Let’s Learn to Serve God Through History Lessons 讓我們從歷史的功課裹學習事奉神 “Pay attention to missions” 留意 宣教 事工 Acts 使徒行傳 11:19-20; 13:1-3. Philippians 腓立比書 1:5-7; 4:15-17.
1. Christian faith is missionary in both its essence and in its history. 基督教信仰在 本質上和 在歷史上 兩者都是 宣教性的.
“A short course on church management” 簡短教會管理課程 --by Peter Drucker “The mission of nonprofits (including churches) is to changes lives. 非牟力機構 (包括教會) 的使命是改變人的生活.
The function of management is to make the church more churchlike, not to make the church more business like. 管理的功能是 使教會更像教會, 而不是使教會更像商業組織的樣子 (井然有序, 一板一眼的).
An organization begins to die the day it begins to be run for the benefit of the insiders and not the benefit of the outsiders. 一個組織 那天開始以 會員自身的利益好處 而不是以外人的利益 著想時 就是它死亡的開始.
Know the value of abandonment, you must decide what not to do. 認識 棄絕的價值, 一定要決定什麼是你不做的.
Focus on opportunities, not problems; most organizations assign their best resources to their problems, not the opportunities.” 集中注意力 把握機會, 不是在問題上; 絕大多數的機構把 它們最好的資源 分配到解決問題上, 而不是放在機會上.
2. Christian missionary movements are always a rank and file (grass roots, bottom-up, mass) movements. 基督教之 宣教運動 向來都是基層人士 (普通人, 草根, 由下而上, 群眾) 的運動.
3. Christian missionary movements are always originated from revival movements. 基督教之 宣教運動 都出之於 信仰復興運動.
William Borden No reserve. 沒有保留 No retreat. 沒有退卻 No regrets. 沒有後悔