Presenter : Siang Wang Advisor : Dr. Yen - Ting Chen Date : 2015.12.02 運用體感互動方式之老年人認知功能評估遊戲系統 An interactive posture-sensing game system for elderly’s cognitive abilities evaluation A system of estimating elderly cognitive function by Kinect interactive game A Kinect-based interactive game of estimating system for elderly cognitive function Presenter : Siang Wang Advisor : Dr. Yen - Ting Chen Date : 2015.12.02
Introduction Taiwan Aging Trend 台灣人口年齡推估圖表
Introduction Aging symptoms Physiological Mental Osteoporosis Hearing, Vision functions are decreased Intelligence decline, etc Mental Major Neurocognitive Disorder Cognitive function decline Depressive Tendencies, etc 老化症狀 生理:骨質疏鬆、感知下降(聽覺、視覺)、智力下降 心理:主要神經、認知功能下降、憂鬱症狀
Mild Cognitive Impairment (MCI) Introduction Cognitive ability impairments Symptom One ability Mild Cognitive Impairment (MCI) Two or more ability Dementia ※問老師英文有沒有問題 認知功能的部分如果已經有一個有問題或是喪失了稱做輕度認知障礙(MCI) 如果兩個以上並且已經會影響到正常的生活的就稱做失智症
Introduction Cognitive impairments asking same question repeatedly planning nothing losing the way home expressing ambiguously 認知功能喪失可能會造成 一直重複問同一個問題 沒辦法規畫事情 走在路上迷路 沒辦法正確的表達出想要說的意思
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