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Presentation transcript:


一、由“while”引导的状语从句 1、表示时间,译成“当…时候;在…期间”(它可以处于主句前或后,在不少情况下从句中用进行时态) Even if(即使) no current is flowing, the voltage is there while the generator(发电机) is operating(工作). While it is recording(记录) each purchase(买卖), the computer is also checking(检查) the store’s(商店的) inventory(库存量) for reordering(再订购) purposes(目的). The book has potential energy(位能) while it is on the desk top(桌面).

2、表示对比,译成“而”(其特点是主从句的句型一般是相同的,它通常处于主句后,为了强调也可处于主句前,这时“而”字要译在主句前,) Transistor(晶体管) 1 is on(导通) while transistor 2 is off(截止). While energy is the capacity(能力) to do work(功), power(功率) is the quantity(量) of work in unit(单位) time. 3. 表示让步,译成“虽然”(它一般处于主句前,偶尔处于主句的主谓之间)

While we admit(承认) the advantages(优点) of this new design, we can see its shortcomings(缺点) While magnetic phenomena(磁现象) have been known for thousands(千) of years, a knowledge(了解) of their connection(联系) with electric current(电流) is only about 150 years old. While there has been an enormous(巨大的) amount(量) of literature(文献) about ATM(异步传输模式) over the past(过去) two years, many networking(建网) books have not focused on(侧重讲) ATM itself(本身).

思考题:英译汉 1. Motion(运动) is absolute(绝对的) while stagnation(静止) is relative(相对的). 2. Electric charges(电荷) can exert(施加) forces(力) while at rest(静止). 3. There are 360 degrees(度) in a complete(完整的) circle(圆), while the number(数) of radians(弧度) in a complete circle is 2π. 4. While cellular(蜂窝式) phones(电话) can be used in fast-moving cars and trains(火车), a PHS handset(小灵通手机) cannot be used for such circumstances(环境).

5. While the watt(瓦特) is frequently(经常) used to describe(描述) electrical power(电功率), its definition(定义) is fundamentally(基本上) mechanical(力学的).