Unit 4 Food and Restaurants


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Presentation transcript:

Unit 4 Food and Restaurants Lesson 22: In the Restaurant

a bow of cereal with sugar a salad

meat fruit vegetables market

waitress waiter

beef fish chicken menu dumplings order

A can of coke A bottle of coke A cup of coffee A cup of tea A glass of juice

Words and expressions restaurant n. 餐馆 waitress n. 女侍者;女服务员 order fourteen eleven beef n. 餐馆 n. 女侍者;女服务员 v. 订购;点(菜) n. 顺序 num. 十四 num. 十一 n. 牛肉

Words and expressions dumpling something problem menu can coke bottle pron. 某事;某物 n. 问题;难题 n. 菜单 n. 金属罐 n. 可乐 n. 瓶

Words and expressions Words and expressions how much no problem a can/bottle of be ready to … 多少钱 没问题 一听/瓶 准备去做……

Words and expressions self-study 1.It’s lunch time。 午餐时间到了。 2.Are you ready to order? 你们准备好点餐了吗? 3.How much are the noodles? 面条多钱?

Words and expressions self-study 4.What would you like,please? 你想吃些什么 5.I’ll have the chicken inoodles 我要鸡肉面 6.No problem 没问题

1.Would you like some _____? Would you like some dumplings, Li Ming? Yes, please! I’d like some dumplings.

2.How much is/are _____? Fifteen yuan. How much is the soup?

how much 询问价格,意为“多少钱”。 How much is + n单? How much is this book? 这本书多少钱? How much are + n复 ? How much are these apples? 这些苹果多少钱?

for为介词,在句中表示“以……的金额, 对于……多少钱”。 How much for a table? 买张桌子多少钱? How much for the dumplings? how much 也可以询问不可数名词的量是多少? How much coke are there in the bottle?

4 .Are you ready to ____? Are you ready to order? 你准备好点餐了吗 ? 是餐馆就餐服务员询问顾客是否点菜 的常用表达。其肯定回答为Yes, please. 否定回答为No, thanks.

be ready to do sth.=be ready for sth.意为“为做某事做好准备”。 例如:We are ready to go to school.=We are ready for school.我们做好了上学的准备。

练习: ( )---Are you ready to order? --- . A. Yes, please B. No, please C. Yes, I do D. No, I aren’t ( ) They are ready a rest. A. have B. has C. to have D. having A C

Exercises A C B

B B C ( ) 4.I am ready some dumplings at the restaurant. A. order B. to order C. ordering D. orders ( ) 5. water is there in the cup? A. How many B. How much C. How D. What ( ) 6.—I would like some orange juice. --- . A.Sorry B. Excuse C. No problem D. Thanks. B B C

填空 1. 现在是上午12点钟,该是吃午饭的时候了。 It’s twelve o’clock in the morning. It’s ____________ 2. ——你想吃些什么? ——我想吃一些香蕉。 —______ _____ you _____, please? —I’d like some bananas. lunch time What would like

Would you like _____ _____ _____ _____ noodles? 3. ——你准备好点餐了吗?——是的。     —____ you _____ to ______? -Yes, please. 4. 你想要一碗牛肉面条吗? Would you like _____ _____ _____ _____ noodles? Are ready order a bowl of beef

补全对话 Are to Yes would don’t Do much A: ______ you ready _____order? B: _____, please. I ______ like some dumplings. A: Sorry, we _____have any. B: _____ you have any rice and vegetables? A: Yes, we have. B: How _____ for a bowl of rice? Are to Yes would don’t Do much

补全对话 A: One yuan. B: I’ll ______two bowls. A: Would you like _____ soup? B: Yes, please. Thank you. A: You’re _________. take some welcome

Homework What would you like to order? Look at the menu in this lesson and make up a dialogue.