义务教育教科书人教版九年级英语 Unit 10 单元写作 第五课时.


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Presentation transcript:

义务教育教科书人教版九年级英语 Unit 10 单元写作 第五课时

话题剖析 本单元主要以“风俗礼仪”为话题,围绕这一话题 主要学习不同国家的礼仪,如见面礼仪、餐桌礼仪等, 谈论在不同的场合应该做什么,了解不同国家的文化 习俗。 写作目标 能简单介绍不同国家人们见面时的礼仪习俗及 日常生活中的习俗。 1.能用 “ (1)you are supposed/expected to do. • • (2)polite/impolite/rude/important to do...(3)you have to…”等句型阐述各种礼仪;

2.能用“if/when you..., you should/are supposed/ expected to do...”表达各种情境下的人们该注意的礼 仪或习俗。 写作素材 写此类文章时可参考以下短语和句式。 1.重点短语:be invited to; for example; on time; say goodbye to. 2.重点句型结构:be supposed to do sth. ; Don't forget to do sth.

*Today I went to take part in a Western wedding. 今天我去参加了一个西方婚礼。 *People there always eat turkey and pumpkin pies that day.人们在那天总是吃火鸡和南瓜馅饼。 *I was very sorry because I made noise during din- ner.我很抱歉,因为我在吃饭期间制造了噪音。 *There're different customs in every country, so I want to travel around the world.在每个国家有不同的风 俗,因此我想周游世界。

范文展示 请根据提示写一篇短文,介绍一下在美国人家里 做客时的注意事项。 提示: 1.买一件小礼物,比如一束花或一本漂亮的相册; 2.准时到达主人家; 3.用餐时,表现出喜欢主人的厨艺; 4.不要在主人家待得太久; 5.告别时,记得向主人道谢。

要求: 1.书写规范,逻辑清晰,行文连贯; 2.可适当发挥; 3.词数:80词左右。 When you are invited to visit an American family, please remember the following rules. Firstly, you are supposed to bring a small gift, for example, some beautiful flowers or a nice album. Secondly, you should arrive on time. You are not supposed to be there too early or too late. Thirdly, you are supposed to show that you like the food very much. And after dinner, you are not supposed tostay there for too long

该习作结构合理、句子通顺、时态正确,提示内容 都有所涉及,是一篇不错的习作。但是,在遣词造句 上略显单一,最后的感想也交代得过于简单,应写出 Don't forget to thank them for the invitation before saying goodbye to the family. 名师点评 该习作结构合理、句子通顺、时态正确,提示内容 都有所涉及,是一篇不错的习作。但是,在遣词造句 上略显单一,最后的感想也交代得过于简单,应写出 真情实感。

Lisa是一名中国学生,她和她的美国朋友Tony正 在探讨中国和美国在一些社交场合的不同反应。具 体内容如下: 写作训练 Lisa是一名中国学生,她和她的美国朋友Tony正 在探讨中国和美国在一些社交场合的不同反应。具 体内容如下: 社交场合 与好朋友聊天时 当有陌生人碰到自己时 中国人 站得很近,肩并 肩或手拉手 不觉得是严重的 事情,也不会感 到被冒犯了 美国人 应该保持0.45一1.2米的身体距离 会感到被冒犯了

要求:1.要包含提示中的所有内容。2.条理清 晰,语意连贯。词数80左右。 提示词:肩并肩(side by side),手拉手(hand in hand),身体距离(physical distance),冒犯(offend) In China, when good friends have a chat, we usually stand side by side or hand in hand. However, Tony says that things are different in America. In their country,they are supposed to stand with a physical distance of 0. 45一1. 2 meters,and even if they are good friends.

In China,when a stranger touches us,we don't think it is serious In China,when a stranger touches us,we don't think it is serious. We don't think we are offended, either. But Tony says that Americans will think they are offended when someone touches them.

结束语 吃得苦中苦,方为人上人。