading with awards and inspire passion of reading

安徽省政府授予“十一五”期间扶残助残“先进集体” Anhui provincial government awarded Advanced Collectives of Helping Disabled People during the 11th Five-year Plan

4、做好残疾读者服务的体会 Experience of servicing disabled people 残联组织——“代表、服务、管理”残疾人,弘扬人道主义,发展残疾人事业,保障残疾人平等地充分参与社会生活 赢得经费支持,组织发动残疾人员参与活动 有效避免宣传冷清、参与者稀少 Disabled Persons Federation— Stands for, services and manages disabled people, advocates a humanitarian spirit, promotes disabled programs, and ensures disabled people fully and equally participating in social life Obtain funding support, organize disabled people participating in activities Make propaganda effectively. Avoid insufficient publicity and few participant 4.1主动联合当地残联部门,提高阅读活动的影响力 Actively cooperate with local Disabled Persons Federation, enhance the influence of reading activity

4、做好残疾读者服务的体会 Experience of servicing disabled people 4.2让残疾读者参与阅览室管理和活动策划,实现残疾人士文化自强、文化互助和文化奉献。 Invite disabled readers to manage reading rooms and plan activities, realize their cultural self-improvement, cultural mutual-help and cultural dedication.

媒体报道三位志愿者 Media reported three disabled volunteers

合肥火车站残疾人志愿者春运“值班” Disabled volunteers worked in Hefei Railway Station during spring rush

4、做好残疾读者服务的体会 Experience of servicing disabled people “真人图书馆” 利用读者的学识、经验、人生体会等发挥思想交流和示范引导的作用。 身残志坚的优秀残障读者,尤其是图书馆开展的社教活动的特殊资源。 五位残障读者成为安徽合肥市蜀山监狱首批持证“帮教志愿者”。 With readers’ knowledge, experience and life lessons, Living Library plays a role in idea communication, demonstration and guidance. Disabled readers with firm determination are special resource for library’s social education. Five disabled readers became the first certified volunteers of Shushan Prison in Hefei, Anhui Province. 4.3珍视残疾读者为特殊馆藏资源,发挥社会教育作用。 Value disabled readers as special collection resource, realize the function of social education

残疾读者成为监狱“帮教志愿者” Disabled readers became volunteers in prisons

让残疾读者登台讲座 Disabled readers delivered speeches

平等、参与、共享 平等、参与、共享 牵手残疾人 走进图书馆 Equality, Participation, Share Help disabled people getting into the library