The Sustainable Utopia 可持续的乌托邦 Enrico Giovannini University of Roma “Tor Vergata” 罗马二大 Spokeperson of the Italian Alliance for Sustainable Development.


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The Sustainable Utopia 可持续的乌托邦 Enrico Giovannini University of Roma “Tor Vergata” 罗马二大 Spokeperson of the Italian Alliance for Sustainable Development (ASviS) 意大利持续发展联盟发言人

Background 背景 1976: Decision to become an economist after reading «The Limits of Growth» 1976:在阅读《发展的局限性》之后决定成为一名经济学家 2001-2009: Chief Statistician of the OECD 2001-2009:经合组织首席统计学家 2014-now: Full professor of economics and statistics 2014年至今:经济学和统计学全职教授 2009-2013: President of the Italian Statistical Institute 2009-2013:意大利统计局主任 2013-2014: Minister of labour and social policies 2013-2014:劳动和社会政策部部长 2014-2015: Consultant to the EC and to the UN on SDGs 2014-2015:欧盟和联合国可持续发展目标顾问 2016-now: Founder and spokesman of the Italian Alliance for Sustainable Development (ASviS) 2016年至今:意大利可持续发展联盟创始人和发言人

Background 背景

People are scared 人们感到恐惧 Automation 自动化 Climate change 气候变化 Globalisation 全球化

The future we do not want The Global Risk Landscape 2018 2018年全球危机情况

The future we do not want 我们不想要的未来 Secular stagnation 长期性经济停滞 Growing inequalities 不平等加剧 Climate change 气候变化 Technological shocks 技术冲击

The ESPAS 2016 Conference: key messages 欧洲战略和政策分析体系2016年会议:关键信息 “Non-linearities and asymmetric shocks are becoming the new normal” 非线性和不对称冲击成为新常态 “Imagine the unimaginable” 想象难以想象的 “Thinking the unthinkable” 思考不可思考的

Thinking the unthinkable: is the collapse imminent? 思考不可思考的:即将发生崩塌吗?

The 2030 Agenda for sustainable development 可持续发展2030年议程 Agenda 2030 and Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) 2030年议程和可持续发展目标 17 goals 17个目标 169 targets 169个子目标 240+ indicators 240余个指标

Sustainable Development Goals: A Universal Agenda 可持续发展目标:一个普惠的议程

SDGs: A Universal Agenda 可持续发展目标:一个普惠的议程 Finally a fully integrated vision of sustainable development, based on four pillars: 一个全面、整体的可持续发展远景立足于四个支柱 Economy 经济 Society 社会 Environment 环境 Institutions 体制 Three principles: 三个原则 Integration 整体 Universality 普惠 Participation 参与

A new development paradigm 一个新的发展范例 Sociosystem services Production process

ASviS - A unique experience worldwide 意大利可持续发展联盟- 一个特别的全球组织 ASviS was established on 3rd February 2016 with the aim of increasing the awareness of the Italian society about the importance of the 2030 Agenda, and to mobilize them in order to achieve the SDGs. 意大利可持续发展联盟于2016年2月3日成立,目的是提高意大利社会对2030年议程重要性的认识,动员整个社会实现可持续发展目标。 It is the largest coalition ever established in Italy, with more than 220 members. 这是意大利规模最大的联盟组织,具有220余名成员。 A secretariat (15FTE), 20 working groups, 300 experts. 一个秘书处、20个工作小组、300名专家。 Daily updated website, weekly and monthly newsletter. 网站每日更新,新闻通讯手册每周和每月更新。 A wide range of activities: education, advocacy, research, policy recommendations, etc. 开展一系列活动:教育、宣传、研究、政策建议等。 One million euros revenues in 2018. 2018年收益为100万欧元。

The activities of the Alliance 联盟的活动 Education 教育 E-learning course for teachers and prizes for students and schools; 为教师提供电子学习课程,为学生和学校提供奖励 The Network of Universities for Sustainable Development; 可持续发展方面的高校网络 Summer School on sustainabile development and Masters; 可持续发展方面的暑期学校和硕士课程 MBA for managers of public administrations; 公共部门管理人员的工商管理课程 Masters in sustainable development (journalists, etc.); 可持续发展方面的专家(记者等)

Advocacy, information, communication, etc. 宣传、信息、沟通等 Italian Festival of sustainable development; 意大利可持续发展节日 Contests, prizes, involvement of artists and museums, etc.; 艺术家和博物馆参与的竞赛和奖励等 Weekly radio program, weekly TV news program, etc.; 每周的广播节目和电视新闻节目 Engagement of business associations, etc.; 企业联合会的参与等 Statistical research and economic modelling 数据研究和经济建模

The Festival of Sustainable Development 可持续发展节目 2017 2018

The activities of the Alliance 联盟的活动 Policy design and institutional building 设计政策、建立体制 Change the Constitution to include sustainable development 修改宪法,包含可持续发展内容 Design the Italian National Strategy on sustainable development 设计意大利国家可持续发展战略 Empower the Prime Minister to better coordinate policies for sustainable development 协助总理更好的协调可持续发展的有关政策 Take the BES/SDGs indicators in the State budget planning cycle 将可持续发展目标的相关指标纳入国家预算规划周期

Build a parlamentarian intergroup on sustainable development 建立可持续发展议会团体小组 Orient public investments to sustainable development 指导对可持续发展的公共投资 Establish a Urban Agenda for sustainable development 制定可持续发展的城镇议程 Change the corporate reporting standards towards sustainable development 改变企业的可持续发展报告标准 Build regional strategies for sustainable development 建立可持续发展的地区战略 …

BES indicators in the public budget cycle 公共预算周期的BES指标 Reform of the Budget Law 预算法改革 In April, when the Government presents to the Parliament the three-year Economic and Financial Plan, an analysis of BES indicators over the last three years and the forecasts for the following three years, based on planned policies, has to be included. 本年四月,当政府向议会介绍三年经济和财务方案时,包含了基于规划的政策对BES指标过去三年的分析,以及对未来三年的情况预测。 In February, after the adoption of the Budget Law, the Government has to evaluate its impact on the BES indicators. 本年二月,在采用预算法后,政府已经对BES指标的影响进行了评估。

ASviS Report "Italy and the SDGs“ 意大利可持续发展联盟对“意大利和可持续发展目标”的报告 ASviS publishes an annual Report to: 意大利可持续发展联盟出版年度报告: analyze the situation with respect to the Agenda 2030 and the SDGs; 对2030年议程和可持续发展目标的情况分析 put forward policy proposals using nine policy areas:Climate change and energy; Poverty and inequalities; Circular economy, innovation, employment; Human capital, health and education; Natural capital e quality of environment; Cities, infrastrctures and social capital; International cooperation. 提出九个方面的政策建议:气候变化和能源,贫困和不平等,循环经济,创新,就业,人力资源、健康和教育,自然资源和环境平等,城市、基础社会和社会资本,国际合作。

ASviS Report “Italy and the SDGs” 意大利可持续发展联盟对“意大利和可持续发展目标”的报告

ASviS Report “Italy and the SDGs” 意大利可持续发展联盟对“意大利和可持续发展目标”的报告 Today 今天

ASviS Report “Italy and the SDGs” 意大利可持续发展联盟对“意大利和可持续发展目标”的报告 2030 Business as usual 一切入往 Small increase of overall index 总体指标小幅增长 SDGs are not achieved 没有实现可持续发展目标 Paris Agreement not respected 没有遵守巴黎协议 Environamental degredation continues 环境持续恶化 Loss of positions in the ranking 排名下滑

ASviS Report "Italy and the SDGs“ 意大利可持续发展联盟对“意大利和可持续发展目标”的报告 2030 Scenario with policies aimed at SDGs 针对可持续发展目标的政策方案 Paris agreement respected 遵守了巴黎协议 National Energy strategy 国家能源战略 Youth Guarantee and policies for employment for women 青年人保障计划和妇女就业政策 Industry 4.0 + Ultrabroadband 工业4.0+,超宽带 Quality education 高质量教育

How to evaluate the trade-offs 怎样衡量取舍

The role(s) of the EU 欧盟的职责 Help countries to develop a common vision for the future 帮助国家确定未来远景 2. Develop “policy packages” to cope with a world full of shocks 制定“政策包”来应对遍布冲击的世界 3. Design policies to achieve a higher equitable and sustainable wellbeing 制定实现公平度和可持续发展程度更高的民生政策 4. Improve policy coherence 提高政策一致性 Develop common analytical tools to be used by countries in planning their own integrated economic, social and environmental policies 制定各国经济、社会和环境政策整体规划的一般分析工具

Art. 3 of the EU Treaty 欧盟条约第三章 The Union’s aim is to promote peace, its values and the well-being of its peoples. 欧盟的目的是促进和平及其价值观和人民的福祉 2. The Union shall offer its citizens an area of freedom, security and justice without internal frontiers, in which the free movement of persons is ensured in conjunction with appropriate measures with respect to external border controls, asylum, immigration and the prevention and combating of crime. 欧盟将向其公民提供没有内部边界的自由、稳定和公平的区域,确保人员的自由流动,并同时提供适当的外部边界管控、避难、移民、预防和打击犯罪方面的措施。

3. The Union shall establish an internal market 3. The Union shall establish an internal market. It shall work for the sustainable development of Europe based on balanced economic growth and price stability, a highly competitive social market economy, aiming at full employment and social progress, and a high level of protection and improvement of the quality of the environment. It shall promote scientific and technological advance. It shall combat social exclusion and discrimination, and shall promote social justice and protection, equality between women and men, solidarity between generations and protection of the rights of the child. It shall promote economic, social and territorial cohesion, and solidarity among Member States. It shall respect its rich cultural and linguistic diversity, and shall ensure that Europe’s cultural heritage is safeguarded and enhanced. 欧盟将建立一个内部市场,促进欧洲可持续发展,其基础是平衡的经济增长和价格稳定、高度竞争的社会市场经济;其目标是全面的就业和社会进步、较高的保护水平,并提高环境质量。还将促进科学和技术进步;对抗社会排斥和歧视;促进社会正义和保护、女性和男性间的公平、不同代际间的团结性以及儿童权益的保护;促进经济、社会和领土凝聚力,以及成员国间的团结。将尊重丰富的文化和语言多样性,确保保护、完善欧洲文化遗产。

ASviS Report: Indicators for EU countries 意大利可持续发展联盟报告:欧盟国家指标

习近平的绿色中国梦 在党代表大会上提到环境发展与经济发展

How to build a new political narrative 怎样建立一个新的政治策略 EU 2030? EU 2010 EU 2012 EU 2020?

How to build a new political narrative 怎样建立一个新的政治策略 The EU is not on a sustainable path. 欧盟并不是一个可持续的道路 Economic growth alone will not solve our problems. 仅仅是经济增长将无法解决我们的问题 A new vision is needed, based on resilience and sustainable wellbeing: a resilient society aims to sustain its level of individual and societal wellbeing in an intergenerationally fair distribution, i.e. ensuring current wellbeing without compromising that of future generations. 需要根据韧性和可持续的福祉建立一个新的远景:一个有韧性的社会的目标是通过代际间的公平分配,维持个人和社会福祉的水平,即确保当前的福祉,但同时不损坏后代的福祉。

How to build a new political narrative 怎样建立一个新的政治策略

From a conceptual “system view” to a policy framework 从一个概念化的“系统观点”到政策框架 Prevention measures aim at reducing the incidence and size of shocks and, in the best case, to avert them. 预防措施的目的是降低冲击的发生率和规模,最好是避免冲击。 Preparation measures aim at putting in place arrangements that would reinforce the necessary resilience capacities in case a disturbance materializes. 准备措施的目的是将强化必要的韧性能力的相关安排落实到位,如果实际发生骚乱的话。 Protection measures are required to mitigate their impact, and to provide relief from potential deprivation or a loss of the standard of living. 保护措施的目的是减少影响,减轻潜在的生活标准匮乏和损失。 Promotion measures serve to invoke the adaptive capacity (flexibility) necessary to cope with longer and/or more severe disturbances. 促进措施的目的是调动适应能力(灵活度),以应对更长期的和/或更加严重的骚乱。 Transformation measures facilitate this process, to avoid unnecessarily abrupt changes. 改革措施的目的是促进这个过程,以避免不必要的、突然的变化。

Resilience to face future shocks and achieve sustainable development 面对未来冲击和实现可持续发展的韧性 We are interested in a «transformative resilience» that takes the system onto a new «steady state»: from «bouncing back» to «bouncing forward» 我们对“有改革能力的韧性”感兴趣,将制度变为一个新的“稳定状态”:从“反弹”到“向前发展”。 From Bauman’s «Retrotopia» to an «Equitable and sustainable wellbeing utopia»: 从鲍曼的“逆托邦”到“公平和可持续福祉的乌托邦” Invest in «resilient and sustainable assets»; 投资于“韧性和可持续的资产” Invest in «resilient and sustainable businesses»; 投资于“韧性和可持续的商业” Invest in «resilient and sustainable people and societies»; 投资于“韧性和可持续的人和社会” Invest in a «resilient and sustainable system» 投资于“韧性和可持续的体系”

Break the silos 打破筒仓 Protection measures: 保护措施 Minimum income with measures to foster people’s resilience 最低收入及培育个人韧性的措施 Transformation measures: 改革措施 Energy transition 能源转型 Digicircular economy 电子循环经济 Educational system 教育制度 Fiscal system 财政制度 Preparation and prevention measures: 准备和预防措施 Health system 医疗卫生制度 Urban policies 城市政策 Environmental protection and climate change adaptation 环境保护和应对气候变化 Promotion measures: 促进措施 Gender equality 性别平等 Sustainable companies 可持续的企业 Active labour policies 积极劳动力政策

Learn about SDGs interactions 各项可持续发展目标的相互作用 The «matrix od interactions» is not full OD矩阵的相互作用并不全面

Learn about SDGs interactions 各项可持续发展目标的相互作用 Different types of interactions: 不同类型的相互作用 Positive: 积极的 Enabling 适应 Reinforcing 加强 Indivisible 不可分割 Negative (trade-offs): 消极的(取舍) Constraining 限制 Counteracting 抵消 Cancelling 取消 Neutral 中立的 The framework informs, but is not in itself a priority setting exercise. It can be applied at multiple scales (international, national, sub-national) through a thematic or geographic entry 这个框架可提供信息,但自身并不是优先的体制。可通过主题或地理区域的切入点,适用于多个层面(国际、国家、次国家)。

A big challenge: Policy Coherence 一个大的挑战:政策一致性

A big challenge: Policy Coherence 一个大的挑战:政策一致性 Political commitment and leadership – to guide whole-of-government action and translate commitment on the SDGs into concrete and coherent measures at the local, national and international levels. 政治承诺和领导力— 指导整体型政府行动,将可持续发展目标的承诺变为地方、国家和国际层面的具体、一致的措施。 Integrated approaches to implementation – to consider systematically inter-linkages between economic, social and environmental policy areas before making decisions. 一体化的执行方法—在做出决策之前,系统地考虑经济、社会和环境政策领域之间的联系, Intergenerational timeframe – to make informed choices about sustainable development considering the long-term impact of policy decisions on the well-being of future generations. 跨代际时间表—做出可持续发展的选择,并考虑到政策决策对后代福祉的长期影响。 Analyses and assessments of potential policy effects – to provide evidence on the potential negative or positive impacts on the well-being of people in other countries, and inform decision-making. 分析和评估政策的潜在影响— 提供对其他国家人口福祉的潜在消极或积极影响的证据,并纳入决策制定。

A big challenge: Policy Coherence 一个大的挑战:政策一致性 Policy and institutional coordination – to resolve conflicts of interest or inconsistencies between priorities and policies. 政策和体制协调—解决利益冲突或优先领域和政策间的不一致性。 Local and regional involvement – to deliver the economic, social and environmental transformation needed for achieving the SDGs and ensure that no one is left behind. 地方和地区的参与 — 进行所需的经济、社会和环境转型,以实现可持续发展目标,确保没有遗漏任何人。 Stakeholder participation – to make sure that the SDGs are owned by people, diverse actions are aligned, and resources and knowledge for sustainable development are mobilised 利益相关方的参与—确保可持续发展目标由人类所拥有,不同的行动是匹配的,并调动了所有的可持续发展的资源和知识。 Monitoring and reporting – to better understand where there has been progress, why there has or has not been progress, and where further action is needed. 监督和报告—更好的了解取得进步的领域,以及为什么取得或没有取得进步,所需的下一步行动是什么。

The integrated reporting systems for enterprises 企业一体化报告体系

Business and Sustainable Development Commission 商业和可持续发展委员会

Global Sustainable Investment Alliance 全球可持续投资联盟 At the end of 2016 22,900 bl USD are professionally managed following Socially Responsible Investment (SRI) strategies, using ESG (environment, social, governance) principles (+25% on 2015) 截至2016年底,遵循社会责任投资战略,应用环境、社会和管理原则,共专业管理了 229亿美元(比2015年增长25%)。 SRI funds represent 26% of all professionally managed funds worldwide and represent the most dynamic component of global financial markets 社会责任投资资金占全球所有专业化管理资金的26%,代表了全球金融市场最动态 化的部分。

Can we make it? 我们能做到吗?

Can we make it?我们能做到吗?

Can we make it? 我们能做到吗?

Can we make it? 我们能做到吗?

Can we make it? 我们能做到吗?

Can we make it? 我们能做到吗?

Can we make it? 我们能做到吗?