使用样品杯--离体电穿孔 In-Vitro Electroporation using Cuvettes
Safety stand, electroporation buffer (with DNA), cuvettes, pipettes. Check List: Safety stand, electroporation buffer (with DNA), cuvettes, pipettes. 清单: 1、安全操作池 2、带DNA的缓冲液 3、样品杯 4、移液管
Remove the cuvette from package 将样品杯从包装内取出
Pipette sample from 50 ml tube
Load sample into cuvette 将样品注入样品杯
Make sure the sample is settled between the 2 aluminum plates. Rid of bubbles in the cuvette. 确定样品在两个铝板之间,去除样品杯内的气泡
Place cuvette into safety stand, making sure metal contacts of safety stand touches the cuvette. Use the black roller to adjust the gap between metal contacts. 将样品杯放入安全操作池(注意两个金属表面方向一致),旋紧。
Close lid of safety stand before pulsing 盖上安全盖
Make sure all cables are connected well Make sure all cables are connected well. Push start on the instrument to deliver pulse. 在确定电缆连接正确后,按下开始,启动脉冲
脉冲后,样品有泡沫(与缓冲液的类型和电极的形状有关) After pulsing, sample will foam depending on the buffer type and electrical parameters. 脉冲后,样品有泡沫(与缓冲液的类型和电极的形状有关)
Plate the sample into plates for further assay. 将样品移至平板,用于下一步的研究
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