春雪舞台灣是我們前所未見的。P172 Spring snow appears in Taiwan – we have never seen this before. 車潮爭先恐後的上山去賞雪。 The cars rush to the fore to go snow viewing. 上山的路頓時被擠得水洩不通。


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Presentation transcript:

春雪舞台灣是我們前所未見的。P172 Spring snow appears in Taiwan – we have never seen this before. 車潮爭先恐後的上山去賞雪。 The cars rush to the fore to go snow viewing. 上山的路頓時被擠得水洩不通。 The way to the mountain suddenly is crowded stationary. 全台民眾樂翻了,呼朋喚友瘋狂追逐瑞雪。 Taiwan people are in the seventh heaven to go snow viewing.

大人小孩無不歡天喜地的。P150 People are in the seventh heaven. 每個人都享受著貨真價實的雪仗。 Everyone enjoyed the real snow-fighting. 雪地裡充滿了歡樂氣氛。P70 The snowfield was filled with gayety. 雖然山上寒氣逼人但卻不減民眾上山的熱情。P173 Although cold as it was, it can’t reduce people’s enthusiasm.

There was no longer sparse snow on the southern cross-island highway. 南橫公路上不再是稀稀疏疏的雪。 There was no longer sparse snow on the southern cross-island highway. 雪景雖美,農民卻因作物無法收成而欲哭無淚。 Although the snow scenery is beautiful, farmers were too deep for tears about the poor harvest. 雪覆高山茶園,農損逾十億與一旁玩雪玩得不亦樂乎的遊客形成對比。 The snow covered the high mountain tea plantations, the damage exceed ten billion had a contrast with the visitors whom played in the seventh heaven in the snowfield. 正值萌芽期的高山茶園因寒害讓農民們極度悲痛。P74 The teas plantations on mountain are in embryo eat farmers’ heart out because of the cold damage.

即將要採收的春茶,看來是遙不可及了。P128 The spring tea is about to be collected, but it looks like far away and not within the foreseeable future. 農民們滿臉灰心絕望地看著心血付諸流水。P145 The farmers looked their painstaking throw to the winds with no hope on their face. 雖然無奈,卻只能聽天由命。中英譯寫詞庫 Although it has no choice, the farmers only obey heaven and follow fate.