based on book edited by Czippán, Varga and Faye 2010:


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Presentation transcript:

based on book edited by Czippán, Varga and Faye 2010: Collaboration for education for sustainable development curricula implications 教育合作 可持续性课程开发的启示 by Attila Varga based on book edited by Czippán, Varga and Faye 2010: 第三届中欧基础教育课程发展会议 The 3rd Chinese European Conference on Curriculum Development of Basic Education

合作是学校与一个或多个社会的合作伙伴共同努力,实现可持续发展教育的教育目标,促进学校的发展和可持续发展作出贡献。 Our definition of Collaboration in Education for sustainable development 为可持续发展,我们对教育合作的定义 Collaboration is a shared effort by schools and one or more partners in society to achieve the educational goals of ESD, promote school development and contribute to sustainable development. 合作是学校与一个或多个社会的合作伙伴共同努力,实现可持续发展教育的教育目标,促进学校的发展和可持续发展作出贡献。

Research研究 International analyses of successful collaborations国际上关于成功合作的分析 17 selected case studies of school-society collaboration for education for sustainable development.为可持续发展而选定的17个学校-社会教育合作的案例研究 The cases are from schools in Hungary, Germany, Romania, UK (England and Wales), The Netherlands, Belgium, Denmark, Austria, Finland,Switzerland, Norway, the United States and Malaysia. 这些案件均来自匈牙利,德国,罗马尼亚,英国(英格兰和威尔士),荷兰,比利时,丹麦,奥地利,芬兰,瑞士,挪威,美国和马来西亚的学校。

An example from Malaysia 来自马来西亚的一个例子 School based campaign to reduce carbon emission within the school and its extended community 学校发起的减少学校及其周边社区碳排放的活动 Exploring the CO2 emmison of travel to school探究前往学校的二氧化碳排放量 Communicate the results讨论交流结果 Planning actions with partners与伙伴计划行动

Messages for teachers 教师层面 Collaboration is a necessary element to achieve the learning outcomes of ESD可持续发展教育的学习成果,合作是其实现的一个必要元素 Collaboration should be learning centred合作应该是学习的中心Collaboration should be a participatory process in which pupils and teachers have a key role合作应该是一个参与的过程中,在这学生和教师都是关键的角色 Collaboration requires a common vision of the partners合作需要有共同愿景的伙伴

Messages school leaders 学校领导层面 Collaboration is a process合作是一个过程 Collaboration is based on clear definition of roles and responsibilities合作是基于明确定义的角色和职责 Collaboration needs a policy framework合作需要一个政策构架 Resources needed for Collaboration合作需要的资源

Messages for educational authorites教育主管部门层面 Resources needed for Collaboration合作所需要的资源 Collaboration requires teacher competencies合作需要的教师能力 Collaboration creates processes for understanding and working with the complexity of sustainability issues 合作创造理解和处理可持续发展复杂性问题的过程

Messages for school partners学校合作伙伴层面 Collaboration requires support systems (consultancy, printed and on-line materials, funding opportunities, etc)合作需要支持系统(顾问,印刷和在线材料,资金的机会等) Schools should”own” the collaboration学校应“拥有”的合作 School-level collaboration required学校层面的合作需要 Each Collaboration is unique每个合作是独一无二的 Collaboration should be marketed, communicated 合作需要营销、交流

Curriculum implementation 课程实施 There should be time for Collaboration 合作应该有时间 Collaboration should be encouraged by the curriculum鼓励课程合作 Curriculum could give a clear pedagogical background for collaboration by defining 课程能通过定义给予合作一个清晰的教学论基础 the aims of collaboration合作的目标 the methodological framework of collaborations合作的方法框架

Thank You for Your Attention! 谢谢! Attila Varga